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Chapter 1020

When Joyce got home last night, it was already four in the morning. She slept for only a short while and

got up in the morning to take Anderson to kindergarten.

Then, she went home to sleep again.

Really too tired, she closed the curtains tightly and fell asleep.

It wasn't until nearly noon that her phone rang over and over again next to her pillow.

She barely opened her eyes a crack and reached around for her phone.

When she finally touched it, she wanted to turn the phone off, but accidentally touched the screen and

got through directly.

"Hello, hello." A nice magnetic male voice rang out from the phone, "You're not up yet?"

"Who is it? It's so noisy."Joyce grunted. It was strange. She obviously turned her phone off, so how did

this man even call her?

"What were you doing last night? Sleeping until noon today?"

A questioning voice came from the phone, and it sounded familiar.

Yes, Luther's voice.

Joyce suddenly woke up, and she was instantly awake.

She touched her cell phone and raised it before she saw Luther's magnified handsome face on the

screen, and displeasure was written on his face.

She froze slightly. It turned out that it was not a call but a video chat.

No wonder she accidentally got through when she touched the screen.

Oh, God! She subconsciously touched her cheek, and fortunately, the mask was still there.

She was so tired last night that she didn't get her mask off when she got home and she sent Anderson

to kindergarten in the morning.

She had been so fortunate, otherwise she would get herself exposed when she answered the video


"Hey, can you hear me? What were you doing last night? I just left and you went out fooling around?

Sleeping until noon and still not getting up?" Luther frowned and asked again.

Joyce rubbed her long, slightly disheveled hair and said with annoyance, "Mr. Warner, what does it

have to do with you where I went last night?"

"Of course it does have something to do with me." Luther was angry, "You don't have to work? Don't

you have to take care of Anderson? How do you take care of the kid?"

"I dropped Anderson off at the kindergarten in the morning and sleep after I came back. Mr. Warner,

you are an evil capitalist. I'm not feeling well, and you don’t allow me to have a rest." Joyce felt

speechless to the extreme.

Also, why should she even report to him?

He was aggressive and even questioned her about the way she took care of her own child.

He sounded like he was her husband!

"You're sick?"

Luther immediately became nervous, "Have you caught a cold last night? Have Ivy make you some hot

tea. Do you need Aaron to get you medicine? I'll call him right away."

"No, no need!" Joyce sat up with annoyance, "I'm not sick. It's just a headache, and I'm fine now."

She actually had a real headache, since just seeing his face gave her a headache.

He had been chasing her all day long, and even after he was gone, he had to make video chat. She

had had enough.

"Oh, it scared the hell out of me."

On the other end of the video chat, Luther wore his casual dark blue shirt. His collar was left slightlynovelbin

open, revealing his sexy Adam’s apple and perfect front chest line. He propped one hand on his jaw,

and his handsome face was so cool handsome, and his lips were hooked up into a smile of infinite


Joyce's beautiful eyes widened a bit.

Even in the video chat, his usual flirtatious sexy posture was terribly charming.

A screenshot would be enough for phone backgrounds, posters, and covers.

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