Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 610 Mysterious Disappearance
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Chapter 610 Mysterious Disappearance

“No, it’s my father. He didn’t get through when he called you, so he called me. He said he finds out

something for you.”

Indeed, Maximilian had been concentrated on Gardner’s case and almost forgot Lane’s affairs.

So Maximilian took the phone.

“Hey, Chairman Lane, I’m sorry. I have been busy with another matter recently. I’m really sorry...”

Just then, Maximilian heard Lane’s laughter.

“Hahaha, it’s okay. You said you want to invest in the antique industry. I just came to tell you that I have

almost arranged everything for it.”

Maximilian smiled and said, “Thank you so much. I would like to invite you to dinner when you are


Then the two exchanged a few words before hanging up the phone.

Amira saw Maximilian’s smile and asked.

“Mr. Maximilian, is there any good news?”

Maximilian smiled and waved his hand. Then he asked Amira to drive him back to the hotel.

Back at the hotel, they ate breakfast quickly and went back to their rooms.

Maximilian took a shower and then sat on the sofa, refreshed. He lit a cigarette habitually and sorted

everything out in his mind.

The matter of Gardner and blood jade was still a mystery to this day.

Maximilian felt confident and comfortable after receiving Lane’s call. He really couldn’t figure this out

and didn’t know if he trusted Lane too much.

He wondered if Dragon Queen was planning something behind his back. Did Dragon Queen know he

wanted to invest in the antique industry?


Maximilian was so absorbed in his thoughts that he didn’t realize the cigarette in his hand was burnednovelbin

out until the cigarette butt fell and burned his feet.

He threw the cigarette butt carelessly into the ashtray and made up his mind. Nothing was more

important than his life!

Maximilian suddenly thought of someone!

The person he thought of was Bradley, Ewan’s daughter! Ewan was a master of counterfeiting in the

Antique circle of H City.

When he called Barney yesterday, Maximilian learned that Ewan used to work in the Dragon Sect.

Since he couldn’t contact Ewan, he would investigate his daughter. Maybe he could get some secrets

about the antique circle in H City.

Thinking of this, Maximilian immediately ran out of the hotel and called a taxi to H City University.

Maximilian knew Bradley was studying at H City University through the files from Barney. But he had no

idea about her grade, major, or the dormitory she lived in.

When Maximilian scratched his head with worries, he thought of Flynn.

The file showed that Flynn was Bradley’s classmate. Besides, Flynn had a close relationship with


So Maximilian asked a few students on the way about the location of the student union office and

rushed over.

It was on the second floor of the Teaching Building. The rectangular sign on the upper right corner of

the door read ‘Student Union Office’.

Maximilian came to the door, glanced at the room number to confirm that it was correct, and entered


There were several students sorting things in the office. Maximilian looked around but did not find

Bradley or Flynn.

At this time, one of the male students walked over to Maximilian and asked politely.

“Hello, what can I do for you?”

“Um...I’m looking for Bradley and Flynn. Where are they?”

“Sorry, I don’t know. Both of them have withdrawn from the student union.”

“What?” Maximilian seemed a little agitated when he spoke.

“Then do you know where they are now? I have something urgent to ask them!”

The student was freaked out and made an ambiguous statement.

At this moment, another tall boy came over and said.

“Flynn is my roommate. He is now in class. Bradley already dropped out of school a few days ago. We

really don’t know where she is now.”

For Maximilian, this news came as a bombshell and ruined his hope. He pretended to be calm and said

to the tall boy.

“I see... could I trouble you to take me to Flynn?”

“Okay, he will finish the class in a while, and I will take you to him.”

Maximilian just stood outside the student union office and waited.

About thirty minutes later, the school bell rang, which indicated the end of the class. And the tall boy

took Maximilian to the downstairs of the teaching building.

Flynn held a book in his hand and stood under a tree, waiting for them.

Maximilian followed the tall boy and walked up.

“Flynn! This gentleman is looking for you. He has something urgent to ask you.”

Flynn glanced at Maximilian and asked. “Are you...Maximilian? What did you want?”

“Yes, I am. I heard that Bradley has dropped out of school. Do you know what’s going on?”

“Yes, she dropped out of school a few days ago. I heard from her friends that she moved to somewhere


What Flynn said was similar to what Maximilian imagined. She moved because of the pressure from

the Dragon Sect.

“Then do you know where she has moved to?”

“Um... Bradley said she moved to another city. She shouldn’t be in H City anymore. I don’t know the

details, sorry.”

Another city?

It was not at all easy to find her in H City. If she had moved out of H City, they would never be able to

find her.

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