Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 207 I will Take Care of All These
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Chapter 207 I will Take Care of All These

At home.

Victoria kept wiping her tears on the sofa, and told what had happened.

"I’ll just let pass what Boss Mccarthy did to me. After all, he is just an outsider. But what Andrew and

Darian did to me is simply intolerable. What do they take me for?"

Marcus and Laura looked extremely grim, anger smouldering in their eyes.

Any normal parents would be simmering with rage when something like this happened to their own


"Andrew and Darian went too far this time! How could they hurt their family to please the enemy? What

a low blow!" Laura smacked her hand down on to the table in anger.

"They did go too far. Andrew and Darian must make an apology. We can’t just let it off." Marcus had

made up his mind. He would ask Andrew and Darian to give an explanation, no matter what. He had to

bring justice to Victoria.

Maximilian was calming Victoria down. He didn’t say anything. Marcus should take the responsibility for

a decision on the domestic affair of the Griffith family.

"I’m afraid there is no point in going to Andrew and Darian. In my opinion, let’s go straight to Samuel.

Only Samuel’s interference can make Andrew and Darian give in at this moment." Laura said


Marcus nodded. They had to go to Samuel at this point. Otherwise, they would bring no fairness back.

"Let’s visit Samuel. Let’s go now." Marcus made the decision. Maximilian helped Victoria up, and

followed Marcus and Laura out of the house.

The party arrived at Samuel’s house. The moment they went in the door, they were astounded to find

that Andrew, Darian and the others were all there.

Samuel was sitting on the sofa with a long face. His droopy eyelids lifted a little. He gave Marcus, who

was in front of him, a look of anger.

Andrew and Darian looked at each other, both showing a sinister smile on their faces.

Franklin, his hand on cheek, gave Maximilian a serious look, while Iris clenched her fists with rage, as if

she was about to beat Maximilian up.

Marcus looked around. His heart skipped a beat. He felt that something was wrong. Probably, the guilty

party, Andrew and Darian, had already filed the suit first.

"Dad." Marcus stared cowardly at Samuel, his spirit drooping immediately.

"Humph. Why are you here with your whole family? Are you here to check if the Griffith family has gone

bankrupt? Your daughter is disobedient and that’s alright. But that loser, your son-in-law, is getting

more and more reckless. He even dared to beat Boss Mccarthy!"

Samuel widened his eyes abruptly. Although he was elderly, he still possessed an air of dignity. His

stare made Marcus quiver.

Andrew said in a sarcastic tone, "Boss Mccarthy gave us a generous offer. However, Victoria didn’t

show respect for Boss Mccarthy at all. All that Boss Mccarthy wanted was to have her drink with him.

There was nothing over the line."

"The most annoying thing was that Victoria asked her loser husband to lie in ambush outside. He gave

Boss Mccarthy and Angus a good beating. We went forward to stop him, but were also beaten up by

that loser Maximilian. Our diagnostic reports are all here."

Darian smacked a stack of medical records down on the table, giving Marcus’ family a ferocious stare.novelbin

Samuel was so furious that he was panting. He pointed his trembling finger at Marcus and roared,

"Take a look at your good daughter and son-in-law. What a mess have they made! Do you know how

powerful Mateo is? How dare you offend him?"

"Dad, let me explain. It’s not like what they told you. Boss Mccarthy asked Victoria to sleep with him but

she was unwilling to do it, and that was why they had a fight. They all took sides with Boss Mccarthy,

and wanted Victoria to sleep with him!" Marcus explained at once. But at this moment, he felt that his

own explanation was so feeble.

"Stop talking nonsense. 'Boss Mccarthy asked Victoria to sleep with him'? Victoria is a mother, and how

was it possible for Boss Mccarthy to take a fancy to her? There are so many young and beautiful girls

who would keep pestering Boss Mccarthy to do them a favor. Even some famous starlets and models

are among them. He would just turn his nose up at Victoria." Andrew passed the buck and exclaimed


Samuel snorted and said sternly, "Listen to him. Andrew is right. Victoria is already a mother, and how

could Boss Mccarthy have made such a request? A man knows a man best. All men like young girls."

Marcus was dumbfounded on the spot, not knowing what to say.

"You have never had any regret over any mistake you have made. You have never educated your

daughter and son-in-law. The reason you are at my house is to complain first, right? Don’t you ever

think that I’m too old to have a clear mind. I can still tell black from white!"

"Victoria, it’s because I like you, and I spoil you at ordinary times. But when you are away from home,

not everyone will spoil you! You need to keep a low profile when you run business. Back in the days

when I was trying to bring in business, I drank so much with people that I had my stomach bleeding!

Now you wouldn’t even drink with someone. How dare you?" Samuel shifted his eyes to Maximilian, his

eyes full of disdain.

"You are the most wicked one, loser. You dared to offend Boss Mccarthy twice. Where did you get the

guts? Do you know the consequence of your behavior? We Griffith family is doomed because of you!"

The more Samuel said, the angrier he got. He picked up the teacup on the table and smashed it down

at Maximilian’s feet.

"Dad, if you get too mad or impulsive, you will have cerebral hemorrhage! That’s fatal." Andrew

sounded as if he was advising Samuel, but actually, he was stirring up trouble.

"Let go of me! Since the Griffith family’s property is gone, I’m too ashamed to see my ancestors. Let me

beat this loser to death, to remove the future danger in the Griffith family!" Samuel roared, panting. He

stretched out his hand to grab the walking stick next to the sofa.

The walking stick was made of pear wood and quite heavy. Samuel wielded it and it swooshed.

"Come here, bastard! My life’s work is ruined by you. I’ll kill you!"

"Grandfather, this had nothing to do with Maximilian. I am the one to blame. Beat me if you want."

Victoria said, her eyes brimming with tears.

"You, you are pissing me off. At this time, you are still defending this loser!" Darian said with an evil

smile, "There’s no point in talking about anything else now. What matters is how to calm Boss

Mccarthy’s anger. Or else, if Boss Mccarthy gives an order to kick the Griffith family out of the business,

there would be no way out for us."

Andrew and the others didn’t want to see the Griffith family finished. If it really happened, then they

would have nothing to live on.

Therefore, they still planned to offer up Victoria, and thought that as long as Victoria served Boss

Mccarthy well, all problems would be solved.

Samuel glared at Victoria and poked the floor hard with his walking stick, "Tell me, what are you going

to do? How will you calm Boss Mccarthy’s anger? This problem must be solved!"

Victoria went silent. She dropped her head and said nothing.

Maximilian stepped forward and said in a high voice, "It’s just Mateo. You don’t have to worry about him

at all. I will take care of all these."

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