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Chapter 1781

Chapter 1781

She paused for a moment before speaking earnestly, "I wronged you three years ago. I know what I did

was wrong, and even if you blame me, I won't make any excuses."

Charlie looked at her, his thin lips curving slightly, "I'll ask you, did you give yourself to me that night

because you felt guilty, or because you liked me? Tell the truth."

Under the penetrating gaze of his dark eyes, Emily's hidden feelings seemed to have nowhere to hide,

and she blurted out, "I didn't want Noreen to win, and I didn't want her to be with you."

"So, you like me?" Charlie's smile deepened, "Since when?"

Emily blinked, as if thinking carefully, then shook her head, "I don't know."

Charlie laughed at her innocent expression, sighing softly, “Silly girl, I never blamed you. That night, I

always thought it was you, I was happy, more than I'd ever been before. The next morning, I was ready

to take you home, but when I lifted the blanket and found Noreen, can you imagine how I felt?"

Emily frowned slightly, a pang of pain in her heart.

Charlie continued, "That's why I was angry, my joy had been doused with cold water. I even despised

myself, not knowing how to deal with this self-loathing, so I vented my anger on you."

Emily lowered her head, "I'm sorry."

“You did nothing wrong, you don't have to apologize.” Charlie sipped his drink, murmuring, “I'm grateful

that you kept Kya. The pain I felt three years ago is matched by the happiness I feel now."

Emily drained the remaining drink in her glass, her eyes gradually reddening, "I know you did a lot for

me. That ten thousand dollars, my dad's situation, I know it all. I'm grateful, but also helpless, I don'tnovelbin

know how to repay your kindness."

The sight of those castles moved her beyond words.

Charlie looked at her intently, "Just take one step towards me, just one step."

“But your family won't agree to us being together, you'll be stuck in the middle, it'll be tiring." Emily's

eyes were glossy and dark.

Charlie spoke softly, "Emily, come here, to me."

Emily gazed at his tender and affectionate eyes, and without any hesitation, she stood and walked

towards him.

Charlie grasped her wrist and invited her to sit beside him. He turned to her, holding her hands, his

eyes focused on hers, "Do you trust me? Do you believe that I only love one person, and that I can

manage the relationship between you and my family?"

Emily's eyes flickered, and she found herself nodding unconsciously.

“Then what are you afraid of? Just leave everything to me, all you have to do is stand firmly by my side”

Charlie cupped her face, "I fear nothing but your indecision, your pushing me away again."

Emily's gaze was clear, her heart seemed to be instantly free from confusion, lit by the man's gentle


She suddenly felt relieved. Even if Charlie changed his heart in the future, she wouldn't regret this

moment of gazing into his eyes. How could she not throw herself into a relationship with a man who

loved her so much?

"Emily." Charlie leaned forward, pressing his forehead against hers, "You have no idea how painful it

was for me when you said you didn't love me. You know I'm Kya’s dad, the one you can't forget, and I

was so happy I couldn't sleep. You're really driving me crazy."

The corner of Emily's lips curled slightly, her voice soft, "Even if it's torture, you're not the only one

being tortured."

Charlie's eyes darkened, he leaned in and kissed her lips gently, “It's my fault. Three years ago, when

you came to me, I missed my chance. Did you hate me for those two years abroad?"

Emily immediately shook her head, "No, never."

Charlie's heart ached slightly, ‘Let's go get our marriage certificate tomorrow."

He wanted to love her openly, to spoil her.

Emily was startled, "Get a what?"

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