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Chapter 426

However, the news of her being unable to conceive still came as a huge blow to her. What's going ta become of Juniper, then?

Once she got home, Pierre could tell that she was bothered by something just by the look on her face. But she had to conceal her emotions in front ofher children, so Pierre didn't get a chance to talk to her about it then. That was the thing about having children around—they always had to controlthemselves and contain their emotions. Pierre finally brought the question up once the children were asleep. “Did you get your body checkup report?”he asked when they got into their room

“It's out.” Selena gave him a faint smile. “Everything’s fine. Today was a tiring day: let's go to bed.”

He grabbed onto her hand as he could tell that she was hiding something from him. “Spit it out. If you really want to hide something from me, youshould work on your acting skills to make sure that I don’t realize anything at all. The moment I realize something, I'm not going to let you go so easilyanymore!” He gave her a light smack on her bottom as he spoke.

‘I'm really fine. I’ve just been too busy recently.” She didn’t want to tell him about the news.

If she couldn't conceive a child, then someone else would have to be Juniper's donor. Joaquin and Jameson were way too young—Selena and Pierrewould never allow children their age to undergo such a procedure. If Selena couldn't do it, then Pierre was their only option. However, due to Pierre'sidentity, he would have to give up on everything he had now if he wanted to become Juniper’s donor. His job required him to be in his peak physicalcondition at all times, and that would no longer be possible after he completed the procedure. Selena didn’t want to make things hard for him.

Right then, Pierre pressed his palms against Selena’s cheeks. “Didn't we agree that we would deal with everything together? Tell me what's botheringyou.”novelbin

She knew that she wouldn’t be able to hide the truth forever. “The doctor said that I... might not be able to conceive a child again.”

“We can just not have childrenanymore. We already have three,anyway!” Thegrin on Pierre's facestiffened right after he finished nig:sentencé—-he realized what had ~been troubling Selena then. The:couple looked at one anothenbeforeSelena slowly lowered her gaze.They both knew what was going onin each other's minds, and they bothunderstood what it meant. Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org

After a moment of silence, Pierre rubbed his thumb against Selena’s cheek. “It’s fine. I'm sure we'll find a way.”

Selena knew that they didn’t have any other choice—their limited options were all spread out in front of their eyes. But she simply looked away andagreed to his statement then. “Yeah. I'm sure we'll find a way.”

“Did the doctor explain why you can't have a child anymore?” he asked.

"Yeah. The doctor said that it wasdue to my poar recovery after givingbirth to the tplets. But he didn'tmake the sitdation sound that =bleak—he gave me acontact = >numberfor a traditional Chinese.doctar-and said that I might be ableto give birth with the help of'sometraditional treatments.” Agrin finallyformed on Selena’s face. “Sinceyou're so good in bed, perhaps youmight be able to compensate for thethings that I lack in my body, right?”Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Pierre giggled in amusement, butthey both understood that it was amere joke to make themselves feelbetter. He also knew that the issuewas severe—a patient's case wasusually hopeless if their Westerndoctor told them to try out atraditionaKChinese doctor'streatments. Doctors generally ty>their bast to sound hopeful fortheirpatients so that thei patientswouldn’ t feel too disheartened.Everyone’ s kept alive because ofthat sliver of hope that we all hold inour hearts, anyway. But I guess weshouldn't be too optimistic aboutSelena being able to conceive a childagain. “I’m sorry.” Pierre pulled herinto his arms. “It’s all my fault. Youwouldn't have had to suffer so muchif I had managed to find you earlier.”It’s all because of me. She gotpregnant; she gave birth to triplets;she got chased out of the house andsent to work under Hades allbecause of me. I'm the reason she’sin this state right now. Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org


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