Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 814 Brother-in-law, Save Me
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Chapter 814 Brother-in-law, Save Me

"Quarterly meeting? It sounds fun, I want to go too." Flora yelled, and her cute and petulant tone made

it impossible to refuse.

Originally, this company party was only for company employees, but Victoria made an exception for

Flora today.

"Okay, you can also go along." Victoria smiled and said.

Flora happily hugged Victoria. Maximilian couldn't help being envious when he saw their figures when

they hugged together. For a while, he didn't know who he was envious of.

Maximilian sent Victoria to the company. When Maximilian saw that cigarettes were almost finished, he

went out to buy a pack of cigarettes. When he passed by the shop, he saw Iris.

There was a young man next to Iris. That young man seemed to have a complicated identity.

Maximilian saw that Iris was dragged to the entrance of a hotel by the rich young man. From the

expression on Iris's face, it seemed that Iris was very unwilling.

"Mr. Woods, don't force me, I have someone else in my heart." Iris begged for mercy.

Gail Woods's face turned icy cold, and he cursed, "Bitch, don't pretend to be noble in front of me. If you

don't comply, I'll let tell your grandfather."

After Iris heard this, she immediately became panic. This matter was discussed between grandfather

and Gail, and grandfather also hoped that she could marry Gail.

But Gail was too ugly, and she didn’t like him at all. Even if for money, she would not sleep with the ugly

monster. But she was worried that this matter would be told to grandpa, then grandpa would kick her

out of the family. Maybe she would be on the street. When she thought about it, Iris closed her eyes in


Suddenly, she saw a familiar figure. When she saw the figure clearly, she hurriedly shouted, "Brother-

in-law, save me."

Maximilian was stunned for a moment. Originally, he just wanted to watch this and had no intention of

saving Iris, but unexpectedly, Iris directly shouted out his name.

"Brother-in-law?" The obese man named Gail looked Maximilian up and down, then he snorted, "You

wouldn't be the famous loser in H City, right?"

After hearing this, Maximilian frowned slightly, but he was used to this.

"Brother-in-law, save me." As if seeing hope, Iris kept asking for help from Maximilian.

Maximilian fell into hesitation. He was thinking about whether to save Iris. Iris indeed did a lot of bad

things before, but now Iris at least corrected her mistakes. And she did not make trouble these days. In

terms of family perspective, it was indeed a bit unreasonable if he did not save her. No matter what, Irisnovelbin

was still Victoria's sister.

Gail patted his belly and smiled at Iris, and said, "What can he do? You'd better obey me."

Iris kept struggling, but no matter how she struggled, she couldn't break out of Gail's clutches. Gail saw

that the other party was so unfaithful and immediately slapped her.

There was a slap print on Iris's cheek. Maximilian frowned slightly. Seeing Iris's pitiful appearance, he

also could not stand Gail's actions anymore. It was too much. Although he had a grudge with Iris

before, he would deal with it by himself.

"Stop." Maximilian said in a cold voice.

A mocking smile appeared on Gail's face, "What, do you still want to take care of this?"

Iris's eyes lit up, and she looked expectantly at Maximilian. If Maximilian made a move, she would be

able to escape from Gail's palm, and conversely, if Maximilian didn't make a move, she would be ruined


Maximilian said indifferently, "She is my cousin, you can't do this to her."

Gail squeezed his fist and made a crackling sound, and said gloomily, "Haha, what's wrong with that?

Not to mention you, even Samuel has to respect me. I heard that you have a heavenly fairy-like wife,

when the time comes, I will say to Samuel, and he will let your wife to marry me."

When Gail thought of enjoying a night with Victoria and Iris, he was happy.

Maximilian's face gradually became gloomy. The dragon had a taboo, and it would get angry if

someone touched it. And Victoria was Maximilian's taboo. He absolutely couldn't bear that the other

party would humiliate Victoria in the future in front of him.

Iris glanced at Gail with sympathy subconsciously, and she didn't dare to humiliate Victoria in front of

Maximilian before.

After feeling Maximilian's icy cold eyes, plus his outwardly exposed domineering aura, Gail was more

or less intimidated. When he thought of Maximilian was the most useless one in the Griffith family, he

immediately laughed, "Who are you scaring? If you hit me, Samuel will definitely kick you out."

Maximilian smiled but did not say anything. He had long been out of the control of Samuel, and it was

okay to threaten others with these words, but it was too na?ve to threaten him.

Gail said, "Humph, you are arrogant. Do you really think I'm afraid of you?" After saying this, he strutted

to Maximilian's front and slapped him on the spot to let Maximilian know that he was not easy to mess


Iris subconsciously ran far away. If Maximilian was not a match to Gail, she could also run away.

Maximilian grabbed Gail's arm easily. When Gail saw Maximilian dared to grab his arm, he

subconsciously drew back his hand, but his hand was clamped like pliers and unable to move. When

he tried hard, the fat on his face also trembled at the same time.

"Do you want to die? Hurry up and let go of my hand." Gail saw more and more passers-by around

him. He also cared about the face and shouted angrily. So many people were looking at him here, in

case this incident was spread out, he would be embarrassed.

Maximilian did not let go of his hand but gradually increased the force of the hand. Gail's face suddenly

turned red, no different from the color of pig liver.

"Let go, it hurts." Gail shouted with a painful face.

Maximilian did not have any expression and still increased the force, as if he didn’t hear what Gail said.

Gail suddenly broke out a scream like a pig.

Only then did Gail know that Maximilian was serious, and he hurriedly said, "Grandpa, I was wrong."

Now, he could only beg for mercy temporarily. Although it would lose face, it was better than death. If

he didn’t beg for mercy, maybe his wrist would be crushed.

Maximilian then let go of his hand. Gail took a few steps back defensively while taking out the walkie-

talkie and cursing, "Where are you? You said you would protect me. Now come out quickly."

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