Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 380 Are you looking for trouble?
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Chapter 380 Are you looking for trouble?

Alice put down the phone, looking at her future parents-in-law sitting opposite nervously.

"I've already contacted her. Victoria will definitely be there tomorrow. What's the matter? Why would our

betrothal party have shifted to an earlier date so suddenly?"

Brody gently touched Alice with his foot, "Alice, don't ask too much. This is the day set by a hermit."

A trace of doubt flashed in Alice’s eyes. Since her fiancé said so, she felt it inappropriate to make a

detailed inquiry.

"Alice, invite all your acquaintances in H City to come. It's a bit hasty tomorrow, but we can still invite

more people to make it lively."

Alice nodded and continued to make phone calls.

Brody's parents stood up and went out of the room together. After they muttered a few words, Brody's

father sent a text message with his mobile phone.

The text message was delivered at various levels, and finally reached Harley Chang's mobile phone.

After reading the text message, Harley whistled and raised his eyebrows, "Let's get prepared.

Maximilian must die tomorrow."

"Yes sir." Harley's men went into action. they arranged all kinds of things needed at the engagement

banquet, and make final preparations for tomorrow's plan.

The next day at noon.

A red arch was set up at the entrance of Harbor Seafood. Huge photos of Alice and Brody were hung

around. The celebration of their engagement were displaying on the huge LED screen.

Many guests who came were at the front desk for registration, and then went to the banquet hall.

Alice and Brody stood in the lobby of the hotel to greet the guests. Seeing that most of them were

strangers, Alice was confused.

"Brody, how come I have never met these people? It’s our betrothal party. Why should we invite so

many people?"

"They are relatives from my hometown. This is the local custom. Don't think too much. Receive the

guests warmly. Is that Victoria?"

Brody pointed to the direction of the door, seeing Victoria and Maximilian walking in, Brody felt envious.

Alice was beautiful, but she was just above average. When compared with Victoria, who was such a

perfect beauty, Alice was quite normal.

Maximilian dressed plainly, but accompanied by a beautiful woman, any man would be envious seeing


Victoria took out the prepared red packet, and then wrote down her name on the gift list.

Alice and Brody welcomed them.

“Victoria, you are finally here, I miss you so much.” Alice held Victoria in her arms.

Victoria said with a smile, "I haven't seen you for a long time. Are you excited to be a bride today?"

"What bride? I'm just engaged, not a bride yet, is this Maximilian?" Alice looked at Maximilian curiously.

She has heard a lot about Maximilian's cowardice. This was the first time Alice saw Maximilian.

"Well, he's my husband, Maximilian. Are you going to introduce your fiancé?"

"My fiancé, Brody, has set up a decoration company of his own. Victoria, if you need decoration in the

future, give some consideration to his company." Alice said with a smile.

Brody's attention was on Victoria, and he was attracted by her every twinkle and smile.

Maximilian blocked Brody’s sight by stepping up. Brody frowned slightly and was dissatisfied with

Maximilian’s action. It was not suitable to conflict with Maximilian now, so he can only suppress his


As his eyes turned, he saw two people over there, and his eyes suddenly brightened.

What Brody saw were the men arranged by Harley to assassinate Maximilian. Although he only met

them once, he knew their purpose.

"I saw two acquaintances; I'll go and greet them." Brody said, and quickly walked towards the two men.

Maximilian took a look at the two men and didn’t take notice. He listened to Victoria and Alice chatting

with his hands clasped behind his back.

Brody went towards the two men and said in a low voice, "Dexter, Holmes, that is Maximilian. He is so


"Well, I see. Take us over." Brody led Dexter and Holmes back and said with a smile, "Alice, this is

Dexter and this is Holmes. They are important clients of my company. They have a lot of contacts in the

real estate industry. Our company will count on them in the future."

Hearing Brody's introduction, Alice dared not to ignore them, and quickly shook hands with them while

smiling, "Thank you, Dexter and Holmes for coming to our betrothal party. It is our great honor to have

you here."

"You're welcome. We offer mutual benefit and achieve common progress. May I ask who these two


Dexter squinted at Maximilian, and then looked at Victoria with avaricious eyes. There was rapacious

greedy in his eyes.

Holmes was also staring at Victoria greedily, looking her from head to toe, and then from bottom to top,

as if he intended to look through her clothes with his eyes.

Victoria was disgusted by them, and stood behind Maximilian.

Brody introduced with a smile, "This beautiful woman is Victoria, a good friend of my fiancée, and a

successful woman of the Griffith. This is her husband, Maximilian, the legendary number one loser in H


Alice looked unhappy, and turned to Brody with complain, "Brody, how can you say that?"

"I'm not lying. It was a consensus in H City."

Brody said with a smile, and didn't feel that he said something inappropriate.

Knowing that someone was going to deal with Maximilian, and knowing that the person who was going

to do that was powerful, Brody felt that he had something secure to rely on.

Alice stamped her feet and walked to Victoria with her head low, "Victoria, please don't be angry. I don't

know why Brody act like that today."

"It's OK. We’ll leave you to the conversation." Victoria managed a smile.

Dexter blocked them and said to Victoria, "Miss Griffith, what’s the hurry? We haven't known each other

well. At least, let’s hold hands and kiss each other."novelbin

Maximilian looked at Dexter coldly, "Are you looking for trouble?"

"Yes, we are. What can you do about it?" Holmes took up Dexter’s refrain.

Victoria pulled Maximilian back and said in a low voice, "This is Alice's engagement banquet. Don't act


Alice burst into tears out of anxiety, "Brody, tell your friend not to act like this."

Brody pulled Alice aside and said in a low voice, "These two are people we rely on for a living. We can't

afford to offend them."

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