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Chapter 1021

"Mr. Warner, I haven't washed up yet. Perhaps I should go washing up before I talk to you. I'm hanging

up now if you don’t have other things to say." Joyce bristled.

"Don't hang up. Why?" Luther eyes are smiling, "I think you look great now. Your hair is fluffy and loose,

and it makes you look very casual, and you sleepy eyes and puffed cheeks look cute."

Joyce, "..."

"Unfortunately, I can only see you through the screen. I want to pinch your cheeks so badly." He looked

at the screen, stretched out two fingers and made a pinching motion.

Joyce, "..."

She frowned. Perhaps he would say it looked good no matter what a mess her face had been.

By this time, she was fully awake.

She noticed the background behind Luther... The familiar surroundings, the familiar furniture, thenovelbin

familiar furnishings.

To her surprise, was it ... Eden Apartment?!

"Where are you?" Joyce asked, subconsciously.

"Oh." Luther then looked around him, "My home. I got home barely before dawn and I contact you after

I woke up."

"Oh, Mr. Warner, your home looks too small." Joyce frowned. His home? Indeed, she rented Eden

Apartment four years ago, and after that Luther bought the apartment she was renting.

But why was he living there now?

He could have lived in the Warner residence, or in his super mansion downtown.

Why was he living in a tiny one-bedroom apartment?

"I prefer to live in a small apartment now." Luther cast a compassionate gaze at her through the screen,

"Come on. Let me show you around."

Luther then held up his phone and switched the direction of the camera. He pointed his phone at the

apartment and began introducing.

"Here's the kitchen, here's the bathroom, here's the living room, here's the sofa, the coffee table, and

the cabinets..." As he stood up and walked around, she saw the bedroom from the screen.

"This is the room, where I usually sleep."

Joyce sat on the edge of the bed, holding her phone with both hands and staring at the screen, and

she could hardly take her eyes off her phone.

Surprisingly, it still remained the same as it was when she left four years ago.

Everything was just the way they once was.

Nothing had changed.

The items she used were still on the shelves as if she never left and would be back any minute.

Before she even noticed it, her eyes were actually moist.

"Hey, are you watching? Can you keep your phone steady? I almost feel dizzy just looking at the


Luther switched the camera back to his tenderness-filled handsome face, and his eyes were softly yet

steadily gazing at her.

Joyce did not notice it at first, but when she heard him, she found her hands actually shaking, and thus

the phone was also shaking.

No wonder he said that the camera was shaking and making him dizzy.

She let out an "oh" and tried to control her hands from shaking.

The hands were however shaking more and more violently.

Her heart was full of shock and amazement, and she felt almost overwhelmed by the mixed emotions.

There seemed to be giant waves splashing each other in her mind and constantly shaking her originally

determined will.

It was a lie to say that she was not moved at all.

It's been four years and he's actually been living in Eden Apartment, the same place she used to live.

What did this mean?

It's not that she could not understand.

Only, she didn't expect it.

He had never moved on.

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