Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 654 A Fatal Disaster
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Chapter 654 A Fatal Disaster

At Lingshan temple, Master Fazhi and Harley Chang sat facing each other in Master Fazhi’s room.

“Mr. Chang, the Thousand-hand Bodhisattva has been delivered per your requirement.”

“Good! I guess they will come to you in no time. Remember not to let the cat out of the bag.”

Master Fazhi nodded with a smile and said at ease, “Please rest assured. It’s just a nice gesture from

me to congratulate on their new home in advance.”

“Yep! That’s it! When you see them later, scare them with something like fatal disaster. And make sure

to make a divination for Maximilian and tell him that he has troubles with some tycoon.”

“I got it.”

Harley nodded with satisfaction. He stood up and said, “Take good care of this and you will get plenty

of treasure and glory. If you screw it up, all the people in Lingshan temple will go to hell.”

“Please rest assured. I’ll do my best to accomplish it.”

“Good! I’ll be watching your performance. Don’t let me down.”

After finishing his words, Harley left the room with his hands on his back.

Master Fazhi forced a smile and then looked towards the corner of the room, where there was a

camera barely visible to naked eyes. It was Harley who had it installed. Everything happened in the

room was captured by the camera and then sent to the room not far away where Harley was watching.

Harley carried it out privately this time in order to sow discord between Maximilian and the Head of

dragon lords with the incident that Maximilian beat up Regan. Especially when Harley was told that the

Head of dragon lords decided to take actions against Maximilian with the long planned scheme, he

knew it was time for him to exacerbate the dispute between the two parties so that he and Dragon

Queen could enjoy the benefit from their fight.

Harley really made good use of the timing to work out such a clever scheme. If it finally worked out for

him, he might be the biggest winner.

Master Fazhi sat square with his eyes looking down. He was thinking about the speech he needed to

make for the appointment later. After a while, an acolyte came to report to him, “Master, Mr. Lee and his

company are waiting outside.”

“Please lead the distinguished guests in,” Master Fazhi said loudly.

The acolyte pushed the door open and led Maximilian, Victoria and Flora into Master Fazhi’s room.

After they entered the room one by one, Master Fazhi bowed to them and greeted them with the

etiquette of Buddha, “Amitabha! Salutation to all of you.”

“Good day, Master Fazhi! We are here to express our gratitude towards you,” said Maximilian with a


“Hahaha! You really don’t have to. Since you are moving into a new house, the statue of Bodhisattva is

perfect for safeguarding it. That’s why I sent you the Thousand-hand Bodhisattva.”

“Thank you so much for your precious gift. But it’s a bit inappropriate to safeguard our house with the

Thousand-hand Bodhisattva. I think to a house, the statue of Bodhisattva is kind of ...”

Victoria was disturbed and became even more uneasy when she heard that the statue of Bodhisattva

was to safeguard their house. “Master, why did you send the statue of Bodhisattva to safeguard our

house? Our house doesn’t need it because our house is said to enjoy good fengshui.”

Master Fazhi stared at Victoria and then shook his head slowly, “It’s not like that. Good fengshui is just

a small part of it. You can’t expect to change your luck with fengshui alone. I happen to know

something about physiognomy. I can see some reflections of fatal disaster from Mr. Lee’s face. In other

words, Mr. Lee’s ophryon is dark, which is a sign of fatal disaster.”

Master Fazhi began to terrify them with fatal disaster, which would usually scare the common folks out

of their wits. At that moment, Victoria and Flora were worried and felt at loss because both of them

cared Maximilian a lot. But caring was not an advantage.

“Master, what does it mean? What, what will happen to Maximilian?” Victoria asked eagerly.

With a calmed smile, Master Fazhi comforted Victoria, “Ms. Griffith, please don’t panic. It’s not too late.

Please allow me to read Mr. Lee’s palm.”

Victoria immediately pulled Maximilian’s hand and said, “Maximilian, show Master your palm.”

“Hmm, is it really necessary? I don’t believe in ghost, destiny or metaphysics.” Maximilian never

believed in stuff like fortune-telling which he assumed to be faked.

Maximilian believed his destiny was not written in the stars, but held in his hands. As far as he was

concerned, if human beings relied on stuff like destiny, then nobody should struggle for life. They could

just lie down, waiting for the call of destiny.novelbin

“Maximilian, why are you delaying it? It wouldn’t hurt you to show Master your palm.”

“Yeah, Maximilian! Just show Master your palm. You don’t believe in it, but we believe in it. After Master

reads your palm, we will ask Master to conduct a rite to avert calamities and pray for blessings for you,”

added Flora.

Maximilian could do nothing but gave in to them. He walked up to Master Fazhi and showed him his left


“Show me both of your palms. Only the swindlers will tell you to show them the left palm if you are male

and the right palm if female. In fact, the left palm tells information of your heredity while the right palm

about your future,” Master Fazhi said like a professional.

He had tried every means to look like an eminent monk so as to convince them.

Maximilian could do nothing but showed both of his palms to Master Fazhi.

After checking Maximilian’s two palms carefully, Master Fazhi shook his head and sighed heavily. “It’s

dangerous, very dangerous. It’s a fatal disaster which is meant to be.”

Hearing this, Victoria and Flora were so terrified that they exclaimed at the same time.

“Ah! Master, what’s going on? Please tell us.”

“Is there any solution? How can we tackle it? We’ve got money, a lot of money.”

Maximilian was speechless after listening to what Victoria and Flora had said. If he had not been there,

Victoria and Flora would have been ripped off with all their money.

Master Fazhi looked down and did the divination on his knuckles for quite a while.

Finally, he said slowly, “The karma in this case is quite complicated and I don’t get it completely yet. But

I have figured out that it has something to do with a tycoon. And during the divination, I saw a blurred

bloody giant dragon circling in the fortune-telling of Mr. Lee, which is certainly not a good sign.”

Maximilian squinted and said coldly, “I wonder what the giant dragon you mentioned is like.”

“The giant dragon covered with bloody scales looks old and worn-out while the scales on his head


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