Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 872 A Truth Near at Hand
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Chapter 872 A Truth Near at Hand

The curator slightly raised the corner of his lips and seemed pleased to hear the request of Maximilian.

"As you wish." He accepted the proposal, and called up all his men to the place without any hesitation.

All those museum employees, gathering around the spot and wondering what was going on, were all

lined up in front of Maximilian, waiting for further instructions from their boss.

Maximilian ran his eyes over the queue, shook his head and sighed, "I appreciate both the co-operation

of you and your men, Mr. curator. However, there is still one man missing in the queue."

Maximilian was actually not sure about whether there was one man missing or not. However, knowing

that something was hidden deep underneath the inside of the curator, Maximilian chose to take a

chance and see whether he could dig out more clues from this suspicious man.

Fortunately, it seemed that Maximilian had perfectly reached his purpose. Hearing the words of

Maximilian, the curator broke out into a cold sweat and said tremblingly, "Well… It was not the truth.

What makes you think of that?"

It seemed that Maximilian successfully won the bet. Indeed, there was one man missing among the

employees, who was the nephew of the curator.

Suddenly, one of the employees looked around his colleagues and asked loudly, "Hey, does any see

the nephew of the curator? Where did he go?" The words reminded all the others around him, and

aroused their heated discussion about the absent nephew of the curator.

"Silence, you idiots! He just happened to not be here today!" The curator shouted at his men angrily. All

those employees were surprised and confused by the unusualness and overreaction of their boss since

he was supposed to be a good-tempered man and would never get angry no matter how playfully they

spoke to him in daily contact.

"Now, it seems obvious to me that the identity of the suspect." Said Maximilian quietly with his eyes


Hearing that Maximilian had figured out who the suspect was, all the employees went up and

surrounded Maximilian, waiting for the truth to be exposed. For Jude, as she was sighing for the

incredible efficiency and insight of Maximilian, she was also wondering whether the conclusion he drew

was set up on a countable basis.

Maximilian slightly opened his eyes, looked at the curator and said, "The theft, Mr. curator, is your

nephew!" As Maximilian's voice died away, everyone in the presence turned to the curator, which

quickened the curator's heartbeat.

"Nonsense! There is no way that my nephew would ever do that thing!" The curator shouted at


"I'm just telling the truth, Mr. curator." Answered Maximilian.

The people around them, including Jude, were actually questioning the conclusion drawn by

Maximilian, wondering whether it was a statement with solid proof or a thoughtless inference.

Jude frowned and turned to Maximilian with an awkward smile on his face. She stepped up to him and

whispered "I hope you're not joking, Maximilian. It was a serious and formal case, and any of our

conclusions should be based on a large quantity of solid and practical evidence."

"Trust me, Jude. I will bring this case to an end." Maximilian turned to Jude with a confident smile and


Jude, after a few seconds of hesitation, sighed and said, "I hope you know what you're doing,


The museum curator grinned evilly, thinking that Maximilian was just giving some totally unfounded

claims. He then laughed loudly and said, "I think it's time to hand over this affair to our dear Miss. Jude,

since we have no time to waste listening to your meaningless nonsense. Now, let's…"

"The reason why I drew such a conclusion," Maximilian intervened and said, "is that I have heard that

your nephew was exactly the one who was appointed as the guard of the painting, of course, by you.

I'm sure that it can tell something."

The sudden response of Maximilian made the curator dumbed. He could sense the growing confidence

of Maximilian in his conclusion, which made him anxious and panic again.

The curator uncontrollably yelled out, "Yes, I sent him to this position, while I did it only because he was

my close nephew. Moreover, after things happened, I had also suspended him from his duties for

almost a month as punishment!"

"I don't think such a punishment would be enough for a man who had failed to protect the cherished

painting of this museum. If it were someone else, he would have probably been dismissed rather then

simply sent back to his home and suspended for a month." Said Maximilian, and people around him,

looking at each other and nodding their heads, seemed to agree with Maximilian's opinion.

"It was none of your business! How dare you to lecture me around my domestic affairs!" Shouted the

curator with his trembling voice.

Hearing that the curator said this case was one of his 'domestic affairs', those employees began to feel

that the curator was indeed hiding something about the lost painting.

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