Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 699 It’s About the Time
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Chapter 699 It's About the Time

Keegan wriggled his body, struggling and begging for mercy from Maximilian. At this moment, he finally

knew the taste of fear and was extremely scared of what was going to happen.

Maximilian said that he was going to break the bones of his legs into five, and the question is what his

legs would be like if he really did so? While one thing certain was that it would be a terrible and

physically painful experience that out of anyone's imagination.

"Well, you finally understand your bad now, don't you? If you had confessed it and stopped bothering

me earlier, I would have already forgiven you by now. But the truth is that you just pick on me over, and

over, and over again. And now, I wish I could still show you my mercy, while it seems that you don't

deserve it." Maximilian looked at Keegan with cold eyes. To Maximilian, Keegan was just eating his

own bitter fruit for all he did.

"Please, just one more chance! I promise you I won't be your trouble anymore! I swear!" In a panic,

Keegan was trying everything to beg for Maximilian's mercy.

"My answer will still be the same. It is too late. Now, guys, do it." Maximilian said cruelly.

The order of Maximilian was clear enough, and one of the guards, holding his steel rod in hands, was

fully prepared for the execution. With a few loud cracks and shrieks of pain, the steel rod hit Keegan's

calf and broke his bones. As soon as the first guard was done, another one came forward and did the

same thing to Keegan's thighs.

Among the loud noise of cracks and bangs, Keegan's pitiful crying was still clear, "Ahhhh! My legs! I'm

losing my legs! Please, please stop them. I'm begging you, Maximilian!" Tears shed from Keegan's

eyes and wetted his cheeks, and he was breaking out in a cold sweat, soaking his clothes and leaving

a watermark in man's shape on the ground. For the moment, he could do nothing but regret again and

again for his rashness and hubris to provoke Maximilian.

Though he was shrieking loudly and crying for his pain, it seemed that those guards were pretending to

be deaf and continued their work. All the sounds, including shrieking, crying and cracks, made up a

weird but somewhat fascinating symphony.

Finally, Keegan fainted after four hits on both his legs.

"Well, well, well... It's not the end yet, and you'd be better to keep awake to enjoy that." Mr. Nelson

halted his men, picked up a bottle of iced beer, and poured it on Keegan's face.

Under the stimulation of coldness, Keegan woke up, and the overwhelming pain again struck his

exhausted mind, "I can't take it anymore. Please, forgive me, Mr. Maximilian! I will do anything, literally

anything, if you could forgive me and stop it!" Cried, Keegan.

"Never." Responded Maximilian in an emotionless tone.

Victoria and Flora turned their backs on Keegan and showed no interest in his crying face.

Mr. Nelson laughed and waved, implying his men to continue.

Sounds of cracks and bangs were again echoed through the balcony, and Keegan again fell intonovelbin

unconsciousness for pain. It was the moment when he fainted that Mr. Nelson poured the iced beer

again on his head to wake him up.

With the process repeated again and again, Keegan's leg bones were finally broken in ten places and

his two legs were twisted in the shape of a letter S. He was trembling and groaning, and no one could

really tell what he was exactly groaning for since his voice was harsh and fuzzy.

Those hostesses outside of the balcony, covering their mouths and being shocked, were frightened to

be pale-faced and dared not to say anything, while it seemed that they had no intention of leaving at all

as well as those horrible movie watchers.

The director, leaning on the wall of the corner of the balcony closely and breaking out in a sweat, was

extremely nervous and had no idea about either where this man called Maximilian came from or how

he could make Mr. Nelson bend to him so easily and treat Mr. Keegan in such away.

Suddenly, fear arose from the inside of him because it occurred to him that he had just chosen to stand

on Keegan's side before! With fears gradually taking up his mind, he collapsed along the wall and fell

down powerlessly on the floor, knowing nothing about what was coming to him in the next second.

Victoria and Flora, looking at Maximilian's emotionless face and worrying about his state, were both

gently stroking his back and trying to comfort him.

Mr. Nelson halted his men again, counted the broken places of Keegan's legs in detail, then turned to

Maximilian and reported, "Mr. Maximilian, we have broken each of his legs in five places, and together

there are ten places broken!"

"You have done well." Maximilian gave a smile and said. He then stood up and went to the front of

Keegan, putting his feet on his cheek. This sudden movement aroused Keegan from his dull state, he

cried to Maximilian in a harsh tone, "Mercy! Please just forgive me! I'm willing to be under your slavery

for the rest of my life, and all I want in return is your forgiveness and mercy!" It was obvious that he was

really frightened this time after the physical torture he bore that no human would ever want to try for

even a single time.

Maximilian rubbed Keegan's cheek with his shoe sole and said, "Relax, I'll spare your life. But answer

my question first, are you familiar with Myles, the one you sent to fight me last time?"

"He and I are just in a not bad relationship, and I could go back and collect his information and become

your spy if you want! Just please forgive me!" Keegan was trying everything he could to earn

forgiveness from Maximilian, including betraying his ally.

Hearing that, Maximilian squatted down, stroked Keegan's head, and softly said, "My dear Keegan, are

you really thinking that I, Maximilian, would ever need any of your help to take down such a nonentity

as Myles? I took him down a few days ago, and to tell you the truth, his outcome was not better than


Maximilian stood up, gave a look to Keegan on the floor, and said to himself within, 'It's time for me to

go back and regain my authority of the Dragon Sect. A fight between me and the head of the dragon

lords and his men is inevitable. So be it, and everything shall begin from this second!" He then turned

to Mr. Nelson and gave a cold order, "He is free to go now, but you guys better make sure that he

leaves here by crawling."

"Roger that, Mr. Maximilian, and he will have no chance to leave here in another way." Mr. Nelson

responded in a hurry, and then turned to Keegan, "You hear what Mr. Maximilian says. Now, crawl out

of here, or we will be glad to help you to do so."

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