Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 518 Conceal the Real Power
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Chapter 518 Conceal the Real Power

"Check where they have gone. We can’t let it pass so easily." Maximilian said, looking cold.

They failed to cash out the winnings, and someone wanted to collect his blood. All these made

Maximilian feel that the truth must be more complicated. The most important thing was what they would

do with his blood?

Now that the modern science and technology was so advanced, some kind of new high-end futuristic

technology might come out. If those non-locals cloned him, what would that look like?

Therefore, Maximilian must catch Colletti and others to find out what they intended to do exactly.

Connor glanced at his phone. "I’ve already made arrangement about it. I ordered someone to keep a

close watch on the roads in traffic management department, and he will report their movements to me

at any time. Their cars are now heading for an airport in the suburbs."

This airport was small. Usually, small and medium sized cargo planes or helicopters took off and

landed in this airport, which was very different from ordinary airports for passengers.

Occasionally, private planes took off and landed in this airport too. Accordingly, it was more private than

any other ordinary airport.

"They want to leave by plane!" Canaan said in a loud voice.

"Connor, follow me. Let’s catch up with them."

Maximilian went out with Connor, and Canaan and Flora followed them immediately.

While walking, Connor asked for four pistols and several clips from his men.

They got into Canaan’s Mercedes. Maximilian sat straight on the driver’s seat, while Connor on the

passenger seat, and both Canaan and Flora the back seat.

Maximilian started the engine and the car rushed out. The Mercedes was racing on the road.

Canaan had an adrenaline rush and watched Maximilian driving with great excitement.

"Master, you are awesome! I’m afraid you hit 100km/h in less than three seconds!" Canaan waved his

fist hard.

"Fasten your seat belt." Maximilian said flatly.novelbin

"OK, OK."

Both Canaan and Flora started to fasten their seat belts, while Connor took out two pistols and handed

them to Canaan and Flora.

Canaan was stunned. He reached out his trembling hand and took the pistol from Connor.

Although Canaan had seen pistols in movies many times, it was the first time for him to hold a real

pistol in his hand.

"Do… Do we need guns? I don’t know how to use it!"

Canaan held the handle, the coldness stimulating his nerves. Canaan was so tense that he almost

threw the pistol away with a shake of his hand.

Flora rolled her eyeballs and said scornfully, "Are you a man? It’s just a gun. Let me show you how to

load it. I don’t think I need to show you how to take the safety off or how to pull the trigger, right?"

Flora took over the pistol, loaded it and thumbed the safety off deftly. One could easily tell that she was

an expert on guns.

Canaan stared straight at Flora and asked with trembling lips, "How…how do you know how to use a


"Of course I was trained before. You don’t have to tell me that you have never done any fundamental

training before, do you? I have no idea how you can be a rich kid. Besides, shouldn’t you guys be

thrilled upon seeing a gun?"

Canaan was stunned and replied in embarrassment, "I don’t like fighting and killing. Besides, when I

am at home, I have bodyguards around me all the time. I didn’t have to worry about my safety at all."

"Well, bodyguards can never be relied upon. They are absolutely untrustworthy at critical moments. I

suggest you watch more movies when you’re at home." Flora shook her head hard.

Maximilian glanced at Canaan in the rearview mirror. "Canaan, don’t be nervous. You don’t have to use

the gun. Just take one to protect yourself."

"Alright, I see, master."

Connor was staring at the phone screen, so that he could report Colletti’s movements to Maximilian.

"They are 10km away from the airport. If nothing else happens, they are really going to the airport. Let

me call my friend at the airport right now. I have to ask him whether any temporary air route has been


Maximilian nodded slightly, and then slammed on the gas pedal. The Mercedes rumbled and sped up.

As quick as a flash, the speed made everyone in the car excited. Especially Canaan, he even forgot

the nervousness just now.

Connor found a number and called. After a few words, Connor ended the call.

"Fifteen minutes ago, someone asked for an emergency air route. Their plane is a Gulfstream jet, and

their destination is L City. I guess they want to fly there and then run away by sea."

Maximilian was driving the car attentively and said nothing. The Mercedes fell into silence, and only the

rumble of the engine was heard in the car.

In the roomy Lincoln Navigator, a sullen look shaded Thompson’s face.

"How come our plan failed?"

"Of course we did. We could have succeeded, but the plan was destroyed by a woman. Damn it. We

had such a bad luck! Maybe we should find a church, pray to God and ask him to bless us and protect


Colletti believed that it must be because he hadn’t prayed to God these days that he had failed at the

critical moment.

"Fuck!" Thompson cursed in a deep voice and rubbed his cheeks hard with both his hands, "Is the air

route settled?"

"It is settled. The only emergency route we could apply for is to L City, so we can only go to the


"Who says we are going to the seaside? We just need to get some random guys on the plane. All we

need to do is hide ourselves!" Thompson said in anger.

"Hide ourselves? Where?"

"I’ve arranged a safe house in the warehouse of that airport. We just need to hide there, and everything

will be fine tomorrow."

"Gosh! Aren’t you going to report to the boss? If we don’t ask for help, we will die here. It’s not that you

haven’t seen how powerful Maximilian is. I really believe that he masters the 18 Palm Attacks to Defeat

Dragons! He is amazing!"

Colletti did some Kung Fu postures. He had been studying Kung Fu these days, but most things he

watched were clips from swordsmen movies.

Those martial arts masters who flew in the sky and those special effects that reflected a strong sense

of ancient times were attractive to Colletti.

Thompson was tingling with excitement. He thought of what Maximilian had said last time about the

hermits practicing in royal road.

"You have asked your men to investigate royal road to fame. Have you found out anything?"

Thompson asked, frowning.

"I have. There are sure many hermits there and they call themselves ' Qi practitioner '. However, my

men don’t think they are that strong. They even picked a fight with some of them, and those hermits

were easily defeated. To put it simply, no one there could fight."

Colletti shrugged and went on, "My men believed that royal road to fame was simply a story. I don’t

even know how to comment on those hermits practicing there."

"They’ve always been talking about 'concealing real power'. Maybe that’s just an


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