Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther)

Chapter 1983: Welcome Reception
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Chapter 1983: Welcome Reception

Chapter 1983: Welcome Reception

Several days later.

Wilson and Cullen spent their time in the incubator and finally returned home.

Cecelia prepared a grand welcome reception for them.

Four nannies were all waiting to welcome the two children home.

Joyce had rested at home for a while, her body fully recovered, with a rosy complexion and full ofvitality. She was itching to take care of the children herself. Today, she and Luther welcomed thechildren home together.

For her, it was actually the first time she had taken care of such young babies.

In the car, she held Wilson in her left arm and Cullen in her right arm, as if embracing the wholeworld.

As they returned home.

Before stepping inside.

Cecelia lightly lifted her hand and sprinkled some water towards the children in Joyce's arms,symbolizing the expulsion of illness and not bringing it into the home.

"Welcome back, my two precious babies."

Cecelia smiled, her joy at that moment was beyond anyone's understanding. In just a short period oftime, she found her true daughter back and now had four grandchildren, with the opportunity to care

for them personally. She felt that the regrets of the past were being doubly compensated for.

Joyce laughed, "Mom, we're back."

"Are you tired of holding the two kids by yourself? Hurry up, let me help you hold one." Ceceliaquickly took one child from Joyce's arms, "It's a pity your father couldn't come today, he had to goabroad on a business trip yesterday. He's been busy all his life. I don't know when he'll finally beable to relax and enjoy family life."

Luther behind Joyce said, "She insists on holding both children herself, as if she's afraid I'll take oneaway. She won't let me touch them at all."

Joyce glared at him, "When you took them out of the incubator, your posture was awkward, allwrong. You might hurt them. Men are clumsy, you should practice more before holding them."

Luther, "..."

Wasn't he already gentle enough?

Cecelia smiled and without saying a word, she carried the child into the living room, with Janefollowing behind her respectfully, "Madam, may I hold the child?"

Cecelia said, "Jane, what's the rush? I've just held them, you'll have your turn later!"

Jane smiled warmly, "The one you're holding is Cullen, right? I heard that Wilson has a redbirthmark on his earlobe."


Cecelia nodded.

Jane's gaze softened even more, she knew that Cullen was the younger brother, surnamed Xia, aboy who would inherit the military leader's position in the future.

"Oh, the young master is so handsome."

Cullen seemed to understand, reaching out his little hands from the swaddle, waving and openinghis eyes. His eyes, not knowing what he was thinking, looked around curiously.

Anderson and Alisha were also at home.

At this time, they curiously surrounded Cecelia, especially Alisha, blinking her bright eyes,constantly staring at the baby.

"Brother, can the baby see me when he opens his eyes?" Alisha asked.

Anderson pursed his lips, "I feel like I've already answered that question."

"Oh, I forgot." Alisha leaned against Cecelia, "Tell me again."

Speechless, Anderson explained, "When a baby is just born, their visual structure and nervoussystem are not fully developed. It takes some time to develop their visual functionality properly. So,we need to avoid strong light stimulation. The baby can sense our presence now, but cannot seeclearly. So, keep your phone away. Never shine a flashlight in their eyes."

"Okay, got it." Alisha nodded earnestly, then threw her phone onto the couch.

"Young master knows a lot." Mrs. Brown looked admiringly at Anderson, "I have never seen such asmart child at such a young age. He's a genius."

Mrs. Powell gently nudged Mrs. Brown, whispering, "Anderson is a genius among geniuses."

Mrs. Brown nodded.

At this moment, Joyce held Wilson in her arms, reluctant to let go as if holding a treasure.

Luther was speechless, "Can I hold him for a bit?"

"Fine." Joyce hesitated, "Raise your arms higher, be careful, I'll hand him over to you."

Luther carefully took the child from Joyce.

"He's so small and soft, feels like weightless." He sighed softly, "When he was just born, his facehad wrinkles like an old man. Now all smoothed out, he looks so beautiful."

"He was in the amniotic fluid for too long when he was born, of course, there would be wrinkles. Areyou complaining that the boys are ugly?" Joyce was displeased.

"Of course not. I'm just describing him." Luther smiled, "My lovely babies, I love them so much."

At that moment, Wilson in Luther's arms suddenly started crying.

His cries were loud.

Pulling his voice, he shouted with all his might, as if he was trying to suckle.

Joyce frowned even more, "See, he can understand what you're saying. Knowing you're not happywith him, he's upset. It's all your fault, making him unhappy the moment you come back. Stopholding him, give him to me."

Luther, "..."

Was it necessary? He was just joking. So unfair!

Joyce took the child back from Luther's arms.

Luther's face stiffened, it hadn't even been two minutes in his arms, and the child was taken awayagain. The small child carried the scent of milk, and he really wanted to hold him a little longer.

"Wilson might be hungry." Mrs. Hurley said beside them.

"Really? The nurse said he was fed just before we left the hospital. How could he be hungry againso soon?" Joyce was confused.

"Wait a moment, I'm making formula milk." The speaker was Mrs. Powell.

In a few moments, Mrs. Powell hurried over with a bottle.novelbin

"Let me feed him. Newborns need to eat smaller meals more frequently, he's probably hungry afterthe journey here."

"No need, I'll feed him myself." Joyce hesitated to let go of Wilson, "Pass me the bottle."

"Sure." Mrs. Powell handed over the bottle.

As if sensing Wilson's crying, Cullen also started wailing loudly. The two brothers cried one after theother, as if competing.

Cecelia comforted Cullen in her arms, "Don't cry, I'll feed you soon."

Mrs. Brown had another bottle ready and handed it to Cecelia.

Meanwhile, Joyce had already started feeding Wilson.

Wilson was indeed hungry, even holding the bottle with his chubby little hands, he voraciouslyswallowed the milk.

Joyce patiently coaxed, "Don't rush, take it slow. Be careful not to choke."

After drinking about half of the bottle, Mrs. Powell came forward to take it away.

Wilson seemed a bit reluctant at first, sniffing and grunting, showing his displeasure.

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