Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 782 A Wrong Room
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Chapter 782 A Wrong Room

As Maximilian’s classmate in junior high school, Carmen didn’t care what these people belittled him.

But he couldn’t bear to hear them belittle Maximilian.

If it wasn’t for the urgent need of money, he wouldn’t come to the class reunion, let alone get

Maximilian into trouble.

Maximilian took a taxi to the door and sent a message to Carmen, “I’m here. Where are you?”

Carmen stood up and said, “I’ll pick him up. You wait here.”

“Let’s go down and see how he’s doing.” Sinclair said with malicious intent.

The main reason why he asked Maximilian and Carmen to come to the reunion was to show off his

abilities in front of them and to mock Maximilian and Carmen for fun.

Everyone in the room agreed, and had already thought about how to make fun of Maximilian later.

“What if he’s successful?” A boy with glasses whispered.

“If Maximilian can succeed, pigs will be able to fly into the sky.” Sinclair was the first to question with a


The crowd laughed, “How can it be? No matter how successful he is, at most, he may just get the basic


Carmen forced out a smile and said, “Sinclair, can you lend me $50000 now?”

“Why are you in such a hurry? Look at you, you are in such a hurry for this little money. No wonder you

are good at nothing,” said Sinclair contemptuously.

Carmen was embarrassed, he had to flatter him and said, “Sinclair, I’m just an ordinary person. Fifty

thousand is already a big sum of money for me, unlike you, I know you can earn one hundred and fifty

grand every day.”

Sinclair ignored Carmen. Everyone tacitly pushed Carmen to the foot of the wall.

“Isn’t that Maximilian?” Sinclair and others were standing on the steps of the hotel. Sinclair shouted

loudly and ironically.

“I haven’t seen you for so many years. How are you doing? Where’s your car?”

They asked questions, and these questions were almost all around his background and fortune. This

was not a normal way of getting together.

Maximilian said coldly, “By taxi.”

“Did I hear you right? Did you take a taxi? “ Sinclair put his hand on his ear, and a mocking smile

appeared on his face, “No matter how hard you are, you have to buy a tricycle, right?”

All laughed with cooperation, as if they would be a little more comfortable by making fun of him.

“It’s OK. Don’t worry about it. I’ve been ridiculed by them.” Carmen whispered a word of comfort.

Maximilian said with a smile, “I won’t be angry with these idiots.”

“At the beginning, I thought you were particularly handsome in junior high school, so I was interested in

you. I didn’t expect you to be so poor in your career.” Said the coquettish woman next to Sinclair.

Maximilian also remembered this woman. Her name was Serena. She did like him for a while but he

had no feeling for her. And he saw that she was a dissolute person.

However, he was very puzzled, what did this woman’s unrequited love have to do with him.

“You should be glad that you’ve been my woman instead of following this coward, Serena, or you will

regret it all your life.” Sinclair laughed.

Serena enjoyed the scene very much. She cast a scornful look at Maximilian, “I guess he is still so

hopeless. Besides, how can he compare with you?”

After hearing these words, Sinclair felt very satisfied and looked at Maximilian proudly.

Carmen subconsciously changed the topic and said, “Let’s go in, or food may cool down.”

Sinclair and others turned around and went in without even looking at Maximilian.

Maximilian couldn’t understand why Carmen agreed to come to the class reunion. Just as he wanted to

find him, Carmen ran to Sinclair.

“Sinclair, can you give me $50000 now?” Carmen pleaded.

“You keep asking. You ask it all day. I’m in a bad mood. I’ll talk about it later.” he roared angrily.

Carmen was stunned, and everyone laughed at him.

After Maximilian saw this, he gradually understood why Carmen invited him to the class reunion. He

might have encountered something urgent and he needed money anxiously, so he agreed to Sinclair’s


Sinclair smiled, pointed to Maximilian and said, “You can borrow money from your brother. Don’t you

have a good relationship?”

Carmen saw that Maximilian was coming by taxi. Maybe he was just as poor as him. No matter how

difficult he was, he didn’t want to embarrass Maximilian.

“Carmen, have you encountered any difficulties?” Asked Maximilian.

Carmen then told the whole story.

Maximilian realized that his mother was seriously ill. He scraped together all the money in his family,

plus the loan, but he still had $50000 to go. In the end, Carmen had no choice but to ask Sinclair.

Today was the deadline to pay the operation fee. If he couldn’t get it today, his mother would be forced

out of the hospital.

Maximilian was angry. Sinclair was really inhumane. Carmen did what he said in turn, but he still

refused to give money, which was obviously intentional.novelbin

“Don’t worry, I’ll help you.” Maximilian patted Carmen on the shoulder to comfort him.

Carmen felt warm and nodded gratefully.

“Are you kidding, Maximilian? What are you wearing? How much money do you have? Do you have

money to lend him?” After hearing this, Sinclair immediately sneered.

Maximilian said coldly, “Does it have anything to do with you?”

Sinclair’s face darkened perceptibly. All his classmates were polite to him, but Maximilian dared to talk

to him like this.

“You want to die, didn’t you? You dare to talk to Sinclair like this.”

Sinclair’s lackey began to shout at Maximilian.

Sinclair pretended to be magnanimous and said, “Forget it, let him bluff. It’s only tens of thousands of

dollars. My income can be more than $100000 a day.”

“This $50000 may be your hard-earned money. I can’t take it.” Carmen was embarrassed and

whispered to Maximilian.

Maximilian said with a smile, “It’s easy for me.”

Carmen was so grateful that he was almost ready to embrace Maximilian.

At this time, the front desk attendant saw Maximilian. When she served Maximilian last time, the

manager said that whenever he came here, he should be served with precious drinks for free.

This time, she did not ask for instructions from the manager, subconsciously added one more item to

the menu and added some words: For free.

When Sinclair and others returned to the private room, they were confused. What happened? How

come there were so many bottles of wine on every table?

Did they go to the wrong room?

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