Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 655 Two Strings to the Bow
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Chapter 655 Two Strings to the Bow

In Dragon Sect, the symbolic color for Dragon Emperor was the most prestigious gold while that for the

eight dragon lords were red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple, and white respectively. So the

bloody giant dragon Master Fazhi just mentioned was complied with the red symbolic color for the

Head of dragon lords.

Master Fazhi made it up to fool Maximilian according to what Harley had told him.

He glanced at Maximilian whose brow furrowed in concentration, and continued, “With gold glory

coming out from the scattering scales on the giant dragon’s head, it seems as if it is going to transform.

It’s a pity I’m not strong enough. When I just got to this part, I felt dizzy and couldn’t continue with the


After he finished his words, everyone was silent in the room.

After a while, Victoria asked anxiously, “Master, do you have any solution? How can we tackle the fatal


“Amitabha! The bloody giant dragon is the cause. I guess Mr. Lee will certainly get through the disaster

if he can rise up with ardour to kill the dragon.”novelbin

“Kill the dragon? Master, you must be kidding. Where can we find a dragon nowadays? Even if there’s

a dragon, it can’t be killed at ease,” asked Flora with doubts.

“That’s the mystery of nature. The bloody giant dragon is not necessarily a real dragon. Amitabha! I

have exposed too many secrets of the mystery of nature. I can’t say anything more.”

“Master, you can’t stop saying now. You should tell us how to tackle it.”

Master Fazhi shook his head gently and said seriously, “I really can’t say anything more. If Mr. Lee can

understand what I said, he should certainly get through the disaster.”

“Thank you for your advice, Master. Much appreciated,” said Maximilian with a smile.

Then he took out a red envelope with money and put it on the table. “Here’s some money for the

temple. Please take it, Master. We’re seeing ourselves out.” He stood up after finishing his words.

Victoria pulled his arm gently and whispered, “Isn’t it enough? And we haven’t made it clear yet.”

“Master is not someone who cares a lot about money. If we give him too much money, it will be

considered a humiliation to Master’s belief. And I understand what Master has said. We’d better not

disturb Master now.” Maximilian left with Victoria and Flora.

Master Fazhi was in a sulk when he heard what Maximilian had said.

“How generous! It should have been at least a cheque of millions of dollars. Such a thin envelope! Are

you sending off a beggar?” He murmured to himself in his mind.

When Maximilian and his company were out of sight, he picked up the red envelop from the table and

pouted at the sight of a bundle of money in it. It was only about ten thousand dollars, which meant

nothing to him.

It was not long before Harley showed up with a smile of satisfaction. “Good job. Roll up your sleeves

and get ready for busy work.”

“Yes, sir! I’m all ears,” Master Fazhi said with a bow.

Harley patted Master Fazhi on his shoulder and left in contentment.

Chester Saunder, Head of dragon lords, sat on the couch while Regan sat opposite to him.

“Grandpa, I really didn’t know Maximilian Lee is Dragon Emperor’s son,” said Regan lowering his head.

“It doesn’t matter now. What matters is what we are going to do in the future. The Saunders Family

have been working for Dragon Sect for a very long time, but do you know why it’s called Dragon Sect?”

asked Chester with his dropping eyelids.

“Yes, Grandpa. Dragon Sect was founded by our ancestors thousands of years ago but was later

robbed by the Lee Family!” said Regan loudly.

“Yeah! It was robbed by the Lee Family, which was a great humiliation to us the Saunders Family! We,

the Saunders Family, have been suffering from it for thousands of years. I guess the Lee Family has

long forgotten it.”

“But as offspring of the Saunders Family, we can never forget it! It has been the resolution of the

descendants of the Saunders Family to take the Dragon Sect back. It’s a pity there has never been a

chance. Now that Dragon Queen is stirring the pot, it’s the time for us to take it back. I have been

waiting in silence for this opportunity for more than 50 years,” said the Head of dragon lords, as he

raised his dropping eyelid, his eyes gleaming.

Regan felt his heart was burning with righteous ardor, as if he had seen himself becoming the young

master of Dragon Sect under the Saunders Family. Besides, he would definitely cope with Maximilian if

they wanted to take back the Dragon Sect, which was also the time for him to square accounts with


He was thrilled and exclaimed, “Grandpa, is there anything you’d like me to do? I’m all ears.”

“I do have something for you. Both Dragon Queen and Maximilian are in H City now. But there has not

been any conflict between them, which is not good for our plan. I have noticed the undercover I set

around Maximilian. He will soon send out master-hands to tackle Maximilian. You will be responsible

for the action on the spot and make the public believe that it’s Dragon Queen who sends people to

assassinate Maximilian. Once Maximilian is dead and people believe that it’s Dragon Queen who plots

it, there will be a good reason for us to take action. Besides, few of the rest dragon lords truly support

Dragon Queen.”

After hearing Chester’s plan, Regan stood up with excitement and said, “Grandpa, please rest assured!

I will accomplish it perfectly so as to make contributions to the rejuvenation of the Saunders Family.”

“Hahaha! Good boy! Brace yourself. I will arrange ten masters to go with you to H City. And the

undercover is named Thomas. Just contact him when you arrive.”

“Got it! Grandpa, wait for my good news.”

Chester nodded and asked Regan to leave by waving at him. Regan turned around to leave proudly.

After he went out of the room, Chester raised his right hand gently and a bodyguard standing at the

corner came up to him quickly, “Yes, your lordship.”

“Send Jakub to me!”

“Yes, your lordship.”

After the bodyguard made some contacts, a feminine and good looking man came in.

“Grandpa, what’s the matter?”

Chester said with a smile, “I have sent Regan to H City. Do you know why I ask you here?”

“Sure! Two strings to the bow. You want me to seduce Maximilian’s wife, right?”

“You bet! If Maximilian is dead, Dragon Emperor and Dragon Queen will die too. Then Maximilian’s wife

will be the successor, so we should keep her under our control. If Regan can’t kill Maximilian this time,

then it will be more critical for us to keep his wife under control. You should understand the significance

of it.”

Jakub smirked and said leisurely, “Grandpa, believe me! I’m good at dealing with women.”

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