Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 750 It Was Amazing
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Chapter 750 It Was Amazing

Maximilian was focusing on climbing. Although the glass curtain wall looked smooth, there were some

steel framed structure protruding on the edge, which Maximilian took advantage to climb.

Maximilian was like a flexible gecko, climbing on the smooth glass curtain wall.

When he was climbing, there was wind, which made his clothes flutter. It seemed that the wind was

quite strong.

The onlookers below was breathless with anxiety for Maximilian. The girl who was broadcasting live

even screamed.

Because of Maximilian climbing, her broadcast became popular and the number of viewers exceeded 4

hundred thousand.

Among the onlookers, it was the girl who didn’t want something to happen to Maximilian. After all, she

wanted to gain more fans by taking advantage of Maximilian’s climbing.

Many online users were sending exclamation marks in bullet screen to express their admiration for

Maximilian’s brave behavior.

Some online users good at math were sending out some calculation results.

“According to the swinging amplitude of his clothes, the wind is between grade four to five. It’s a risk of

life to climb without any safeguard devices in such wind!”

“I’ve observed the climbing speed of this spider-man. It takes him less than 20 seconds to climb each

floor. If he maintains a uniform speed, it will take him no more than 15 minutes to climb to the roof of

the building, which is amazing!"

“I’ve checked the information at home and abroad and found that no one has ever been able to climb

the glass curtain wall with his bare hands without security measures. The spider-man creates a


After these professional comments were posted, many captured a screenshot and reposted, which

made the broadcast live more popular.

With the popularity of the girl's live broadcast room, some top anchors began to rebroadcast the girl's

live broadcast after communicating with her.

The girl’s live broadcast was even put on the home page of the recommendation. At this time,

Maximilian became the most popular figure on the network live broadcast platform.

On the whole, more than 3 million views watched Maximilian climb the glass curtain wall, which did not

include the number of people watching short videos.

Maximilian of course did not know such things. Because of the strong wind, he slowed down slightly.

But even if he slowed down, he still climbed faster than ordinary people climb the stairs quickly.

Maximilian climbed the glass curtain wall in order to get to the top floor to save Bertie as soon as

possible, but he had no idea that passers-by would take short videos and broadcast live.

What Li Mo did not expect was that in the next few days, he had become a hot figure on the Internet,

known as the spider-man.

The LT Hotel had 48 floors and was more than 100 meters, but Maximilian climbed to the top floor in

only 12 minutes.novelbin

It took almost the same time to enter the hotel by elevator. If Maximilian fought with Regan’s

bodyguards, it would took even longer to enter the room to rescue Bertie.

In the current situation, Bertie may be ruined by Regan with one second later.

Maximilian finally climbed onto the president suite, then he saw the situation in the room through the

glass curtain wall.

Seeing that Regan had not done anything to Bertie, Maximilian breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that

he was not late finally and did not climb the wall in vain.

Regan was waiting for the blue pill to take effect.

According to past experience, the pill would take effect fully in about 30 minutes, and one could insist

all night without feeling tired. Now about 20 minutes had passed and Regan had felt hot in his body.

“Ha ha, the medicine works faster than before in front of a beautiful lady. Today I’ll let you enjoy the

extreme joy!”

Looking at Regan, who could not wait, Bertie wailed in her heart. Would her chastity be ruined by


‘Maximilian, you bastard, why don’t you come to save me? If you don’t save me, I’ll never let you go!’

Bertie swore in her mind.

Bertie was so desperate that she turned away to avoid seeing Regan’s face.

When she turned around, Bertie saw Maximilian outside the window all of a sudden. Her mind went

blank, feeling it was unreal.

Maximilian, it should be Maximilian!

‘But why was he out in the window? How did he get to there? Did he climb up there? Was he a spider-

man?’ Bertie was confused.

It was so incredible for Bertie that she supposed that it might be an illusion caused by her tension.

When Bertie closed her eyes then opened them again, she saw Maximilian smiling at herself outside.

She suddenly burst into tears.

Seeing Bertie crying, Regan tore off his pajamas and laughed ferociously.

“Bertie, I’m coming. You are the first I manage to get to cuckold Maximilian. Ha ha.”

Bertie did not hear Regan’s words at all. Staring at Maximilian, she felt nervous, worried, but more


He finally came, as she expected.

The way he appeared was so exciting, amazing and unforgettable.

How could a woman not be moved by a man who was willing to risk his life climbing a tall building to

save the woman?

Bertie was so touched that she could not wait to jump into Maximilian’s arms instantly and let him do

whatever he wanted.

At this time Maximilian leaned back out of the window, forming a large elevation angle against the glass

curtain wall.

Thinking that Maximilian could not hold on and was going to fall down, the crowd exclaimed.

“My God, man, hold on! If you fall down, you’ll die.”

“Hold on, young man. We’ve made a fire phone call. Hold on till the safety cushion is laid.”

“Oh, no! Come on, man!”

The anchor girl did not even care about the live-broadcast. She waved the selfie stick anxiously,

worrying that Maximilian would have any accident.

When Bertie, who was on the bed, saw Maximilian leaning back, she was frightened. She immediately

held out her hand towards Maximilian and screamed, “No!”

Regan had already taken off his bathrobe. There was more complacency on his face when he heard

Bertie’s screams.

“Bitch, it’s not up to you. Today, it’s up to me, and you have no choice but to say yes.”

However, Maximilian leaned back to have enough space to break the glass curtain wall with his fist.

When everyone thought Maximilian was going to fall down, he exerted strength on his waist and came

back to the wall miraculously. At the same time, Maximilian slammed his right fist against the wall.


A large glass curtain wall shattered then the cold wind blew into the presidential suite.

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