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Chapter 1753

Chapter 1753

Before, Emily would have flat out refused, but now, she hesitated.

She needed to repay Noreen and take care of her father. She was in desperate need of money!

Seeing her silent, Wilson continued, "The firm is a complex environment. It's hard to get promoted, and

you have to deal with some really eccentric clients. Why not come to my company, I guarantee you'll

earn in one year what you make in few right now!"

Emily remained silent for a moment, and then said, "Let me think about it."

The last time Emily had straight out refused, but this time she said she would consider it. Wilson saw

hope. He immediately smiled and said, “No problem, take your time. You're always welcomed to join


Charlie took Gavin to meet a client. Just as they were stepping out of the car and walking towards the

tea house, they heard laughter from a coffee shop across the street. Casually glancing over, Charlie's

eyes narrowed.

Following his gaze, Gavin saw a blue Bugatti parked next to the coffee shop. Emily, holding a bouquet

of flowers, stepped out of the car and walked into the coffee shop with Wilson.

Gavin felt a knot in his stomach as he observed Charlie's dark expression. He quickly said, "It's

probably just a friend of Emily's opening a new shop. She and some friends are just there for support."

Charlie didn't say a word, just turned and walked into the tea house.

After thinking it over for two days, Emily went to talked with Cedric at the firm about resignation on


Cedric had always taken good care of her, helping her develop the skills. She felt she should tell him.

Upon hearing about Emily's resignation, Cedric was silent for a while before he spoke, "Emily, if you

want to fulfill your potential and achieve your goals, staying at the firm is the best option. Yes, the office

might be complicated, but it definitely provides more opportunities. You're still young. Don't let

immediate benefits blind you."

Emily felt a lump in her throat but managed to say, “I've made up my mind!"

Cedric sighed, a bit helpless, “Alright, I understand you have your worries, and I won't make it difficult

for you.

You can resign. But you're still handling cases. You've almost finished with Mr. Beck's. What about the

James Group's? What's your plan?"

Emily replied, "I want to hand over the James Group's case to Edwina. She's capable enough. If the

James Group isn't satisfied, they can choose someone else."

Cedric nodded slightly, “Mr. James specifically requested for you to be their designer. Now that you're

not doing it anymore, you should call them. If they agree, I have no objections."

Emily frowned and nodded, “Okay, I'll make the call."

She left Cedric's office and went to a quiet place to call Gavin.

Gavin was surprised by her resignation and after a pause, asked, "You're going to Horizon


Emily was taken aback, "How did you know?"

Gavin replied with a meaningful tone, "Emily, I suggest you reconsider”"novelbin

Emily said, "I've thought it through!"

Gavin sighed, "Alright, I can't stop you from resigning. As for the person you recommended, I'll

consider it"

"Okay, thanks!"

After hanging up, Emily didn't feel any relief. She returned to her desk and began to gather all the

designs she had drawn up for the James Building. Holding them in her hands, she felt as if a huge

weight was pressing down on her, making it hard for her to breathe.

After what seemed like forever, her phone suddenly vibrated. She glanced at it, her breath hitching.

After a moment, she answered, "Hello?"

"I'm outside your company. Come meet me!"

Charlie's voice was indifferent, as if he was trying hard to control his anger. It was not a request; it was

a command.

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