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Chapter 411

The abandoned factory was fairly big inside. It used to be a processing place for producing cartons,

which was later abandoned because it failed to meet environmental requirements. There were still

broken and useless machines stored inside, and some semi-finished carton products.

After Luther and Karl got in, the two hid behind a CNC machine.

For the time being, they haven't found Thomas' hiding place.

Karl lifted his wrist and looked at his watch.

The time showed that it was after 4:00 am.

The surrounding area was so dark that they could barely see their fingers.

They didn’t want to alert Thomas, so they dared not use the flashlight, and could only sneak around in

the dark.

"In another hour, it will be daylight." Karl said in a low voice, "We could get a better chance after the

sun comes up."

"But we haven't found out where he is?" Luther whispered.

"He should be right here, no mistake. No hurry, wait patiently." Karl lowered his voice again.

In fact, he was more worried that Jan and Rory would not be able to wait patiently. After all, they were

from the underworld and people there never cared too much about patience. They werenovelbin

straightforward, and were long used to fighting and killing. It might be a bit difficult for the two to wait


Luther had to admit that at this point, Karl was really calm. No wonder he was criminal police. He had

been used to it and he could spend a few days and nights chasing a suspect.

At this point, Jan and Rory both hid on the other side.

After waiting for a while, Rory had become impatient, "Why don’t we just rush out? We sure can catch

that weak chick alone."

Jan said, "Bullshit. Forget it, listen to the police, remember what Felix said?"

"Hey, that's slow."

On the other side, Karl and Luther waited for a few moments.

Suddenly, they heard someone talking right within the factory, and it was like someone was making a

phone call. They could not hear the conversation very clearly, but still, they understood what he meant.

Karl nudged Luther gently, signaling the source of the phone's voice, which must be where Thomas


Luther instantly understood, and the two of them sneaked quietly towards the source of the sound.

At this time Thomas was calling Charlotte.

When he got through, he said only one thing.

"78 Jade Avenue, the abandoned factory next to Seabank Container Port, tell your men to send the

bank cards."

Then, he immediately hung up the phone and looked around.

It was pitch black all around, except when his phone lit up just now illuminating a small area around


Jan and Rory, at the same time keenly aware of the light source, just a short distance ahead of them.

Rory had long been waiting impatiently, and at this moment completely forgot Karl's instructions. He

and Jan both quickly swooped out of the darkness, blocking the way from both sides, and rushed

directly to the source of the light.

Thomas must be right there.

They all wanted to catch him in one go.

However, to their surprise, when they rushed out, they found several machines placed horizontally and

vertically in front of them, and the whole place was like a maze. There was no way for them to block the

way together.

And Thomas, when he heard the movement of them rushing out, quickly followed the route he had

planned to escape from the abandoned warehouse.

"Clang!" When the back door of the warehouse was then closed with a loud bang.

Jan and Rory both knew they made a mistake.

They should really wait patiently following Karl’s instructions, but now it was too late to regret…

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