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Chapter 427

Selena playfully punched him in the chest. “You'll need to spend the rest of your life compensating my losses, then.”

‘I'll do it right now!” Pierre lifted her into his arms and brought her over to their bed immediately. They were both panting when Pierre finally reachedan arm aver to get a condom for them. They had an unspoken agreement on the topic of protected sex—they had always used protection, althoughthey had never once discussed this matter. They both believed that they would need to have a plan before they got another child.

She held onto his arm to stop him. “It's fine,” she uttered“What?”“We can just do it since I can’t get pregnant.” she replied.

“Well, it seems like that wasn’t entirely bad news. I've always hated wearing that rubbery thing!” Pierre looked as if he had just won a lucky draw ashe pulled his hand away from the drawer.

They received the notice from the higher-ups about a week later—they were allowed to proceed with their wedding procedures. The registrationprocedure was supposed to be a sacred and meaningful moment in their lives. so Pierre and Selena decided they would leave the children at homewith the maids while they went off to spend some quality time with each other. Who else brings their children along when they're collecting theirmarriage certificate, anyway? Furthermore, it’s not just one child—we have three of them!

On the day itself, Selena woke up in the morning and pulled the blinds open to see that it was a cloudy day. She felt her spirits dampening at the sightof the gloomy weather. The skies looked as if it were opposed to their grand day, and the dark clouds made her feel more depressed than ever.“Should we do it another day instead?” Pierre asked as he yawned.

“No!” she immediately replied. “I want it today! I don’t want to delay it even for a single second!” She crossed her arms in front of her chest andgrowled at the cloudy skies in front of her window. "I’m gaing to get married today!

Pierre burst into laughter. “I didn't know you wanted to get married so badly!”

“Pfft! I've already given you three kids, and I still haven't gotten the title that I deserve. I’m at a disadvantage here, don’t you think? Hurry up and getout of bed. Let's go!” I’m not desperate to get married. I'm just worried that something else might occur and stop us from getting married to eachother.

After breakfast, Pierre drove to the Civil Affairs Bureau with Selena in the passenger’s seat. They quickly found themselves caught up in the dreadfulpeak hour traffic jam. To Pierre's surprise, Selena was in a great mood that morning—she didn't lose her temper even once. He reached over andheld onto her hand while they waited in the jam. “The road to happiness is strewn with setbacks,” he whispered.

“Don't you think we've had a little too many setbacks?” We've been through so much—I think we've struggled more than we need to, she thoughtPierre smiled without saying anything else. He agreed that their relationship hadn't been the easiest thing to accomplish

It was nearly noon when they finally

arrived at the Civil Affairs Bureau,

but they arrived only to discover that

the workershad gone out for their

lunch break: The couple stared ats onovelbin

the locked doors speechlessly ~>

before they exchanged glances with

eachho her. "Do you want to.fave

sore lunch first?” Pierre shrugged.He could just give the bufeau a callto have this entire matter handled,but he was Curious to see how longSelena would be able to tolerate thishassle. Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org


Let's go! I heard that couples shouldhave noodles on the day of theirmarriage to ensure that theirrelationship lasts as long as thenoodles that they eat. Come on!Let’s go eatoodles!” Selenadragged Pierre along as she strode~around to ook for a store that soldnoodles. However, she couldn't finda single restaurant that so dnoodlesneat them. “These people.a are terriblebusinessmen, don’t you think? Theyshould know that married coupleswould want to have noodles aftergetting married, so they should opena few noodle stores near the bureau.I'm sure they'd have customers nomatter how bad their noodlestasted!” Selena was clearly agitated.All of a sudden, she turned around tolook at Pierre. “My eyelid’s twitching.I feel like something bad is about tohappen.” Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

He smacked her on the head. “Stopbeing so superstitious!” With that, hepulled his phase out to look fornoodle stores that were close tothem. Heknew that he would havetosa isfy-her desire to have nogdlesfor luaah. However, the search:results showed that the nearestnosd e store was about five-milesaway. It wasn't far from theilocation, but the route to therestaurant was one of the mostcongested roads in town, and hewasn't sure if he wanted to torturehimself by sitting through that jam.Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

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