Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 749 A Spider-Man in Real Life
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Chapter 749 A Spider-Man in Real Life

“Ha ha, that’s great! I finally avenge myself. I’ll show my masculinity and have a sex with Bertie today,

then with other women around Maximilian one by one later making him a miserable cuckold!”

Regan picked up the blue tablet on the table, put it in his mouth and swallowed it with some water.

Then he cracked an evil smile.

The two young men took Bertie to Bear and walked to the parking lot with a smile on their face. As

soon as they got to the parking lot, they gradually slowed down.

More than ten meters away, Maximilian was looking coldly at the two.

The two looked at each other, bowed their heads and sped up. Before they went far, Maximilian’s

hands were on their shoulders.

The two men did not speak, but bent their elbows to attack Maximilian on his abdomen.

Maximilian smiled and tightened his hands on their shoulders, then the two made a miserable howl at

the same time.

“Ouch! It hurts. Please don’t. Stop! My shoulder is going to be broken.”

Maximilian’s hands were like a pair of iron pliers, which made a sound in the two’s shoulders.

The great pain made the two sweat heavily and their faces were twisted because of the pain.

Maximilian looked at them and said in a cold voice, “Where’s Bertie? Where do you take her?”

“We send her to he bodyguard of Mr. Regan in the presidential suite on the top floor.”

“Sir, it has nothing to do with us. We just followed the order of Mr. Regan. Please let us go.”

The two men were so scared that their hairs stood on end.

“Let you go? You don’t behave well at your age, so I have to teach you a lesson.” Maximilian put forth

his strength in his hands, then there was a sound of bones breaking on the two’s shoulders.

With the strength in his hands, Maximilian crumbed the two’s shoulders. Then he pushed them to the


“Just a slight penalty. If I find you do anything bad again in the future, I’ll make you feel sorry for that.”

Maximilian said then walked to the door of the hotel.

The two shed tears because of sharp pain. They covered their shoulders and stood up groaning.

“God, I feel like my shoulder is broken. Who is the man. He has great strength of the hand.”

“Hurry up. The man is surely not easy to be dealt with. Let’s stay away from the trouble or we will get


The two, who were anxious, held back the pain and walked out of the parking lot. They didn’t dare to

the hospital, but took a taxi to a neighboring county.

At this moment, Bertie was supported by two waitresses and sent to the presidential suite on the top


Looking at Bertie lying on the bed unconscious, Regan felt a burst of excitement.

“You all get out and don’t come in without my order. Even if you hear some sounds, you don’t need to

be panicked. I’d like to do something thrilling for fun. Ha ha.”

“Yes, Mr. Regan.” Chapman and Bear responded then went out with two waitresses and closed the

door tightly.

Regan walked to the bedside with a wicked smile. Admiring Bertie’s sexy body, Regan couldn’t help


“Ha ha, you bitch are finally in the hand of mine and I can finally enjoy Maximilian’s females. Although

you didn’t play an important role in Maximilian’s life, it’s a great beginning!”

After muttering to himself, Regan cracked an evil smile, “It’s not interesting if you are in a coma. I wantnovelbin

to hear your screams, watch the panic on your face and appreciate your struggle!”

Rega took the antidote on the bedside and spayed it towards Bertie’s nose.

After a while, Bertie’s eyelashes moved and she opened her eyes slowly.

She swept around in confusion, then she saw the white sheet, a strange room and a man in bathrobe.

Bertie suddenly recalled what had just happened. She had been fainted with drugs and hijacked.

So where was she now? The bad and the man in bathrobe...

Bertie panicked and looked at the man with rounded eyes.

When Bertie saw the face of the man, Bertie shouted in horror, “Regan! You bastard. What are you

going to do!”

“Well, the beauty is awake. Don’t you know what I’m going to do? Of course I’ll do something to make

you feel that you are in paradise!

You bitch! You are so fool to shame on yourself. I just asked you to do something, and how dare you to

refuse and pull a long face. Today I’ll teach you a lesson and show you the consequence of being

disrespectful to me!”

Regan stepped on the edge of the bed with one foot and leaned down to look at Bertie’s beautiful face,

“Just wait and enjoy it. It will be an unforgettable night for the rest of your life!”

Bertie was frightened and wanted to struggle, but she was so weak that she didn’t have any strength.

The antidote that Regan sprayed on her was not enough to recover completely and she could not exert

any strength with the effect of the drug.

Bertie wanted to struggle, but could just swing her arms slightly. Her weakness and femininity made her

more attractive.

As Regan saw Bertie’s movement, there was an increasing yearning in his heart. But in order to satisfy

his wicked interests, he did not go at Bertie immediately.

"Tut-tut, Bertie, do you know how seductive you are now? I can't help it by just seeing. If you move

more, I'll... ha ha"

Bertie stopped her movement immediately and glared at Regan.

Bertie, who was nervous and frightened, hoped that Maximilian could appear in front of her


But where was he? Was he on the way? He didn’t plan to save her at all?

‘Maximilian, you bad guy, come to save me quickly! If you don’t come quickly, I’ll be bullied by this

bastard! God bless me!’

Bertie worshiped and hoped Maximilian would appear soon.

At the moment, Maximilian, like the spider-man, climbed upward along the glass curtain wall of the


Many people saw Maximilian climbing along the glass curtain wall. They all stopped and watched him


Some took out their mobile phones and took short videos, and others broadcast live.

“Look, is that spider-man? He is so amazing that he can climb along the glass curtain wall.”

“My gosh! Is he filming? But why don’t we see the camera.”

“Excuse me, please give a room to broadcast live. Hello, everyone. Here’s the glass curtain wall of the

six-star hotel and someone is climbing. He climbs so quickly that we can call him the spider-man in real


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