Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 208 Work Along Three Lines
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Chapter 208 Work Along Three Lines

Samuel and the others stared at Maximilian in astonishment. They were stunned for a while and then

snorted in disdain.

"Loser, you are not awake yet, are you? Are you still dreaming? You will take care of Boss Mccarthy?

How? I’m afraid you are not even able to see Boss Mccarthy!" Franklin said contemptuously.

Iris stared at Maximilian and said coldly, "Are you thinking about beating Boss Mccarthy up? You are

too naive. I am quite sure. Next time, before you can even reach Boss Mccarthy, you will be battered."

Andrew muttered to himself and then said, "It was your family who stirred up the trouble, and you

should take care of it, no matter for emotional motives or other reasons. If you sort it out, that will be

fine. If not, humph, be ready to be kicked out of the house!"

Samuel nodded slightly, approving of Andrew’s idea.

"Andrew is right. It was you who stirred up the trouble. Marcus, sort it out with your family. If you can’t,

you guys will no longer belong to the Griffith family."

"Dad! You… Well…"

Marcus was heartbroken. It didn’t occur to him that Samuel would be deluded by Andrew and Darian,novelbin

and thus say such ruthless words.

"I’m already giving you a special treatment by doing this. Stop standing here like a fool. Take your loser

son-in-law with you and scram now!"

Marcus heaved a sigh, turned around in disappointment and left with Maximilian, Victoria and Laura.

"Bah!" Franklin spat at Maximilian’s back and said scornfully, "Who are you pretending to be? I’ll just

see how you will take care of Boss Mccarthy. You loser can only make trouble!"

On their way back, Marcus was driving the car in low spirits. He felt extremely depressed.

Laura felt that a fire was smouldering inside her.

Laura flew into a rage at once when she saw Maximilian on the backseat in the rearview mirror.

"Maximilian, loser, why did you beat Boss Mccarthy up for nothing? Even if you went to save Victoria,

you didn’t have to beat him up. You could have just rushed in and taken Victoria out! Why would you

exercise your authority outside home? Do you really think you are some sort of big fish?"

"Mom, don’t talk to him like this." Victoria defended Maximilian.

"Keep your mouth shut." Laura scolded Victoria and then went on scolding Maximilian, "Did you have

your head kicked by a donkey? Do you think you can push yourself forward by fighting with people? Do

you think you are no longer a loser when you beat someone up? Mindless violence is just the act of


"If you hadn’t beaten Boss Mccarthy up, would our family have been kicked out of the business? If we

hadn’t been put on the blacklist, would we have been humiliated by Samuel? You have destroyed my

family, loser! A loser will always destroy rather than accomplish things!" Laura was getting angrier.

Maximilian remained silent. Victoria grabbed his hand and held it gently. Maximilian was touched, and

pinched back Victoria’s soft hand.

"Victoria, don’t worry. Go back and have a rest." Maximilian said affectionately.

Victoria’s heart missed a beat. She said nervously, "What are you going to do? It’s late and we’d better

go home."

"Home? Whose home is he going? This loser is not qualified to go home! This loser should run his own

course outside home! Didn’t he mention that he could take care of Boss Mccarthy? Then let him do it.

Let’s see how competent he is. If you can’t deal with this, then don’t ever go in the door of our house,

loser!" Laura roared and then yelled at Marcus, "Why are you still driving? Stop! Let this loser get off

and scram. Let him get off and leave him here. He’d better die outside and never come back."

Marcus stopped the car quietly. Maximilian patted Victoria’s hand, opened the car door and got off the


"Maximilian… Don’t… Don’t horse around." Victoria warned him anxiously.

"Don’t worry. How could I horse around? Go to bed once you get home. Don’t worry about me."

Maximilian gave Victoria a faint smile.

"Scram! Shut the door and stop talking nonsense to Victoria. Don’t play the affectionate husband here.

Just get away as far as you can!" Laura shouted angrily through the car window.

Maximilian closed the car door, and watched the car start and race away from him rapidly.

It was not until the taillights vanished from sight that Maximilian withdrew his eyes. He raised his head

and looked into the dark night sky.

The night sky was as dark as ink. The bright moon and stars were shining in the sky. It was not a dark

and windy night for killing, but it was high time he gave Mateo a good lesson.

Maximilian took out his phone and sent Connor a message, asking him to find out the location of Mateo

and his people.

Before long, Connor called back, "Young Master, Mateo and his people are now in the No.1 private

room of Royal Court Club. Did they offend you? I’ll fix them with my people now."

"There’s no need for you guys to go for him. I’ll go and talk something with him."

"Yes, I see."

Maximilian hung up, got into a taxi and went straight to Royal Court Club.

In the No.1 private room of Royal Court Club.

Mateo, Angus and the others were drinking in the private room now.

Although each of them had gauze on his face, a dozen seductive hostesses were not bothered at all,

because Mateo was a high roller.

Mateo paid them 10,000 dollars for an hour, which was enough for these hostesses to serve them like


"Dang! That bitch Victoria, I was this little far away from getting my way, and it was wrecked by that

loser husband of hers. Damn it!" Mateo said in a huff.

"Don’t get mad, Boss Mccarthy. Victoria will be lying under you sooner or later. By that time, she will

have to be in whatever position you like. Ah ha ha." Angus was trying his best to lick Mateo’s boots.

"Gentlemen, what kinds of positions do you like? We sisters can do various positions. We will do any

position you like." One of the hostesses chimed in.

Mateo held her in his arms and groped her boldly, "Ah ha ha, then tonight let’s learn from each other.

Let’s see who can do more positions."

"Then you must know more than I do. Cheers to you." Mateo drank a glass of wine cheerfully, put the

glass down and said, "I have to swallow up the Griffith family first. By that time, Victoria must be

helpless. I’ll make her beg me on her knees. And that loser husband of hers, I will fix him too!"

"Boss Mccarthy, please rest assured. I have done making the arrangements. When we stop giving

them orders, as well as the bank loans, I will have someone stir up trouble for them. If we work along

from three lines, I guarantee that the Griffith family will collapse in ten days." Angus said with a smile.

"Well done. Ten days. We will purchase the Griffith Group in ten days, and then give Victoria and that

trash Maximilian lessons slowly."

Complacency and contempt were all over Mateo’s face.

"After all, you are the big fish, Boss Mccarthy. As long as I say your name, people will be queuing up to

offer help. You really are someone."

While Angus was fawning on Mateo, Maximilian had already arrived at the entrance of the No.1 private

chmaber. He was staring blankly at the bodyguards at the door.

"What are you looking at? Scram!" The bodyguards were yelling at Maximilian!

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