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Chapter 1980: Four Nannies

Chapter 1980: Four Nannies

As evening approached, Luther and Cecelia returned home together. Earlier that afternoon, theyhad interviewed several postpartum nannies who had passed two rounds of screening.

Upon their return, they had decided to hire two of the nannies.

Coincidentally, two nannies sent by the warlord, who were also relatives of the warlord, arrived atthe same time.

Cecelia brought the four new middle-aged women back home together.

Joyce had taken a long nap in the afternoon and woke up close to evening. The noisy return ofAndres and Alisha in the bitter cold was what woke her up.

After getting up, she lay down for a bit, then went to the dining room to have some snacks. Ceceliahad already prepared everything neatly on the table before leaving.

Andres and Alisha also had some snacks. Alisha told Joyce about a few things that happened atschool.

Just then, Cecelia returned with the women, with Luther following behind.

Joyce walked out of the dining room and into the living room.

Luther saw Joyce and quickly helped her to the sofa, "Sit down and try not to move too much."

Joyce nodded and sat down, glancing at the people behind Cecelia.

There were four middle-aged women in total, two younger and two older.

One of the older women looked very competent. Her hair was neatly coiled at the back of her head,she wore black-framed glasses, a dark blue suit with a white shirt, and even a formal tie. Shelooked every bit the part of a housekeeper.

The other looked kind and approachable, with simple permed hair, two curved eyebrows, a smile onher lips, and some wrinkles on her forehead, adding to her warmth.

The two slightly younger middle-aged women seemed about 10 years younger.

One looked sunny and energetic, with her hair tied up in a high ponytail, dressed in a more sportystyle.

The other appeared shy and even a bit reserved, her hands nervously fidgeting. But she seemedparticularly meticulous, as her cuffs were neatly rolled up, and she had a pen and notebook in herpocket, ready to take notes at any time, clearly a detail-oriented person.

After observing them, Cecelia began introductions.

Pointing to the competent-looking woman, she said, "She was sent by the warlord, you can call herMrs. Hurley. She previously managed the household affairs of the warlord's family and is familiarwith procurement and other matters. She will be in charge of household procurement anddistribution in the future."

Joyce nodded, thinking that Mrs. Hurley's surname was Qin, likely having some distant relationshipwith her mother for her mother to trust her so easily.

"This one we will call Jane, she has four children of her own and raised them by herself. She alsohelps take care of the warlord's family's children. She is patient and good-tempered," Cecelia said,pointing to the kind-looking Jane.

"Luther and I interviewed them all afternoon and have temporarily selected these two." Ceceliapointed to the two slightly younger nannies, "This is Mrs. Brown and this is Mrs. Powell."

Joyce looked at them, seeing Mrs. Brown as cheerful and Mrs. Powell as attentive.

"Hello, everyone," Joyce greeted with a smile.

Jane, Mrs. Hurley, Mrs. Brown, and Mrs. Powell respectfully addressed Joyce, "Madam, YoungMaster, hello."

Joyce waved her hand, "No need to be so formal. Just call me by my name."

Knowing that Joyce doesn't like having too many people around, Luther usually only used minimalstaff. But with two more children now, they needed extra help.

He gently held Joyce's hand and reassured her, "Both of them are very experienced nannies, Ibelieve they can take good care of Wilson and Cullen."

Joyce nodded, "Yes, I am quite satisfied with them."

Turning to Luther, she whispered, "Let's go with them, I trust your choice."

Luther nodded and gently patted her hand.

Cecelia then said, "Although Wilson and Cullen haven't come home yet, I'll have them start workingofficially tomorrow, first familiarizing themselves with the house, the nearby shops, our dailyroutines, dietary restrictions, and fixed meal times, all need to be thoroughly understood."

She then turned to the four nannies, "You can go downstairs now, someone will show you to yourquarters."

"Okay, Madam." The four nannies respectfully left.

After they were gone, Cecelia said, "Luther and I carefully checked Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Powell'sbackgrounds. They are native Khebury people, and we have confirmed with their neighbors. Theyhave good character and are trustworthy. Especially Mrs. Powell, her father had a high education,but unfortunately passed away when she was young. Her mother raised her, and she initiallyworked in the nursing industry. She had been a nurse in the newborn care unit for several years,which is directly relevant to her current position as a nanny. Due to financial constraints, she choseto work as a nanny to improve her life. She is very meticulous in her work; I observed that she notesdown all the details and executes them very well. Coming from an educated background, shestands out. And with her experience in caring for newborns, she can handle infant illnesses andemergencies well. I think she is a good fit."

Joyce noted, "I noticed that she always has a pen and notebook in her pocket."novelbin

"Luther added, "The other, Mrs. Brown, has a more ordinary background, and her education level isnot high. We chose her mainly because of her good character, which is crucial for the children'sgrowth."

Joyce agreed, "Yes, I can see that Mrs. Brown looks very cheerful and lively."

"Yes, she is the youngest among them," Cecelia said, "I am a bit concerned about her lack ofexperience, so I will have Jane mentor her more. Elsa is a distant relative of mine, not very close,but still trustworthy. Personally, I think Jane is very good and reliable. Of course, you can stillobserve them together. The safety of both of you and the children is critical. We must be cautious; itis not like before."

Joyce nodded, "I understand. I will be vigilant."

She glanced at Luther with a hint of apology.

She didn't want a repeat of something like what happened with Grayson; caution was necessary.

Cecelia closed her eyes, smiling, "Let's not be overly nervous. Enemies won't infiltrate so easily. Butbetter safe than sorry."

Luther nodded, "Mom, please rest assured. I will keep an eye on everything."

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