Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 609 Complicated and Confusing
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Chapter 609 Complicated and Confusing

“Well... it’s normal for a person whose mind was affected by blood jade to forget what he has done. I

can understand this.”

Euan nodded and continued.

“I believe Gardner won’t hide anything from me. Don’t worry. There is still some good news. Although

Gardner doesn’t remember what happened last night, he still remembered the blood jade bracelet.”

“Then what did he say? I guess Gardner didn’t know the red jade bracelet was made of blood jade.”

Maximilian knew in his heart that Gardner was a victim, and the real murderer was the blood jade


Euan paused, slightly organized his thoughts, and said.

“Indeed, although Gardner has heard about blood jade, he had no idea the bracelet he was wearing

was made of blood jade. He thought the bracelet was a superb South Red Jade when he got it and

didn’t expect it to be a fake. Well, the craftsmanship of this counterfeiter is too high. No wonder

Gardner couldn’t recognize it ...”

“Well... I agree with you. The fineness, workmanship, and texture of the blood jade have reached the

top level of South Red Jade fakes. It is not something ordinary people can do. By the way, there is a

very critical question. Did Gardner mention where this bracelet came from?”

After saying this, Maximilian sat up straight, and his expression instantly became grave.

But Euan looked down.

“Yes, he did say the source of this bracelet, but it doesn’t help me much in the investigation...”

“What? What does that mean?”

Euan was a little depressed, and sighed before talking.

“Gardner told me a man came to pawn the bracelet some time ago. At that time, Gardner mistakenly

took it as a good South Red bracelet, so he offered a price of 80,000 dollars. The man was very

satisfied. But strangely, when Gardner had registered his files and was ready to let the man sign and

get the money, the man suddenly disappeared...”

“Does Gardner remember the person’s appearance?”

“Gardner remembers the man was wearing a hoodie when he came over. He always kept his head

down, so it was hard for Gardner to see his appearance clearly. But Gardner was impressed by one

thing. The man has only four fingers on his right hand. He missed his little finger.”

“Well... although this is a feature, it is not highly worthwhile. It will be hard to start the investigation

without knowing his appearance. By the way, he had to register his identity when he came to pawn

something. What about his ID?”

Euan sighed again and shook his head.

“I have checked the records. The ID information is faked, so I found nothing...”

Now the situation was clear.

Searching for a person who lacked the little finger on his right hand in the huge crowd was like looking

for a needle in the ocean.

Both of them looked quite disappointed.

After remained silent for a while, Maximilian said.

“Then let’s lay this issue aside for the moment. I have one more issue to discuss with you.”

“Go ahead, please.”

“Euan, I don’t know if you have ever thought about why I became Gardner’s target. His target was not

you, Amira, or anyone else. It stands to reason that people who lose their minds because of blood jade

will attack the people nearby. Gardner already went mad at that time, and he helped you back to the

room because you were drunk. Shouldn’t he attack you first? Is it because of the close relatin between

you two that he can’t bear to attack you? Is it possible?”

“It’s really impossible. Gardner had been bewitched by blood jade, so he had no feeling or reasoning. I

have thought about this question, but I couldn’t figure it out. Then I asked my father...”

Talking about his father, Euan paused and took a deep breath before continuing.

“I asked my father and got a reasonable explanation. If it was not accidental for Gardner to take you as

a target, there is only one possibility. He was attracted by you or something on you.”

‘What? Is it possible, really?’ Maximilian thought to himself, with a bewildered expression on his face.

He was speechless.

“I know you find it difficult to understand. Actually, I don’t quite understand what my father has said. If

there is something special about you that attract Gardner to your side, only you know it. Gardner was

out of his mind and couldn’t control himself. There seems to be only one explanation for his choice ofnovelbin

you as the target.”

Maximilian wondered how he was different from Amira and Euan, or what was really special about him

that others didn’t have.

Maximilian didn’t respond to Euan and silently fell into contemplation while covering his mouth.

Something special?

It could attract Gardner.

Gardner went mad because of blood jade.

Blood jade made Gardner go mad and killed people.

Gardner went mad and wanted to kill people.

This familiar rule...

Thinking of this, Maximilian was filled with dread.

Seeing Maximilian look serious and keep silent, Euan stretched out his hand and pushed Maximilian.

“Hey, are you okay? What are you thinking about? Why are you so absorbed?”

Maximilian calmed down and let out a sigh of relief.

“Nothing, this matter sounds a bit spiritual. It’s a little complicated...”

“Oh, no way out. That’s what I can find out so far, but please rest assured. I will continue the

investigation. Maybe when Gardner gets better, he will remember more details. If I get any information,

I will let you know as soon as possible.”

“Okay, that’s the only way...”

The conversation between them was almost over. Euan wanted to invite Maximilian to dinner, but

Maximilian declined.

At this moment, Maximilian didn’t have any mood to enjoy a meal.

So Maximilian said goodbye to Euan and then left.

Coming out of Euan’s house, Maximilian called Amira. As expected, there was no movement in the

Royal Treasure House.

‘Well... it’s really a bad day...’

Maximilian groaned in his heart.

Then he rushed to Royal Treasure House to meet Amira.

Maximilian refused to leave Royal Treasure House. He bought bread and drinks at the convenience

store and stayed overnight at the gate of Royal Treasure House with Amira.

But they got nothing.

On the second morning, Maximilian, who had been waiting for the whole night, finally could bear no

more and fell asleep in the car with dark circles around his eyes.

Maximilian was sleeping when he heard Amira’s voice.

“Mr. Maximilian, Mr. Maximilian, wake up...”

Maximilian suddenly woke up and shouted. “What’s wrong?”

Amira shook her head and handed over his mobile phone.

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