Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 877 Geomantic Omen
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Chapter 877 Geomantic Omen

The bald man in a suit regrettably look at Maximilian and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Lee. Sorry for bothering


Maximilian waved his hand and said, "Never mind. Take your brother away now."

The bald man in a suit knew that Maximilian did not care about them and then looked at the bald man

in sunglasses angrily. He said coldly, "Do you hear what Mr. Lee said? Get out right now."

Hearing that, the man in sunglasses froze. He looked at his men and remembered that the problems

between the one-eyed man and them had not been settle yet. They would talk about it today. If he left

now, they would think he was terrified.

After all, it was different. The bald man with sunglasses had to tell his brother about it. The bald man in

a suit shouted angrily, "Look at the time! You still think about these trivial things. Do not make any

trouble for me in the future, or maybe I cannot protect you next time."

The bald man with dark glasses was discouraged then. He knew that his brother was not joking. He

reasoned and finally had to give up.

The bald man in a suit still reminded him, "Give up your business. You can solve the little problems, but

do not make big trouble."

"Brother, I don’t understand." The man in dark glasses was puzzled. Actually, he was a famous local

villain, he did not want to lose his position.

His brother said tonelessly, "Madam Jude is Mr. Lee’s friend. I think you blew up the affair so Mr. Lee

came to support her."

The bald man with dark glasses was relieved. No wonder Maximilian and Madam Jude came here. He

had not understood why they were here until his brother told him the truth.

"Brother, I get it." The bald man in sunglasses did not insist. He confessed his mistake in advance and

said to the one-eyed man in a soft voice, "You win. It’s all my fault."

With his brother's enlightenment, the bald man with sunglasses wanted to turn enemies into friends. He

pretended to be obedient in front of Maximilian and also show respect to the one-eyed man.

On the other hand, if the one-eyed man did not reply to the baldy’s apology and continue to make

trouble, he would also suffer.

The one-eyed man was a little surprised. He did not expect the tough man to give in at this time. But he

realized that the man’s brother was a right-hand man of Mr. Connor. Thinking about it, he decided to

bury the hatchet so that he could get acquainted with the bald man in a suit without extra effort.

Besides, he could not understand what had happened. If they continued to fight like this, he would

certainly be targeted by bald men in a suit. So he became polite immediately.

"Baldy, no need to apologize to me. We are friends. We are just arguing for a little profit before. It’s also

my fault. If I took a step back, it’ll be different today." The one-eyed man became even more polite to

the bald man in sunglasses, scratched his head, and said.

The bald man in sunglasses and the one-eyed man were reconciled. The bald man in a suit said, "You

should keep the identity of Mr. Lee as a secret."

Although the bald men in sunglasses and the one-eyed man did not understand the reasons, they had

no choice but to follow the instruction. Since the bald men in a suit told me so, they could not ask any

other questions.

Maximilian looked back at Jude and said with a smile, "Now the affair has been settled."

Jude was very satisfied with such a result, which was exactly what she wanted. She smiled at

Maximilian and said, "In fact, thanks to you, or it would not be so easy to solve."

Jude originally thought that Maximilian was so unwise and impulsive. But now, after seeing what

Maximilian had done, she suddenly realized that he had already made complete preparations. That

was the reason why he looked so confident.

Since the current affair was solved, Jude told Maximilian that all of the recent major cases had been

settled. Maximilian said faintly, "If you need help, call me at any time."

Jude nodded and felt that she had owed Maximilian much favor. After all, she did not repay him yet, but

Maximilian helped her a lot.

Suddenly, Jude thought of a good idea and said to Maximilian with a smile, "Are you free tonight? How

about going to my house for dinner."

Hearing that, Maximilian was a little surprised and said, "Is that OK? After all, it’s inappropriate for me

to visit your house."

"Inappropriate? Why? You dislike my house? Or you think it’s unlucky to visit my house?" Jude was a

little unhappy, frowning.

Seeing Jude misunderstand what he said, Maximilian hurriedly waved his hand and explained, "Of

course not. After all, you are a girl. Others will gossip if I visit your home."

Hearing that, Jude looked up and down at Maximilian and suddenly burst into a smile.

Maximilian scratched his head and felt confused. He completely did not understand what Jude meant.

Jude smiled, "You are always vigorous and effective, and I never thought you can be so considerate."

Maximilian glanced at her discontentedly, "I'm not a hooligan."

"Do not worry. No one will gossip. We are friends.” Jude added, "If my parents knew your stories, they

would appreciate you very much."

Hearing that, Maximilian felt a little strange. It seemed that he would visit Jude’s parents. However,

seeing Jude’s pure smile, he stopped ridiculing her.novelbin

Maximilian did not want to go, but Jude repeatedly invited him. It was hard to refuse her, so he agreed.

Then Maximilian went to Jude's home.

Maximilian was surprised that Jude lived in a residential building. He thought that they would live in a

villa according to her family background.

Maximilian emphatically did not look down on Jude. He felt that Jude should live in a slightly upscale


Jude said, "My parents and I do not have many requirements for the house. It can simply be

comfortable and does not need to be luxurious."

Maximilian replied, "Actually, you deserve to live in a high-end community."

"It's mainly my father. Although he’s superior in H City, he’s always thrifty and does official business

according to official principles."Jude spread her hands.

“Wow," Maximilian said and then understand that her family did not want to court fame and fortune. He

admired them for their moral excellence because he thought that few people in this world would do so.

They knocked on the door, and a middle-aged belle opened the door. Although the belle was a little

elder, she must be a great beauty when she was young.

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