Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther)

Chapter 1991 All In The Family
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Chapter 1991 All In The Family

Chapter 1991 All in the Family

Alisha made her way back upstairs, running all the way.

Upon entering the closet, she opened her wardrobe and retrieved several dresses. Standing in frontof the mirror, she gestured at each one, muttering to herself, "Which one should I choose?"

At that moment, Joyce followed in, saying, "They are all very beautiful. We're not going out today,just having dinner at home. So you can consider wearing something more comfortable."

"Alright." Finally, Alisha chose a soft, black-and-white dress with a doll-like skirt hem.

After putting it on, she took Joyce's hand and said, "Mom, let's go downstairs."

Joyce gently held her soft hand and said, "Alright."

This natural and heartwarming scene warmed Joyce's heart; this was how mother and daughtershould be. With Joyce spending more time at home lately, she had been accompanying Alishadevotedly, and their relationship had become increasingly harmonious.

Unpleasant things that had happened in the past seemed as though they had never occurred, butthat didn't mean they were forgotten.

One day, Alisha suddenly asked her, "Does the wound hurt?"

She was stunned for a moment, thinking Alisha was asking about the pain after the C-section. Shelaughed and told Alisha that she had given birth through natural delivery and had no wounds, andtherefore, didn't feel any pain. Little did she know, Alisha shook her head, saying she was asking

about the wound she had inflicted on her. She also apologized, saying she hadn't known any betterat the time.

At that moment, she was shocked and felt emotionally complex. Alisha's ability to ask such aquestion indicated that she could face the past directly, rather than deliberately avoiding it. Shehugged Alisha excitedly, shaking her head and telling her that she didn't hurt anymore.

Alisha, however, said she would practice shooting and protect her mom when she grew up.

She was even more moved, and they clung together tightly, not separating for a long time.

In this way, the previous estrangement between mother and daughter was completely dispelled.

By now, they had already become accustomed to each other.

When they went downstairs, they realized that Anderson had also returned to his room andchanged into casual clothing. He had actually been wearing pajamas before.

Alisha widened her eyes and pointed at Anderson, saying, "You changed into different clothes, too,so you're contradicting me for wanting to change. Do you think I'm too much?"

Anderson pouted, saying, "It's precisely because you're changing that I feel too casual. I have nochoice but to change along with you."

Alisha said, "..."

Joyce chuckled.

As they were speaking, the doorbell rang, and the security guard reported remotely.

Jacqueline and Shelly were already downstairs, ready to come upstairs.

Upon hearing the news, Cecelia went to open the door herself.

When the door opened, the first person Cecelia saw was Jacqueline, and she was startled becauseJacqueline looked very different from what she remembered.

The Jacqueline from the past was elegant and meticulous, and very concerned about herappearance. Despite being older, she had worked hard to maintain her looks. She was a typicalwealthy and noble lady. However, she looked very different today. She seemed much older, withwrinkles around her eyes, and she was not wearing makeup, dressed in casual clothes. Althoughher appearance had aged, she seemed much kinder and more approachable.

Jacqueline recognized Cecelia, and her lips trembled at first, followed by an excited opening, "NianZhen, it's really you. You haven't changed at all. I have a bad memory and almost didn't recognizeyou. I'm glad I did. Nian Zhen, we haven't seen each other in a long time."novelbin

After saying that, Jacqueline reached out and held Cecelia's hands, her eyes moist, "I thought youwouldn't see me again. I, I really didn't have the face to see you."

Cecelia knew about Jacqueline's Alzheimer's disease. The condition had progressed rapidly, butshe could still recognize the majority of people. Seeing Jacqueline recognize her, she comfortedher, saying, "What are you talking about? We're family. Let's not bring up the past."

Although there had been unpleasant incidents in the past due to the disagreement over themarriage arrangements, at the time, they had both accused the wrong person. She had mistakenlythought Charlotte was her daughter, and it wasn't entirely Jacqueline's fault.

Jacqueline nodded.

Shelly, who was behind her, added, "Aunt, this is my husband."

Huffman greeted warmly, "Hello, my name is Huffman."

It was the first time Cecelia had seen Shelly's husband, a foreigner. She quickly assessed him andoffered her blessings, "You two are a perfect match. I wish you both well."

"Thank you!" Huffman embraced Shelly, and they seemed very much in love.

They walked through the long hallway and entered the living room, where Joyce and Luther werealready waiting. Anderson and Alisha stood by their sides.

After exchanging greetings with each other, Jacqueline approached Alisha first, saying, "So, youmust be Alisha; Shelly mentioned you. This is the first time we've met, and you're so beautiful. Youlook just like Luther when he was young. Come, let grandmother have a good look at you."

Alisha obediently stood in front of Jacqueline and sweetly greeted, "Hello, grandmother."

Then, she looked at Shelly and greeted her, "Hello, aunt."

"Ah, Alisha is so well-behaved." Shelly smiled and took out a red envelope from her pocket, puttingit in Alisha's hand, "This is a big red envelope prepared by Auntie for you. There's a check inside."

Although she knew they didn't lack money, it was simply a gesture. Her brother, Luther, had beenvery good to them. The dividends he received from the company every month were far more thanthey could spend. They had been enjoying a leisurely and luxurious life.

Jacqueline patted her own forehead, "Look at my memory. I had prepared a red envelope, too.Where is mine? Quickly bring it to me. I prepared a red envelope for each child."

At that moment, Huffman handed Jacqueline's envelope to her, saying, "Mom, your envelope ishere with me."

Jacqueline quickly took the envelope from Huffman and took out four big red envelopes from it.

She handed one to Alisha, saying, "Good Alisha, this is from your grandmother."

Alisha sweetly said, "Thank you, grandmother."

Then, Jacqueline and Shelly each handed an envelope to Anderson.

Anderson politely said, "Thank you."

Compared to Alisha, Anderson seemed more reserved, as he knew a lot about his mother's past,while Alisha knew nothing.

Jacqueline cautiously asked, "Andres, can grandma hug you?"

Anderson hesitated at first, then looked at his mother, who remained composed, before agreeing.

Jacqueline was a bit excited, her arms trembling slightly, and she gently hugged Anderson, quicklyletting go. She was afraid Anderson would feel uncomfortable, as he had a temperament similar toLuther's, so she knew not to overstep the boundaries.

Although it was only a brief hug, she was already satisfied.

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