Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 713 Just Some Bedbugs
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Chapter 713 Just Some Bedbugs

The villagers behind them were getting closer and rushing to Maximilian and Victoria in front. It was the

moment when those ruffians came up that Maximilian stepped forwards and hid Victoria behind his


Victoria was frightened by those coming villagers and yelled to Maximilian, "Don't get yourself hurt,

Maximilian! I hear that villagers always unite with each other very well, and if we piss them off, the

whole village will be against us. It's better for us to call the police now!"

"It seems too late now, those bastards are here. But don't worry dear, they can't hurt you." Maximilian

said calmly.

Those tough villagers took their steps forwards in front of Maximilian and tried to reach him scratching

or hitting. Maximilian then smoothly waved his arms and played a few moves of Tai Chi. Before those

men could reach him, Maximilian had taken them down and they could do nothing but cry in pain.

"My arms! He broke my arms!"

"I can't feel my hands!"

Crying and rolling, they all raised a sense of fear inside them and crawled away from Maximilian as

hard as they could.

"To be honest, you guys are far too weak to be bad guys," Maximilian sneered.

"There must be a misunderstanding between us, sir! We are not planning to do anything bad!" Thosenovelbin

villagers said, begging for forgiveness.

"Then why do you guys come to attack us? I will come for you guys after getting back to the village,

and you'd better give me a proper explanation by then. If your answers are not standing by then, things

will not be as simple as so." Maximilian said seriously, and left with absentminded Victoria for their


Those villagers, lying on the ground with not only fear but rage in their eyes, started to murmur to each


"Such a tough and cruel bastard! What are we gonna do now? What if he really come to us when he

gets back to the village?"

"We're not ready for that. We'd better call Rohan now and tell him that the tough guy comes here to

mess his things up, and he will deal him right here on the mountain."

"That can definitely save our asses! Then hurry up and call him. While it's a pity that we have no

chance to catch that lady."

In the meantime, Maximilian and Victoria were now deep in the mountain, and as ascending was the

elevation, the temperature was at the same time gradually descending. Victoria had sensed that and

couldn't help embracing herself with arms to keep herself warm.

Seeing that, Maximilian put his hand on the shoulder of Victoria and asked, "Are you feeling cold?

Come here and let me warm you up." He then took her in arms tenderly.

The warmth from Maximilian gently went to Victoria through her back. Though the chilling had gone,

the shyness had come instead. She asked Maximilian, "Are you cold?"

"Not at all, my lady. Does it work?" Said Maximilian, and slowly, he continued embracing her with

growing but tender strength, which made Victoria feel a sense of warmth, gentleness, safety and

happiness inside.

Victoria naturally lay her head on Maximilian's shoulder. From childhood to adulthood, maybe the most

unforgettable moment for her would be the times she stayed along with Maximilian, which had given

her unprecedented happiness.

For Maximilian, he was silently enjoying the moment limited to only him and his beloved lady.

While temporary it was such a tranquility. Though faint was the sound, it still noticed Maximilian that

someone had surrounded them. He started to look around, and soon a few shadows of mankind

jumped out of the bush, forming a well arranged formation.

Maximilian sneered, taking Victoria in arms directly walked towards those men. At that moment,

another two of the men showed up from the bush, and they were tightly standing around the couple.

Victoria finally felt that something was not right and yelled out to see them were surrounded by the bulk

of strangers. Maximilian comforted her and said, "Don't worry, sweetie. They are already dead men


One strapping bald man stared at Maximilian and sneered, "Stop your pathetic bluffing and the man

who will die is you!"

The others burst into laughter.

"Look at that beauty beside him! I would like to be a dead man if I could fuck that bitch!"

"Then how about we first send him to hell? He will become a dead man as he wishes, and we will own

that bitch!"

Maximilian held Victoria within his arms and gently stroked her back, "I will handle this, my dear."

Victoria nodded and looked at Maximilian's face.

The bald man clinched his hands and laughed, "Don't worry, you will soon be silenced, you little pussy."

Maximilian raised his left hand and responded with a smile, "Then come and try it, big guy. I bet I could

even fight with only one arm."

"No one could ever take me down since I was a kid! You're dead now. You hear me? You are dead!"

The baldhead then rushed to Maximilian and was about to give him a hard punch.

Either the size of his fist or speed and sound of his punch represented that the baldhead was not


Silently, Maximilian was standing, making no particular movement. Victoria was frightened to close her

eyes, not daring to see any unintended outcome.

"Now, you know your bad, fool! Take that!" The bald man laughed wildly and thought that Maximilian

was dumbed by his coming attack.

It was the moment when the punch almost touched Maximilian's face that Maximilian made quick

movement: he raised his palm to the front of his face and played a defensive stance.

With a loud sound of bang, the punch of the baldhead had heavily hit on Maximilian's palm, while it's

the man instead of Maximilian that showed a painful expression on his face: the baldhead felt like that

his punch had hit on a steel plate.

Suddenly, Maximilian grabbed the man's fist in hand and slowly added strength to it. The sound of bone

cracking could be heard clearly from the men's fist.

The bald man raised his head and yelled for overwhelming pain of his hand. He was ignited, and stared

at Maximilian, "Damn you. Shit!" He then endured the pain of his broken fist and was about to punch at

Maximilian with the other hand.

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