Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 272 Gemstone gambling
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Chapter 272 Gemstone gambling

Should he kneel or not? This was a tough decision.

Frankie’s stare swept over Connor and Wyatt like a god, then landed at Maximilian at last.

Maximilian was sitting there without any emotion, seemingly indifferent to everything happened before.

Frankie glared at Maximilian’s eyes, failing to spot any fear, but only mockery.

For Maximilian, Frankie was a nobody, but Connor wanted to flaunt him, so he showed Connor his


Though the mockery in Maximilian’s eyes made Frankie embarrassed and mad, he felt somewhat

anxious too, feeling that there would be something more between his lines.

He would take this apology as a chance to finally get away from Connor. This Maximilian just got

extremely lucky.

Frankie moved his heavy steps and kneeled down with one leg, “I am sorry, Mr. Maximilian.”

“This is not sincere at all.” said Maximilian lightly.

Connor stepped on the other knee of Frankie, making squeezing noises.

“Did you forget what I taught you?” Connor said coldly.

Frankie’s face twitched. He looked at Maximilian with a gloomy smile, “I will remember what happened


The other knee finally got on the floor as well. Frankie kneeled down completely.

This scene made Leon’s eyelids jump like crazy and his blood turn cold.

Frankie was the boss of the whole Geekoo, but he was humiliated like this!

One-knee-down was not even enough.

Humphrey’s whole body was shaking, while his brain that functioned normally was now in a total shock,

staring at Maximilian with empty eyes.

Zakariya and the others all greeted their teeth, with angry flames in their eyes that could burn a whole

sea coast if they were real.

Frankie looked at Maximilian with deep eyes, as if he was going to imprint his look in his brain.novelbin

Later, Frankie started to kowtow.

“Mr. Maximilian, I had been rude today. According to Connor’s rule, I will stab myself three times to

show my apology.”

Victoria turned around nervously because she did not want to see a bloody scene.

Seeing her gesture, Maximilian knew what she was thinking, so he smiled, “Do not stain this place.

That would be disturbing.”

Frankie’s whole face turned purple with anger.

As the leader in this city, he already kowtowed and was going to stab himself for three times. This was

considered the highest manner of an apology here. How dare Maximilian say that it would be


Leon and all the others were shocked. Kowtows just took away the dignity but stabbing oneself… was


How were they going to apologize to Maximilian later?

If they all did it in Frankie’s way, they would die.

Connor bowed, “Mr. Maximilian is right. I will take him outside to complete this apology. Things will get

done soon.”

“Go.” Connor stared at Frankie coldly, “Follow up.”

“Ok, Connor. This is my last time to show you respect like this, since you breaks our tie for this poor

loser, do not blame me for being cruel in the future.”

“Ah ha.” Connor disdainfully thought, it was you who offended the lord of Dragan Sect, so how stupid

you were for not appreciating my help?

After they got out of the lobby, Frankie soon made three humming noises. Apparently, he stabbed

himself for real.

Wyatt curled his lips and looked at the others, “It’s your turn.”

Zakariya said shockingly, “We just said something rude. Wouldn’t it be enough for us to just apologize?”

“Yeah. There is no need to slap us for three times. Just kowtows will be enough.” Teddy said nervously.

Trying to hold down the fear and anger, Leon said to Maximilian, “You’d better not go too far on this.

This is Geekoo. Conner and Uncle Wyatt can protect you once, but they could not protect you forever.”

“You are not satisfied with this result?” Maximilian asked with a smile.

“Of course no! if it were not for them, who do you even think you are? I dare you to bet with me.” Leon


“Ok.” Maximilian said lightly.

Leon got stunned for a moment because he did not expect Maximilian to bet with him so easily. He was

prepared for a long talk.

Maximilian looked at Leon teasingly, “You decide the rules. As long as you lose, all these people have

to apologize in same the way as Frankie.”

“Leon, Are you sure about it? We can’t afford the penalty.” Teddy asked and pulled Leon’s arm.

Leon nodded firmly, since that raw gemstone was checked by a famous expert in this field, he should

not fail on this one.

Plus, Leon also knew that those emerald stones in this auction were mostly normal and plain. The only

outstanding one was the one he knew.

“Chill. I will not lose.” Leon said confidently.

Seeing how assured he was, all the others put their hopes on him.

“Sure. As long as you win, I will kowtow and stab myself, but if we win, you are going to do that to us


“Sure, just let Uncle Wyatt be the witness.” Maximilian pointed at Wyatt.

Wyatt said flauntingly, “Please do not call me Uncle Wyatt. Just call me by my first name.”

Seeing how Wyatt was treating Maximilian like a flaunting dog, Leon thought that Wyatt was surely old

enough for him to get stunned by such a loser.

“Ok, this is the deal. I’m going for the NO.9. You just need to choose one from all those emerald

stones, then we cut them separately to see whose stone has a better color and quality.”

After saying this, Leon looked at Maximilian with full pride, thinking that he was sure to win this round.

Though Connor and Wyatt both supported Maximilian, they would not be able to help someone looking

for troubles on purpose this time.

Leon considered Maximilian stupid and already started to imagine the scene he kneeling down in front.

Karson’s eyelids jumped twice. He did not expect Leon to say something like that.

“Wait, this bet was not fair.” Karson tried to turn the situation around, since he could not let Maximilian

lose in front of him.

“Uncle Wyatt, what do you mean by that?” Leon looked at Wyatt unpleasantly.

However, Maximilian waved his hand, “That’s the deal.”

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