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Chapter 428

Selena let out a dejected sigh. "Should we just eat something else?“We'll eat noodles!” He held onto her hand and led her into a small alley.

“Where are you taking me? It's five miles away, isn't it? Are we going to walk all the way there?” she cried. He led her through an intricate network ofpassages and somehow managed to find a noodle store hidden in one of the alleyways. It was a tiny stall set up in a residential area, and it didn’tlack like a legitimate restaurant. The store was dim and quiet as they looked into it from outside—it didn't look like a nice place at all.

“Is this the place?” Selena asked.“Yeah. Do you have a problem with it?” Pierre asked in return.

She rubbed her rumbling tummy. “No! Let's go!” The two of them strode into the shop. A couple ran the place, and one of their children was sitting atthe corner of the shop while doing her homework. The lady owner was carrying another young child on her back as she walked over to serve them.Selena and Pierre could immediately tell that their family of four was struggling to make ends meet—the restaurant was probably their sole income.

“What would you guys like to eat? We serve homemade noodles here. Would you like to take a look at the menu?” The lady gestured toward a menuhanging on the wall.

‘I'll have some beef noodles,” Selena said after glancing at the menu

“Same for me,” Pierre said as the lady turned toward him. “Alright. Do you guys want anything else? We have shrimp. fried chicken, and cabbage asside dishes. Would you like to try some of those?

“We'll have one of each, then.” Selena ordered an unnecessary amount of food.

“Alright!” The lady beamed as shehurried off to prepare their food.Once all the onlers were served,Selena andPierre’s table was filled.with dishes. Fortunately, the lady ~s -owner was sensible enough— sheserved them smaller servings-ofeach’ dish as she thought that theywouldn't be able to finish their foodotherwise. Even their beef noodleswere smaller than the usual servingsize. “Enjoy your meal,” the ownersaid. Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

There were barely any customers inthe store. Selena and Pierre figuredthat they could spend their timehanging around in the restaurant asthey still had an hour to wastebefore the Civil Affairs Bureau wasopen. The twe.of them slowlymunched_on their food while they ~watchedthe restaurant owners Sgoing about with their lives. The ‘adyownet checked on her elder —~daughter's homework once-shfinished cooking, and shethen gotsome snacks to feed her youngerchild. The male owner didn’t havemuch to do either—he stepped outof the kitchen and sat around as hewatched his daughter doing herhomework. The way their familycame together was a heartwarmingsight to Selena. She could tell thatthey weren't locals, and she knewhow hard it was for foreigners tosettle in a town like this. But I lovehow their whole family is in thistogether—life might be challengingand tiring for them, but at leastthey'll be energized by the supportthey get from their own family.Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org



“What is it? Do you want to start a noodle restaurant yourself?” Selena had been zoning out as she watched the family, and she only snapped out ofher daze when Pierre spoke to her.novelbin

“That's exactly what I'm thinking about.” She gave him a side-eye. Finally, she accepted the fact that she would never get the chance to experiencethe joy and happiness of being a regular person—she knew that she would have to live in fear for the rest of her life. It's okay. I'll still do my best toprotect our family while waiting for Pierre to come home to us.

After they finished their meal, the lady owner came over to give them the bill. “It’s a total of 33, but you can just give me 30.”

“That doesn't sound right. Did you miss out on something? How could it only be 30?” Selena glanced at the prices on the menu—it was evident thatthe lady had miscalculated and charged them a lower price.

“No, I didn't. I only charged you half the price of the items since I gave you small servings. You can just come back for a meal in the future if youenjoyed your food today,” the owner replied

Selena paid through her phone before they left the store. As they stepped out onto the street, Selena turned around to address the lady owner oncemore. “Madam, do you know if there are any other noodle stores around the Civil Affairs Bureau?”

“No. We're the only ones around.Most of the people who go to theCivil Affairs Bureau are there toregister fortheir marriage, and manyof them would want to eat noodlesafter that to ensure that theirrelationships last for a long time.However, we simply don't haveemough money to rent a store that’sany closer to the bureau, § so we hadto open it here instead. All we can dois hope that those who come over toget married might hear of our store.”Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

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