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Chapter 28novelbin

What Hunter said was right and the tonic worked wonder on her, because in the next morning Lilacwoke up. she could feel the pain eased a little bit and she could breathe easily

The pain was still there, but it was more bearable and more like discomfort feeling rather than theactual pain.

However, the first thing that she heard when she woke up was the commotion outside of her bedroomand this made her frowned.

“What is going on?” Lilac muttered to herself, her b*dy was still weak because she had to endure thepaint for days, which caused her unable to eat properly, but aside from this discomfort, she was fine.

Lilac then heard the voice that she didn’t want to hear at all. It was Aiden and from the sound of it, hewas having an altercation right in front of her bedroom. Nasty words were thrown and this startled her alittle bit because she had never heard Aiden was swearing like a rogue

What was going on? Lilac was curios and her curiosity got the best of her, as she heard the otherperson didn’t put up a fight and try to calm Aiden down.

Once she opened the door, she saw Aiden was seething at Roland, he was the warrior of the pack andLilac was clueless why the two of them were here.

-What is going on here?” Lilac asked to the two stunned men before her eyes.

“Lilac! You are awake!” Aiden exclaimed, his expression looked relief, though Lilac didn’t show thesame emotions as him when she saw her ex mate.

The mate bond between them was so faint, she almost couldn’t feel it, thus she felt a little bit confusedwhy Aiden was still trying to meet with her, since the bond between them was barely there.

“Move away, Roland!” Aiden growled at the warrior. “I will not be polite if you still stand on my way.”That was a threat and Lilac just knew Aiden liked to threaten the the other people to get his way.

“Aiden, this is a direct order from the alpha, I can’t allow you to meet with her.” Roland then glanced atIris. “You better come inside and spent some time there. I will take care of this

Actually, Lilac was fine and was even more grateful because Roland wanted to deal with Aiden, sinceshe didn’t have the capacity to do so right now, but she was still curios about what was going on.

Yet in the end, she decided that her curiosity was not worth and she didn’t really want to know whatactually had transpired. Her head was aching now.

“Okay,” Lilac said, but when she turned around and was about to close the door when Aiden suddenlydashed forward and grabbed her hand, while Roland tried to prevent him by doing so, as he put hishand.

on his shoulder.

Both men glared at each other, neither of them wanted to back down and Lilac was trapped in themiddle. of it

She was in predicament, because if one of them decided to break into a fight, she would be the one,who would take the advantage, since it was pretty clear, being in a close range within their fight wouldput her in danger.

“I don’t want to talk with you, Aiden. There is nothing to talk about,” Lilac said, she hoped Aiden wouldlet go of her hand because right now she could feel how painful it could be when his grip tightened


her wrist.

“Lilac!” Aiden shouted at her viciously. “You can’t just reject me without saying anything!”

It was actually pretty funny when Lilac heard that. “You wanted to banish me from the pack, remember?she threw that fact to his face and now Aiden was at lost for words because he really did that

“I can explain that, there is no need to throw away our bond like this!”

“So, it’s fine for you to throw me out of the pack?”

Once again, Aiden was at lost for words, as he opened his mouth and closed it again, without beingable to think of a way to retort what Lilac said.

“Wow! I don’t know you can snap back like that!”

The three of them turned their heads around and found Hunter had been watching this dispute, nob*dyknew how long he had been there, because they were too tensed to realize there was someone elsehad been staring at them.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” Aiden roared, he completely turned his b*dy around to faceHunter, but he didn’t let go of Lilac’s hand, which made her grimaced in pain, because without Aidenrealized it, he had twisted her wrist.

The sight of Lilac was in pain turned Hunter’s eyes slightly darker.

“Let go of her hand,” Hunter said, his easy–going nature and his playful side disappeared, as his voiceand expression darkened.

“Why?” Aiden growled. He heard what Hunter had asked for in exchanged of all the prisons war and allof them thought it was a small price to be paid, but of course, Aiden didn’t think the same. Lilac was hismate, he still thought of her as one, there was no way he would let her out of the pack in exchange tothose people. He couldn’t care less about them!

“Because you hurt her,” Hunter said in a matter of fact tone. He approached the three of them andRoland could feel the situation would escalate further.

“Alpha Hunter, may I know why do you come here?” Roland asked politely, but his whole b*dy stiffenedthe closer this alpha was to them.

“I will take her back with me today.”

“Bullshit! She will not go anywhere! She will stay here!” Aiden roared angrily and his grip on Lilactightened even more.

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