Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 700 Crawl Out of Here
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Chapter 700 Crawl Out of Here

Keegan felt a cloud of shadow above him. He used all his strength to tip his head and look up, finding

that Mr. Nelson was looking down at him and sneering, "Mr. Keegan, it's time for you to go to the

hospital now. I can personally help you call an ambulance, while it is up to you to crawl out of here and

get on it."

Hearing what Mr. Nelson said, Keegan closed his eyes and again dropped his head down to the

ground. It was not possible for him to get out of here by crawling, for each move was likely to

overwhelm him with extreme pains and deprive him of his consciousness.

His unsteady state was gradually coming into peace because he had lost his hope for life and began to

accept the truth that to bear the pains and get out of here by crawling was even worse than death right

now. He closed his eyes and said to Maximilian in a plain but bitter tone, "Mr. Maximilian, I'm afraid that

I could never crawl out of here for the rest of my life. Therefore, I'm wondering if you could just please

kindly kill me right now? I can really bear all of this no more."

"Oh, you are desperate now, aren't you? I guess you have a feeling that is totally different from the

moment when you sent Myles to my place. Now, it's time for you to pay for that." The voice of

Maximilian was so cold and cruel that even the snowstorm from the extremity of North was about to be


At this moment, Victoria looked at Maximilian worryingly and held his hand that was as cold as his

heart. Thinking that her man needed her most to give him warmth now, she leaned her body close to

the back of Maximilian, embraced him around his waist, and whispered to him, "You're pushing yourself

too hard, my dear. I'm here with you."

Maximilian then looked back at her, gave a warm smile, and gently stroked her hair, "Sorry for scaring

you, my sweetie. Please don't worry about me, and I'm just trying to push myself forward for


Victoria presented Maximilian with a naughty expression in return, smiled, and then said, "I'm not

scared, and I'm just worried about your feelings. But I want you to know that no matter what, you have

me by your side, and I ask for nothing but your being safe and sound."

Maximilian laughed, turned around, and enfolded Victoria in his arms, picking up the hand of Flora

standing aside and saying to both of them in a pleasant tone, "What a bad day, isn't it? Let's go and get

something to eat for our night snack!" He then turned to Mr. Nelson and said, "Nelson, if he chooses

not to crawl out of here, then just leave him here to die."

"Yes, sir!" Mr. Nelson answered aloud.

Maximilian, together with the two ladies, got out of the balcony, under the envious eyes of the guards,

the horror-stricken eyes of the director, and the sparkling eyes of those hostesses.

Now, since Maximilian had left the place, the only question remaining was the man who called Keegan

lying on the ground and not willing to move a bit. Mr. Nelson dared not to disobey the words of

Maximilian, while he had no idea how to force him to crawl out of the place by himself.

Suddenly, he turned to his men and said "Hey, guys, figure it out: how do we force him to crawl out

himself? I'm don’t want to report any of our failure on this to Mr. Maximilian."

"No matter what you guys are going to do, I'm staying here until I die." Said Keegan certainly.

At that moment, a skinny guard stood out, pointed to himself with one hand and Keegan with the other,

implying that he wanted to give it a try.

His name was Barlow, a man famous for his tricky head. Mr. Nelson looked at him, closed his mouth,

and agreed.

The skinny guard, laughing, then went to Keegan and tried to take off his pants violently.

Keegan's pain was then aroused as the guard touched his legs in such a rude way. He felt that

something was not right, and asked in a panic, "Hey, stop it! That hurts! What are you doing!"

"I'm going to fuck your ass, you little pussy! With so many beautiful ladies around me every day, sadly, I

can't even touch them for even once! Though you are a man, just look how nice your skin is and what a

big butt you have! I must say your shape has really fascinated me somehow, and since you have made

up your mind to stay here, I will be glad to spend some time with you!"

Hearing that, Keegan was scared to bristle his hair, with pain and fear blending inside of him. He

shouted dismally, "You monsters! Stop it! Oh, God, please just kill me! Kill me and send me to hell! Just

take me away from this place!"

For Keegan, to bear the physical pain of his legs was already enough for him, while he had never

thought of something beyond it was just coming to him.

"Hey, relax, dude. We are not going to leave you dead right here. We are going to take you back, heal

you up, and do what we have done to you as well as those we are going to do repeatedly again, and

again... Wow, just look what an enriching life schedule that you have!" The skinny guard threaded

Keegan, and his vivid description was pushing him at the edge of being insane.

The only thing in Keegan's mind now was: how could he finish himself as soon as possible? He tried

doing so by snapping his tongue, while failed due to the extreme pain. And then, he started to think that

crawling out of here might be the best choice for him now.

The skinny guard then raised his head, made eye contact with Mr. Nelson, and reminded him of the

four fellows of Keegan lying aside pretending to be unconscious in a panic.

Mr. Nelson grasped his intention and ordered the other of his men to go and take those four to the side

of Keegan.

At that moment, the skinny guard had already taken off the pants of Keegan, and his transparent rednovelbin

underwear had then emerged. The guard then grinned and gave a hard slap on Keegan's thigh.

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