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Chapter 410

Luther arrived at Second Precinct and strode into Karl's office.

Karl was monitoring and tracking Thomas in real time in front of the computer, waiting for Thomas to

arrive at his destination.

Jan Reid and Rory Ross usually took care of the underworld business, both skillful and reliable, and

they were absolutely loyal to Felix.

"Why not just cut him off halfway?" Luther asked, pointing at Thomas on the screen, who was on his

way to the abandoned factory on foot.

"I want to catch a bigger fish." Karl was half leaning on the stool, his long fingers twirling the pen over

and over.

"You suspect he's hiding from someone else?" Luther got right to the heart of it.

"Right." Karl nodded, "We weren't exposed and we didn't alarm him. The reason why he left Skyview

Residence quietly late at night must have something to do with the real murderer behind the scene.

Otherwise there's no reason for him to do so."

"Hmm. The person who threatened him is probably the same person who is behind all the things.

Perhaps he knew Thomas was returning to Khebury and wanted to get rid of him." Luther analyzed.

"That's right. Be patient, now that Thomas is taking a route, it will be difficult for us to approach him

silently. He can escape at any time by jumping into the river. We'll leave in half an hour." Karl raised his

hand and looked at his watch.

"Good." Luther responded.

Time passed by.

Karl stared at the surveillance with unblinking eyes.

Soon, half an hour passed.

Karl took his laptop, switched to real-time surveillance, and got into the car Luther had parked across

the street from the police station earlier.

He sat on the passenger seat.

In the back seat, Jan and Rory had been waiting for a long time.

Luther drove the car himself, and in a short time, he arrived near his destination.

"You park here so you can't be easily spotted. Then we'll walk in on foot." Karl pointed to the locator

system, a hidden spot that was perfect for hiding the car.

Luther parked the car as Karl had said.

After getting out of the car, Karl instructed both Jan and Rory, "The target, Thomas, is very cunning.

Once we let him get away, since the container terminal has a complicated structure, it will be even

harder to find him."

He took out his phone and opened Thomas's photo to show both Jan and Rory separately.

"Height, body type, keep in mind. Black t-shirt, jeans, black cap. But he could change his clothes any


"Got it. Since it is Felix’s business, we will definitely get it done. The two of us would be far more thannovelbin

enough just to catch one Thomas, I alone can get two Thomas, if not just more." Jan patted his chest to

guarantee, full of confidence.

Karl did not say a word about it.

Luther said, "Well, we're going to the abandoned factory now."

Karl looked at the location again and pointed, "Go to that streetlight in front of you, and then further

inside, there's no more surveillance. Thomas should already be in the abandoned factory now, we split

into two groups, from the dark corner of the wall. Should any of you see Thomas, don't get him yet.

Observe for a while, wait for me to blow the whistle, and then we will do it together. Remember, don't

alarm the snake!"

"Why don’t we just take him?" Rory wondered.

"I want to wait and see who he's actually contacting, or who's contacting him again." Karl said with a


"Good." Jan and Rory both answered at the same time.

Next, the four of them flexed along the corner, split into two ways, and quietly sneaked into the

abandoned factory.

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