Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 519 You Will Be Discovered Soon
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Chapter 519 You Will Be Discovered Soon

The cars rushed into the airport and then straight to the parking lot.

A Gulfstream jet was parked on the runway. The ladder was already set, and the crew was waiting

beside it.

Thompson and Colletti got off the car and boarded the plane with their men in a rush.

When they got on the plane, Thompson and Colletti did not sit down. Instead, they went straight to the

rear cabin with four bodyguards.

The rear cabin door was open. Outside the cabin door, a maintenance vehicle was parked.

A maintenance guy was carrying a case in the rear cabin. When seeing Thompson and the others, he

opened the case in his hand and took out a few working suits.

"Please get changed, sir."

Thompson and the others changed into the working suits hurriedly. When putting on the hat, they

looked exactly like maintenance people.

"Alright, let’s get off the plane now. Let these useless guys fly away as soon as possible! They will

definitely catch Maximilian’s attention!"

After that, Thompson got off the plane from the rear cabin door. The group of people got in the

maintenance vehicle and then drove to the airport maintenance warehouse not far away.

When the maintenance vehicle went into the warehouse, the Gulfstream jet had already started to taxi

down the runway.

Meanwhile, a Mercedes rushed in.

Behind the Mercedes, two airport security vans were chasing after it.

Watching the jet, whose nose was up, Connor couldn’t help but sigh, "We’re late! These guys are

running too fast!"

The Mercedes stopped at the runway. Maximilian pushed open the door and got off the car.

Connor and the others didn’t know what was going on. Although they had no idea what Maximilian

wanted to do, since he got off the car, the rest of them followed him.

Maximilian walked up to a line of cars parked along the edge of the runway, which were the ones driven

by Thompson and his men just now.

At this moment, the people were gone, while the cars were left.

Glancing at those vehicles, Maximilian walked straight to that Lincoln Navigator.

Lincoln Navigator was not well-known in the country, but the case was different in other countries,

where Lincoln Navigator was more famous than Audi and Mercedes.

Maximilian walked up to the Lincoln Navigator, stretched out his hand and pulled open the door, looking

closely at any traces and items left inside the car.

Screech! The sound of a sudden braking rang out. Finally, the two security vans caught up.

Slam! Slam!

Then came the sound of the car doors slamming, followed closely by the security guards’ curses.

"Are you guys insane? How dare you rush into the airport! Do you want to die?"

"Hey, we’re talking to you! Are you playing deaf? Get your asses up here!"

These security guards took out their rubber rods in a domineering way, swearing at Maximilian and thenovelbin

other three.

Connor’s face darkened. He opened his jacket, showing the gun at his waist.

"Scram if you don’t want to die! If you want to talk, ask The airport manager to come over here!"

"What the fuck." The security guards watched the gun at Connor’s waist, and their eyeballs were about

to pop out.

"Bro, calm down. We’re just doing our jobs here. Let’s cool down."

The head of the security guards compromised at once. He put the rubber rod away, showing an

ingratiating smile.

It wouldn’t hurt to bully the ordinary people, but they would be courting death if flexing their muscles in

front of those tough guys.

The head of the security guards knew better, so he didn’t confront with them directly. Instead, he tried

to smooth things over.

When Maximilian finished checking the interior of the car, he said with hands clasped behind his back,

"Let the one in charge of the airport come over here. I want to see their boarding video just now."


Connor looked at the head of the security guards, took out the pistol and pointed it to his head. "Ask

the person in charge to come here. We want to watch the surveillance video."

"Alright, alright. Could you put down the gun first, bro? I’ll contact him right now."

"As long as you behave yourself, nothing will happen." Connor said in an authoritative tone.

"I see. I will definitely behave myself. Well, can I take out my phone? I have to make a call."

Connor nodded slightly. The head of the security guards took out his phone and called the manager of

the airport.

After a few words, the head of the security said, "He agreed. But if you want to watch the surveillance

video, you have to go to the monitor room."

"Why bother going there? Can’t you make a video call? Tell your people to play the video in the monitor

room and make a video call. We can watch the surveillance video via phone." Maximilian said flatly.

"OK, OK. Let me make another phone call."

The head of the security started to make another call.

Flora pushed herself towards Maximilian. "Maximilian, what do you mean by doing this? Do you

suspect that they haven’t gone yet?"

"They might have, but most likely not. According to their behavior, they attempted to cover up


After that, Maximilian moved his eyes to the hangar and warehouse aside.

Inside the maintenance warehouse.

Thompson, Colletti and the others got off the maintenance vehicle. Led by that maintenance guy who

had picked them up, the group of people went straight into the maintenance room at the far end of the


"This is an old maintenance room. It’s almost abandoned. People hardly come here." The maintenance

guy said as he was walking.

"I don’t care about it. My men had delivered something here ahead of time . Are those things already

here? We need to disguise ourselves and then leave this damn place! I don’t feel good about this

place. It is awful!"

Thompson was panic-stricken, as if he was on the watch list of death. That feeling made him regret that

he hadn’t left on the plane.

Maybe it was better to fly to L City, then took the speed boat to the open sea and ran away by ship.

But it was too late for him to regret. Once the plane took off, it wouldn’t fly back at all.

"The things you delivered are here. You can leave the warehouse from the back door in the

maintenance room. The wall nearby is ready and you may leave from there. But the car is a little far

away. It’s parked in a village 2km away."

After that, the maintenance guy led Thompson and the others into the maintenance room, and then

opened the cabinet.

There were several big cases in the cabinet. The maintenance guy pointed at them. "These are all your


The bodyguard stepped forward, took out the cases and then opened them.

One of the cases was filled with several sets of disguise tools, while the other two various costumes,

the last one weapons.

"Hurry up."

With that, Thompson picked up some tools and started to put on makeup.

The maintenance guy leaned lazily against the cabinet, staring at them.

Buzz! Buzz!

The phone vibrated. The maintenance guy took it out and looked at it, his face growing serious.

"You guys are real sloppy. Those who are chasing after you have already arrived, and contacted The

airport manager. They are asking for the surveillance video right now. Don’t they have a strong instinct?

I think you’ll be discovered soon."

"Fuck! How come? Hurry up!" Thompson roared in anger.

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