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Chapter 1992 Closed Door

Chapter 1992 Closed Door

When Anderson let go, he unconsciously took a step back. The atmosphere became somewhatawkward for a moment. Jacqueline's lips twitched, feeling a bit lost and embarrassed. Joyce thoughtAnderson was being too sensitive, but she couldn't control his reactions.

"Grandma, you can also hug me," Alisha called out, breaking the tension. Jacqueline was thrilledand hurried to hug Alisha. Shelly relaxed and said to Luther, "Brother, having a daughter is truly aheartwarming blessing. Congratulations on having both a son and a daughter." Luther replied,"Thank you for taking care of Mom during this time. I will need your help in the future too. I'm usuallyvery busy and finding time is difficult." "Brother, you can take care of sister-in-law and the kids.Mom's condition is in good hands with me, so you don't need to worry," Shelly promised eagerly.Luther nodded.

After Jacqueline hugged Alisha, she walked up to Joyce, her expression kind and grateful. "Joyce, Idon't know what to say, but I truly appreciate you. The Luo family is blessed to have a daughter-in-law like you. Giving birth to four children, you've worked hard. How's your health? Do you need anyhelp during your postpartum recovery?" Joyce gently shook her head, "Mom, I'm fine. Everyonetakes good care of me." "Oh, that's good," Jacqueline said, feeling relieved as she smiled andlooked around. "Where are Wilson and Cullen? Why haven't I seen them?" Joyce smiled and said,"They're in the nursery. With so many people gathered in the hall, I'm afraid it might disturb them.Let's go see them now." "All right," Shelly said eagerly, clapping her hands. "I can't wait to see them.Sister-in-law, you're amazing - giving birth to a pair of twins. You've enlivened the Luo family." Joycesmiled and remained silent.

Cecelia led the group to the nursery door and said, "Let's take turns going in to avoid having toomany people in there and startling the children." Huffman quickly added, "Ladies first. I'll be the last

one to go in and see the children." "We can chat separately here, leaving the room to the women,"Luther gestured for Huffman to join him on the terrace. He wanted to discuss with Huffman abouthis mother's future treatment plan.

"That's perfect, thank you, brother-in-law," Huffman nodded quickly. As soon as all the men left,Cecelia gently pushed the door open. She entered Wilson's room first. Wilson was awake, and AuntLiu was holding him. Seeing Cecelia, Aunt Liu whispered, "Madam, Master Wilson just woke up.He's been fed." Joyce approached, took Wilson from Aunt Liu, and cooed, "Wilson, little darling,you're awake." Wilson seemed to understand, stretched his limbs, and kicked his legs. When helooked at Joyce, his lips curled slightly, as if he was smiling. "Oh, he's smiling," Aunt Liu exclaimedexcitedly, because Wilson rarely smiled, and only when he was with his mother and very happy.Joyce was delighted, holding Wilson close.novelbin

Jacqueline came closer, staring at Wilson, "It's been a long time since I've seen a baby. He's sosmall and adorable. Can I hold him?" Shelly also gathered around, eager, "Sister-in-law, I want tohold him too, can I?" Joyce hesitated, not because she was uncomfortable, but because Wilsoncouldn't be held by just anyone. But she didn't want to reject Jacqueline, which would have madeher seem resentful of the past. Cecelia said, "Let Grandma try." Joyce nodded and handed Wilsonto Jacqueline. Shelly held her breath, excited, "Mom, be careful and gentle with him. Don't makeWilson uncomfortable." Jacqueline gave Shelly a stern look, "Even though Luther didn't grow upunder my care, you were raised by me. Do you think I can't handle a child? Can't even hold one?You underestimate me too much." But as soon as Jacqueline held Wilson, he suddenly startedcrying loudly, as if he was surprised. Jacqueline was puzzled; did she really not know how to hold achild? Shelly snorted, "I told you that you can't hold him, see, Wilson is crying. Let me do it." Shesnatched Wilson from Jacqueline, held him carefully and even walked around the room, trying tosoothe him, but Wilson continued to cry and refused to stop.

Joyce had no choice but to take Wilson back into her arms. Once Wilson was back in his mother'sembrace, he immediately stopped crying. Jacqueline gave Shelly a sideways glance, "I can't hold

him, can you? You've never had children. What's with the bravado?" Shelly fell silent, not sayinganother word. Jane watched the scene and thought to herself, Wilson recognizes people. Eventhough they're family, it's clear that Wilson doesn't want his grandmother and aunt. It's quite strange.

Cecelia felt awkward, thinking that Jacqueline and Shelly should be accepted by Wilson due to theirblood ties. After all, it was the first time she held Wilson, and he wanted her immediately. Shethought Jacqueline should be able to do the same. She didn't expect Wilson to reject them. Shecouldn't reveal that Wilson could recognize people. Not everyone was allowed to hold him.

At this point, Joyce had to intervene, "Wilson is shy; please don't mind. He's still very young." "It'sokay, just seeing him makes us happy," Jacqueline quickly waved her hand. "Is Cullen in the nextroom? Can we see him?" Joyce handed Jane Wilson and said, "Of course you can, come with me."

When they arrived at Cullen's room, Cullen was already awakened by the commotion caused byWilson's crying. Cullen seemed annoyed at being woken up, kicking his legs and flailing his arms inhis crib, venting his frustration. Shelly said, "Wow, Cullen is so lively." Jacqueline added, "Yes, itseems Cullen is more active." After the earlier experience and with Cullen being upset, Jacquelineand Shelly dared not mention holding Cullen, fearing another rejection.

Joyce thought to herself that Cullen didn't mind being held by anyone. It's a pity they didn't ask.When they left the nursery at the end of the visit, Jacqueline and Shelly gave both children redenvelopes, all entrusted to Joyce.

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