Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 878 They were so Alike
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Chapter 878 They were so Alike

Maximilian immediately realized that the middle-aged woman was Jude's mother because they looked

so alike.

Maximilian smiled and greeted politely, "Hello, Mrs. Robertson."

"Hello." The middle-aged woman first looked at Maximilian up and down, nodded without much

enthusiasm. A disdainful expression flashed in her eyes.

Maximilian noticed her slight expression and smiled bitterly. He did not expect that Jude’s mother

women would look down on him. However, he was used to receiving disdain like this.

"Mom, he is my friend. He helped me a lot today, so I invite him to our home to taste the braised pork

you cooled." Jude also felt a little embarrassed and pulled her mother’s arm with an appealing look.novelbin

She knew her mother's character to some extent and was afraid that she would drive Maximilian out.

Both of them would be extremely embarrassed if her mother asked Maximilian to leave.

She knew the importance and was worried about the results. She subconsciously looked at her mother

and hoped that she would not be too impolite.

The middle-aged belle saw her daughter's eyes and finally felt speechless. In desperation, she had to

let Maximilian in because she also found it inappropriate to keep him out.

She still hated and resented Maximilian and thought that he was not qualified to be her daughter's


When Maximilian was sitting on the sofa, the middle-aged belle subconsciously dragged Jude to

another room and said with her brows wrinkled, "Why did you invite him to our house? He’s just an

ordinary person. You should improve your taste. Do not have any dealings with such people."

"Mom, how can you think so? It’s your prejudice." Hearing that, Jude immediately retorted, not only for

Maximilian but also for her own thoughts.

And she also knows that Maximilian is not an ordinary person, and the other person has great potential.

Even now, she does not see the real background of Maximilian.

Jude’s mom insisted on her ideas and said stubbornly, "Forget it. Ask him to leave after dinner. He

doesn’t even bring any gifts for my birthday today. Even if you wanna make friends, you should choose

a better guy."

"Mom, you wanna drive him out just because he brings no gift, do you?"Jude could not help but ask.

She felt that her mother's idea was too extreme. After all, it’s the first time for Maximilian to visit their

home. There was no need to bring gifts.

The middle-aged woman stopped talking, but her eyes indicated all her thoughts.

Hearing that, Jude rubbed her forehead and became speechless, too. She thought that Maximilian was

still sitting on the sofa, and it was inappropriate to make him wait for a long time.

Her mother suddenly became angry when she found that Jude ignored her words.

"Take some fruit first." Jude put the fruit bowl on the table with a smile.

Maximilian heard what they said in the room clearly, but he affected nonchalance at the moment, and

he took an apple to eat.

After a while, the door was knocked again, and a middle-aged man came. Maximilian saw him and

immediately realized that the man was Jude’s father.

Jude had talked about her father more or less to Maximilian. He was a senior government official with a

high position. He was just under Chief Carr.

"Dad, you come back," Jude said happily.

The middle-aged man nodded and said, "Well, it’s your mother's birthday today. I should come back. By

the way, who is he?"

He then paid attention to Maximilian. Although Maximilian did not wear expensive clothes, he could see

that Maximilian was not just an ordinary person.

Maximilian smiled and said, "Hello, Mr. Robertson, I’m a colleague of Captain Jude."

He knew that it would be strange to call himself Jude’s friend. Then colleague would be an appropriate


Hearing that, the middle-aged man looked at Maximilian strangely and rubbed his eyes. He guessed

that Maximilian must have a high position and was not an ordinary person. He did not expect that

Maximilian was actually a subordinate of his daughter.

He became despised more or less but did not care about Maximilian. He nodded perfunctorily and

ignored Maximilian directly.

Jude said awkwardly, "I'm sorry. My parents did not mean that. They are just uncommunicative."

In fact, Maximilian wanted to tell her that their eyes could hurt others even without a single word. But he

thought that he should not blame Jude because she was innocent.

"It does not matter. I am used to it." Maximilian said with a smile.

And at this time, someone else knocked on the door. Maximilian was startled and thought that he

should not visit their home today. He would be embarrassed if their relatives came for dinner with them.

Then he would become the only outsider.

Even if he was cheeky, he could not stand such a situation. Therefore, he suddenly felt awkward.

After opening the door, the smile on Jude's face suddenly froze. She thought that perhaps their

relatives came here, but it turned out to be a man she hated.

Seeing Jude opening the door for him, the man was overjoyed. He greeted Jude, "Hi, how are you?"

Jude looked at the man coldly and became speechless. She said bluntly, "Why are you here? You

should not come to my home. Please leave. You are just a stranger to me.

The man immediately became awkward. He did not expect that Jude would embarrass himself so

much. She was driving him out.

At this time, the man subconsciously glanced at the people inside. When the middle-aged belle saw the

man, she suddenly smiled and greeted him, "Hey, Aescul. Nice to meet you."

When the man named Aescul heard that, his eyes lit up. He thought he would be driven out and could

not believe that Jude’s mother welcomed him so much.

He suddenly felt happy. It was perfect that her mother would help him. Aescul subconsciously greeted

Jude’s mom.

Originally, he was still worried that he would be stopped. When he saw the belle, he suddenly became

relieved and thought that her mother would let him in.

Jude rubbed his forehead and felt strange. She was very helpless to her mother. She disliked Aescul

very much and her mom still let him in.

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