Get Me Married

Chapter 39
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Get Me Married By Tori Chapter 39

Chapter 39: Jordan’s confusion

“Hey” I felt someone squat close to me, followed by Jordan’s voice. Then I felt his strong arms wrapitself around me, then he lifted me off the ground and made me sit on the bed. I didn’t fight it because Iactually felt safe with him. He sal beside me and I stared at him, before I felt something drip down tomy forehead. I touched it with my hands and felt warm liquids; and looked at it, it was blood. My eyestraveled to the ground and I also saw blood, the imprint of my foot scattered the whole place with bloodand the broken vase on the floor.

“Someone was here. He…it was..” I stuttered and turned to Jordan gripping him by his shirtremembering the face of that bastard.

“The man who almost raped. The head of those kidnappers, he was here, in this room and he…..” Itrailed off when Samantha came walking in. She had a smile on her face and her arms were across herchest. I wanted to dive in on her. I wanted to hit her and hit her again till she tells the truth but my feetwas hurting and my head was throbbing to do any of those. She kept getting away, like she did nothing.

“That’s impossible Genesis, the guards in this house has been tripled after your kidnap, no one cancome in and not a wanted criminal as you claim” Samantha feigned a concerned voice and I glared ather. She looked so concerned but her eyes held that smile.

“Ofcourse a wanted criminal can come in here because there is an insider in this house and we bothknow it’s you” I snapped at her and turned to Jordan.

“Please, you have to help me. He wants to hurt me and…”

“Shhh” he placed his hands on my lips, shutting me up.

“We are going to get him, I promise” he said and turned his gaze to the door. Margaret and some othermaids where out there and she came walking in with a first aid box almost immediately.

Jordan got up from where he had sat beside me and Margaret started cleaning my wounds. Samanthaangrily stormed out and so did Jordan. Another maid came in to clear the broken vase and clean up theblood stains on the floor and for a while I was relieved that people were around

When Margaret was done cleaning and treating my wounds, she gave me some drugs and helped mechanged into something before helping me to lay back on my bed.

“Are you alright?” She had asked and I shook my head. How could I be when I had a gold diggingwhore in my house who was bent on making sure I leave in any way possible? How could I be finewhen that bastard was in the same roof with me? How could I be fine when I was facing so much for aman that doesn’t love me or see me for who I am.

“The boss would figure out everything, you don’t have to worry” Margaret said and I sighed and triedclosing my eyes’to sleep. She refused leaving my room, and made sure I slept.

“Can’t you see what she is doing?” Sam yelled the moment I came out of the bathroom. She had beenyelling ever since Genesis had yelled my name in the middle of the night and hasn’t stopped yelling.My head was hurting from the pain and the stress both women were giving me.

“Can’t you hear me, she is fooling you, all this is a game” she said as I turned to our wardrobe. Iignored her and focused on finding something to wear.

“Jordan, I am only worried about you, you think I want her having you in her clutches. That lady yousee isn’t as innocent as she looks, everything is a lie, there was no body in the house, there was noone in her room, why can’t you listen?” I groaned and turned to her, hating the fact that she wasn’tgiving me peace. She moved back from me with her eyes on the floor because she knew she had hit a

button. I tilted my head backward, looking straight at the ceiling then I took a deep breath, calmingmyself down before looking at her.

“Why would she lie about something like this?” I asked her calmly.

“Because she has been lying ever since you knew her. She is a liar and had manipulated you to be inthis house and to get married to you. The question should be why wouldn’t she lie?” She replied. Isighed and turned back to my wardrobe, not wanting to go into such a discussion anymore.

“Jordan. She wants you for herself” she continued but this time, she wasn’t yelling. Her voice was calmand sounded concerned and soothing.novelbin

“She is using the fact that she was kidnapped to have you pity her and draw you closer. She is trying tomanipulate you again. If she isn’t? Why would she say someone broke into the house, not justsomeone but the same person who had kidnapped her. How could he have passed the security thathad been tripled into her room?” I stopped what I was doing and thought about what she said.

“But you saw the vase and the injuries?”

“She could have done that herself just to get your attention. She is manipulating you, even the guardsproved that no one entered the house Jordan. I know you are smart man, think about this” she saidlastly and walked out of the room.

I sighed heavily and dressed up. Then I sat on the bed to think about what Sam had been saying.

Truly the guards had seen no one and there was no proof of breaking in. I had called the cops andinspectors in charge of her case and they found nothing as well. There was nothing just as Sam hadsaid but the images of her on the floor that always came to my mind whenever I thought about it mademe think other wise. But in everything, I had to remember one thing, she had lied and manipulated mebefore and could easily do it again.

I groaned loudly and got up from the bed. Coming out from my room, I went over to the left wing andstraight to her room.

A maid came out of her room and started towards me. She bowed when she got to where I stood. Iwalked past her and straight to the room of Genesis.

She was wide awake when I came in and the doctor was right in her room. He was checking on herbruises when I walked in. I waited and had my eyes run all over her body, examining her closely. Shelooked different from when she had first come to come over. She was wearing a

yellow gown that stopped at her thighs. There were bruises on her body and plasters too. Her eyeswere swollen and the blue in them weren’t as bright anymore. I shook my head and looked away fromher, I never like the way I felt whenever I stared at her.

The doctor finished with her and gave her some instructions before turning to me.

“She will be fine” he said and I simply gave him a nod.

Left alone with her, I walked closer with my arms folded across my chest.

“How are you?” I asked and she gave me a nod.

“Did you get him?” She asked almost immediately and I went quiet. She didn’t seem like she fakedhaving an attack and if she did I couldn’t tell. I wasn’t sure if I should believe her or if I should listen toSam who I was already doubting.

“Jordan…” She called my name and I stared at her.

“There was no break in” I simply said and watched as her eyes widened.

“But he was here, how could there be no break in?” She sluttered.

“He was right here and was leaping, you have to search for him, he was here” she said and I could seefear and terror in her eyes. That look in her beautiful eyes hurt me somewhere in the deepest part ofmy heart yet it confused me.

“Maybe he wasn’t really here” I said trying to make sense of the whole situation.

“Yes, he was. He was here….wait…are you saying am lying?” She paused and stared at me outraged.

“There was no one here. The guards saw nothing and the security has tripled for any more break in.Even the inspector detected nothing…..”

“So I’m lying then?” She asked again and I turned to her. I wanted to reply that question. I wanted tosay yes, I think you are lying but that look in her eyes that revealed so much didn’t let me.

“Get out” she snapped angrily before I could say a thing.

“I said you should get out. If you don’t believe me, you can’t protect me from that bastard so just getout, I will handle myself” she said. Usually I would be angry about her outburst, no one talked to methat way but this time I wasn’t. I actually wanted to apologize, she had gone through a lot and is goingthrough more.

“I’m just saying, he might be an illusion like in your dreams” I tried savaging the situation. But when shestarted laughing loudly, I knew I should’nt have said that.

“Jordan Chase, my husband actually believes I have gone mad” she glared at me.

“I went mad and broke a vase in my room. I also had to hurt myself and hit my head against the groundtoo right?”

“No….that wasn’t…”

“Then what are you saying then?” She yelled.

“You think I am doing all this on purpose, why would I do that? I must be the worst sinner on the planetto have been blessed with a husband like you” She said and my mind travelled back to what Samanthahad said.

“Now that I think about you, this might be your plan with Sam all along. You both had me kidnapped,that’s why no one has gotten to the criminals because you are both covering up a lot. And now that hecame in, you want me to believe that I am mad” she said and it was my turn to get angry at heroutrageous words.

“Get out, I don’t want to see you. Do what you want and never show your face to me”

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