Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 781 Classmate Reunion
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Chapter 781 Classmate Reunion

Carr ordered his subordinates, “Take him away.”

Phoenix looked at Maximilian with hatred, gritted his teeth and said, “Someone will help me get


Maximilian turned a deaf ear, but Carr worried, “Mr. Lee, although Phoenix is not as famous as before, I

feel that he still has some supporters. Let me send someone to protect you.”

“No, I can handle it.” Maximilian waved his hand.

Carr saw that Maximilian was so determined that he gave up. Since Maximilian could subdue Phoenix,

there should be no problem. Maybe the people he sent would make trouble for Maximilian instead.

“Take care, Mr. Lee. I won’t forget your kindness when I get promoted.” Carr said with his hands

arched. He always remembered his kindness.

Maximilian smiled, and it’s right to give Phoenix to him. He believed that Carr was not the kind of

person who would forget his kindness.

On the other side, since Mark saw Phoenix subdued by Maximilian, he ran to Killer God’s office in a


Killer God’s face was cold and gloomy.

Mark said quickly, “Boss, something goes wrong. Phoenix was knocked unconscious. I just heard the

news that Phoenix has been arrested.”

“I already know it.” Killer God said in a cold voice.

Mark raised his head in doubt. ‘How did the boss know? Did he send someone to follow him? The

news could not spread so fast.’

“I just called Phoenix. It was not him who answered the phone. It was someone else. Then I knew

Phoenix had failed.” After Killer God finished, he looked at Mark coldly. “The task is failed and you dare

to come back.”

Killer God took up the baseball bat beside the wall. There was bloodstain on the bat. It was dry for a

long time.

Mark’s legs were trembling. Suddenly, he had a brainwave and he stammered, “Don’t...don’t worry,

boss. I have an idea.”

“What can you do?” Killer God’s eyes narrowed slightly to hear his last words.

Mark then said, “Boss, Phoenix has a brother. His brother is a master. If he knows his brother is

arrested, he will be worried.”

“If you don’t tell me, I’ll forget about it.” Killer God just temporarily spared Mark and said, “Go on.”

“Why don’t we tell Phoenix’s brother about this? I’m sure he will take revenge for his brother.” Mark said

with a smile.

“It’s a good way to kill people with a borrowed knife.” Killer God smiled.

Mark was relieved. Thanks to his cleverness, otherwise he would be dead.

“You’re in charge of this. Go and get in touch with him.” Killer God continued to give it to Mark becausenovelbin

he didn’t want to do it himself.

Mark’s mouth twitched slightly, but he had to agree.

After Carr left, Maximilian went back to the room leisurely with a cigarette. Through the moonlight, he

saw Victoria’s graceful figure and his enthusiasm was aroused.

But thinking that she had gone to bed he didn’t disturb her and immediately closed his eyes.

When he got up, Victoria’s body wrapped around him like an octopus. Maximilian was amused. He

gave her a kiss on the forehead and then walked out of the room quietly.

After a wash, Maximilian was lying on the sofa, playing with his mobile phone idly. All of a sudden, his

mobile phone vibrated, and he opened the text message subconsciously.

The person who sent the message was Carmen. The message says would you like to come to this

afternoon’s class reunion?

After reading this message, Maximilian was stunned. What’s the matter with Carmen? He was usually

introverted and didn’t like to integrate with classmates. Why did he suddenly want to participate class

reunion and invite him.

Carmen was his junior high school classmate. His family was ordinary. At school, they two were best

friends, which could be said to be inseparable.

He had hardly ever been to a class reunion since he graduated from school. He never had time to

attend class reunion, mainly because the purpose of the reunion was changed.

It seemed that he only attended one class reunion. At that time, he didn’t like the atmosphere at all and

didn’t want to participate any more.

Just as Maximilian was thinking about it, Carmen called him. Maximilian had no choice but to pick it up

with a smile.

“Maximilian, did you see the message I just sent you?”


Hearing his simple and honest voice, Maximilian felt familiar with it.

“Do you want to come? Let’s go together.”

“OK, where are you? I’ll take you.”

“Come directly to P. Restaurant . I’ll wait for you at the door.”

After the appointment, Maximilian hung up. He told Victoria in advance that he would go out to meet his


Victoria didn’t manage so much. She said with a smile, “Go early and return early.”

“OK.” Maximilian nodded.

Flora said with a smile, “Can I come with you?”

“Just stay at home.” Maximilian rolled his eyes. ‘Why does she follow me wherever I go?’

Flora’s face swelled up and her tongue poked out playfully.

Maximilian thought that Carmen was waiting in P. Restaurant . Instead of going to the car wash to pick

up the car, he took a taxi.


In a luxurious box, surrounded by more than a dozen tables, people sitting here were basically well-

dressed, with cigars in their mouths.

“Sinclair, Maximilian will be here in a moment. Can you give me $50000 first?” When Carmen hung up

the phone, he turned his head and looked at a young man in a suit sitting in the middle with a smile.

Sinclair grinned cynically, “Money, of course, I will give you, the premise is to see Maximilian.”

“Sinclair, didn’t you say that if I invited Maximilian here, you would give me a hundred thousand

dollars?” Carmen was a little worried.

Sinclair said unhappily, “I’ll give it to you for a while. Are you afraid that I won’t pay you?”

“Who do you think Maximilian is? Even if you don’t call him, as long as Sinclair calls him, he’ll have to

come here. We don’t have Maximilian’s phone number, that’s why we asked you to call him.”

The young man sitting next to Sinclair began to flatter him.

Carmen lowered his head and sighed. He felt guilty for Maximilian.

“Carmen, I didn’t expect that after so many years, you haven’t made any progress. It’s estimated that

Maximilian and you are not much different.” Sinclair sneered.

Carmen was very angry. His nails were pinched in the hand, and his blood kept dripping on the ground.

He could only suppress his anger.

“Carmen and Maximilian are penniless. When they met here, we can see two church mouses.” A very

coquettish dressed woman said.

“You’re right.” Sinclair pretended to be intellectual, clapping and laughing.

The coquettish woman was close to Sinclair’s chest and said, “I’m glad I didn’t choose Maximilian, or I’ll

regret it all my life.”

Sinclair laughed, “He is just a small creature. Can he compare with me? “

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