Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 379 Ambush at the Betrothal Party
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Chapter 379 Ambush at the Betrothal Party

In the No.1 Chamber of the Golden Coast Club, Harley Chang, fair skinned, pretty and charming like a

woman, was wearing hand-made traditional clothing, sitting on the sofa and gently shaking his tulip


The golden wine rotated gently in the cup. Harley looked down at the wine, as if he was contemplating

an abstruse secret.

Andrew was on pins and needles. No matter how he sat, he felt uncomfortable, especially when he saw

the four people in black standing in the four corners of the room.

The four men in black were wearing silver masks, standing upright and motionless like four sculptures.

"May I ask who you are? What can I do for your attacking against Maximilian?"

Andrew took the initiative to break the ice. If he kept silent like this, he felt he would collapse mentally.

"Do you know the identity of Maximilian?" Harley had a magnetic voice, which was pleasing to the ears.

Andrew looked at Harley suspiciously, with a disdainful smile on his face, "He's just a loser who can't

do anything. What kind of identity can he have?"

"Well, it seems that he did a good job of covering up. He didn't let you know his real identity."

"What? Does he have another identity? He is a coward who doesn’t have a strong background. "

Andrew didn’t believe that Maximilian had any secret identity. Even if he had, it must be a soreheadnovelbin

playboy, which was useless.

Harley smiled lightly, "He really has no strong background anymore, because he is about to become

the history."

Depending on his appearance and flatter, Harley had already had a secret relationship with Dragon

Queen, and she was even pregnant with his baby.

Harley was scheming to pave the way for his unborn child. As long as Maximilian was eradicated,

Dragon Queen would be able to control Dragon Sect and set his child as the heir of the Dragon Sect.

Every time he thought of this, Harley would be very excited. From a commoner to the father of the

future successor of Dragon Sect, he was filled with a sense of fulfillment.

However, Harley couldn't figure out what Dragon Queen was thinking. He had proposed to kill

Maximilian heaps of times, but Dragon Queen always said the timing was not right.

Harley didn’t know what Dragon Queen was waiting for, but he was too impatient to wait.

"Becoming the history?" Andrew didn't understand what Harley meant.

"To die is to become the history." Harley laughed complacently.

"Yes, kill that trash, and let him become the past completely." Andrew said ferociously.

If he could kill Maximilian himself, he would have done it long ago, but he lacked the ability and

courage, so he never thought of that.

"I wonder how you're going to kill him. Maximilian is like a cockroach, which is hard to eliminate. He

seems to know some Kung Fu, too." Andrew asked in a low voice.

"I've prepared a banquet. Just let him go to the banquet. I have my way to kill. No one will know how he

died." Harley said with his eyes squinting.

Even if he wanted to kill Maximilian, Harley can only try his best to make Maximilian’s death seemed

like an accident without the order from Dragon Queen. If he killed Maximilian directly and was found

out, he would have to bear all the consequences.

Harley made full preparations for this banquet, and there were no less than ten ways to make

Maximilian die accidentally.

"That's it?" Andrew asked in disbelief.

"For you, it's that simple, but you have to make sure that Maximilian was not suspicious. If he is

suspicious, many means will not work." Harley said with his eyes squinting.

Andrew muttered to himself, and thought that if he intervened and asked Maximilian to attend the

banquet, he was afraid that Maximilian would be circumspect in any case.

"I'll try to find a way to make Maximilian believe." Andrew scratched his head and said.

"You'd better figure it out now, so I can cooperate with you.”

"I heard that Victoria's classmate is engaged. If the banquet you prepare can disguise as the

engagement banquet of Victoria’s classmate, I don't think Maximilian will be on guard."

Andrew cudgeled his brain, remembering the content of the call when Victoria answered the phone

yesterday, so he came clean.

Harley nodded, "Give her classmate's name, contact information to me, I’ll arrange for it."

"I only know that Victoria's betrothed classmate is Alice. I really don't know the contact information. I

just eavesdropped. Andrew said with a guilty face.

"I know. It's enough. You can go. I'll contact you if needed.”

"Well, as long as you can get rid of Maximilian, I will cooperate."

Andrew left the room. Harley said coldly, "Find me Alice, no matter what means you’ll use, arrange the

banquet tomorrow.”

"Yes, sir."

Harley raised the tulip cup in his hand and proposed a toast to the air. Then he raised his head and

drank the wine, "I hope everything goes well tomorrow."

When Maximilian and Victoria went home, Laura picked faults with Maximilian in various ways.

"Maximilian, can you do some proper business? Don’t you feel ashamed sitting around and waiting to


"Mom, Maximilian is helping me, and he did not sit around and wait to die. Don't talk nonsense."

Laura was so angry that her eyes twitched twice, "You are protecting him more and more. I don't know

what kind of enticing spell he has given you. If he can help you, let him work in the company. At least

he can get paid."

"It's not that you don't know about the situation. With uncles tyrannizing, Maximilian could not have

been employed." Victoria explained helplessly.

"Then just let him be a freeloader? What are you looking at, you waste? You should find a decent job.

Don’t stand there and do nothing. Who do you think you are?" Laura cursed.

Maximilian had no choice but to smile and went into the kitchen to prepare dinner for Victoria.

Victoria sighed and was about to talk to Laura, her phone suddenly rang.

The call was from Alice, Victoria immediately put through, "Hello, Alice, did you call to inform me to

attend your wedding banquet?”

"Yes, my betrothal party with Brody was arranged tomorrow noon on the second floor of the Harbor


"What’s the hurry? Last time I checked, you said it will be in a few days." Victoria asked curiously.

"Well, it's Brody’s decision. His family was in haste. You must arrive on time tomorrow. I'll inform others,

so I’ll hang up."

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