Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 815 Exerting Pressure
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Chapter 815 Exerting Pressure

The personal bodyguards around Gail were smoking in the woods. They thought their young master

had gone into the hotel, and there was nothing for them do to. But when they heard the angry roar of

the intercom, they then wiped a cold sweat and hurriedly ran out from the grove.

"Gail, we are here." Only then did those strong bodyguards run out one after another and respectfully

said to Gail.

After Gail saw his bodyguards coming, he immediately felt confident, and he pointed at Maximilian and

sneered, "Hit him to death."

Those strong bodyguards were all obedient to orders, and once Gail gave the order, no matter who it

was, they just did it.

At this time, Flora ran out. It turned out that she was bored at the company and wanted to find

Maximilian. When she came out and saw this scene, she couldn't help but be stunned.

"Why are you here?” Flora still had a problem with Iris and frowned, "Is it because of you that

Maximilian got involved in it?"

If it was usual, Iris would contradict Flora, but at this moment, she revealed a guilty look. It was indeed

her who had caused Maximilian to get involved.

"You'd better call someone over, I'm afraid he can't handle it alone." Iris was worried. In case

Maximilian was beaten to death, she would blame herself.

"Don't worry, I'm very confident in Maximilian." Flora smiled and waved her hand as if she was

watching a movie.

Iris was slightly stunned. She couldn't imagine why Flora could be so confident in Maximilian. At this

time, Iris saw those strong men who targeted Maximilian fly backward. Only then did Iris suddenly

remember that when Maximilian seemed to face dozens of people last time, he remained unharmed as

usual. After thinking of this, she realized that she didn't need to worry Maximilian.

"I told you Maximilian could do it." Flora said with a smile.

After seeing Maximilian's magnificent figure, Iris's eyes had a few more infatuation and admiration, and

she was envious of Victoria in heart.

"Gail, that kid is too powerful." Those strong bodyguards were gritting their teeth in pain, and they all

gave up on fighting with Maximilian.

Gail was shocked. Was Maximilian still the notorious loser in H City? Was a loser so powerful?

"Good, you actually dare to hit my people." Instead of conceding, Gail sneered, "You're finished, I'll call

Samuel and see how he'll clean you up." He subconsciously made a call to Samuel.

Samuel was drinking tea, and only after he saw that the caller was Gail did he hastily answer the


"Gail, how is your relationship with my granddaughter going? I couldn't help but want to have my

grandchildren in the future." Samuel's tone on the phone was very polite, with a little humor at the samenovelbin

time. If Iris and Gail married, their family would be more successful.

"Humph, don't say this to me. I'm in a particularly bad mood today. Your wasteful grandson-in-law has

ruined this good thing." Gail's tone on the phone wasn't so polite, but rather an inquisitive attitude.

"Ah, you're talking about Maximilian?" Samuel's face sank, and the teacup in his hand fell to the

ground, and he couldn't help but want to confirm.

"Nonsense, who else can there be but that waste grandson-in-law? He also injured my men. I won't

end this matter so easily. I'm in a bad mood."

"Gail, this … Hey, I can't control that waste grandson-in-law either." Samuel had a headache. If anyone

of the Griffith family annoyed Gail, he may still be able to manage it, but Maximilian, he really couldn’t

do anything with Maximilian.

"I don't care, you should handle it." Gail said and directly hung up the phone.

"Just wait. Your grandfather will definitely call you and make you go back to be punished. You

obediently send Victoria over to me, I will not care." Gail said with pride.

Maximilian teasingly smiled, "I think you are sick."

"What kind of sickness?" Gail said with a slight frown.

"Your brain is sick, it's best to go to the brain department."

"What do you mean by that?!" This time Gail was furious. It was clear that this guy was cursing him. He

coldly snorted, "You will die, but you still laugh so happily."

And the other side

Since Samuel was hung up by Gail, his face turned incomparably ugly. He was crossing back and forth

in the house. In the process, he called his two sons, Andrew and Darian, and asked them to come over

to discuss countermeasures.

After Andrew and Darian received the call from Samuel, they came to Samuel's house together. When

they heard that the good thing was ruined by Maximilian, they almost fainted with anger.

Originally, Victoria could be said to be their family's cash cow, but now, Victoria gradually got rid of their

control, so they had to use Iris. Who would have thought that soon the Griffith family would become in-

laws with the Woods family, but now it was being blocked by Maximilian.

"Father, I suggest we call Marcus and reprimand him, and let Marcus reprimand Maximilian when the

time comes." Andrew's eyes rolled, and he immediately began to think of an idea.

When Samuel heard what Andrew said, he thought it was indeed a good idea. At least using Marcus to

press Maximilian, it would work. Samuel began to add pressure on Marcus and yelled at him, which

made Marcus stunned and couldn’t react for half a day.

When Marcus heard that this matter had something to do with Maximilian, he wiped out a cold sweat

immediately, and his heart was very flustered.

"I knew that waste won't bring us any good things." Laura said hatefully.

"It seems that dad is really angry, I have to give Victoria a call." Marcus sighed and told Victoria all.

Victoria didn't believe that Maximilian would do it for no reason, and it must be for a reason. She wasn't

in a hurry because the company meeting hadn't been finished yet, plus she believed that Maximilian

wouldn't do something like that.

Now Samuel had said everyone must be present when the family meeting was held in the afternoon.

And he wanted to make Maximilian kneel in front of Gail. He now only had such a bottom card as Gail,

if he lost it, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Gail said indifferently, "You wait and see."

Just at this time, a middle-aged man came over. The middle-aged man's face was gloomy. Although he

dressed in ordinary clothes, he had an extraordinary momentum. He directly slapped Gail on the


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