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Chapter 807 Important

“Nico, immediately send a team to the lab to protect Benny and Zendy. I want to go with you to find


Not daring to go against Gwendolyn’s order, Nico could only agree to her request.

Apart from the soldiers from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Nico had no choice but to send a

message to Charles, asking him to come over and keep the kids company to prevent them from waking

up and looking for Gwendolyn everywhere.

Nico texted: Charles, we have a mission tonight. If you’re not asleep, please come to the lab as soon

as possible to look after Benny and Zendy. Thank you.

At that moment, Charles had just finished bathing and stepped out from the steam-filled bathroom to

dry his wet hair.

He hadn’t rested yet. The annihilation of the Cloud family had a significant impact on him after he

returned to his regular work and life. He was still investigating the suspicious aspects of that incident.

Upon receiving Nico’s message, he immediately grabbed his coat and was ready to head out.

Upon hearing the noise, Whitney sat up in bed, asking in a daze, “Mr. Newton, are you going out?

Charles responded indifferently. “You should rest early. No need to wait up for me.”

He then strode out the door and drove away.

Whitney stood by the window and watched him leave, feeling a bit puzzled in her heart. The rain is

pouring so heavily outside, yet he’s leaving in such a hurry. Whose matter could it be? It can’t possibly

be about the company. Perhaps the news about the extermination of the Cloud family started to spread

online again? Or, has he gone to deal with matters concerning his childhood sweetheart again?

Even though doubts filled her heart, Whitney didn’t dare to contact Charles, let alone ask him anything.

She was afraid of upsetting him again.

Now that he was gone, Whitney found herself unable to sleep. All she could do was browse the internet

for news, hoping to find some way to help.

Meanwhile, outside the laboratory, Gwendolyn stood at the door, pacing back and forth with an anxious


Nico quickly arrived at the laboratory to pick up Gwendolyn and leave.

After getting in the car, Nico said, “Gwendolyn, you don’t need to worry. Besides a team from the

Federal Bureau of Investigation, I’ve already asked Charles to come and protect the two kids. The

laboratory is the safest place. With him there, Benny and Zendy will be fine.”

“Okay.” Gwendolyn responded softly, “Do you know their location? Do you have enough people with


Seeing the anxious expression on Gwendolyn’s face, Nico handed her the tablet he was holding.

A red light was flashing in the center of the tablet, surrounded by a detailed grid map. Nico said, “This

red dot is Cedrick’s current location. He’s at the cemetery.”

Looking at the blinking red dot in the center of the screen, Gwendolyn finally felt a bit more at ease.

The rain-slicked road was treacherous, and several armored vehicles sped through the darkness. For

Gwendolyn, the journey of over an hour was nothing short of torture.

By the time they all arrived at the cemetery, Swain, who was worried about his boss, had already

apprehended Joe’s undercover men in advance.


Swain tossed all of Joe’s men, who were bound tightly, in front of Joe and uttered sternly, “Joe, we’ve

seized. all your men. Surrender!”

Upon seeing the people lying on the ground, Gedrick slightly furrowed his brows.

With regret in his eyes, Swain said, “I’m sorry, Boss. I can’t just stand by and watch you fall into danger.

Even if you decide to punish me afterward, I’ll accept it

Cedrick wore a cold and stern expression, remaining silent.

Joe laughed, abruptly pulling Cedrick up. He pressed a gun against the latter’s temple and smiled

wickedly, saying, “Fantastic, Cedrick. I didn’t expect your subordinates to be so disobedient after all

these years of raising them. They’ve come knocking so quickly. If I were to shoot you dead with one

bullet, at least we’d have each other’s company on the road to the underworld, don’t you agree?”

Hearing that, Swain quickly persuaded, “Joe, surrender now and you’ll have a chance to live. If you

continue to struggle, you’ll surely die! Don’t harm Boss!”

Joe threw his head back and laughed heartily, brandishing his gun menacingly at Cedrick. “Tell your

men to back off and drop their weapons. If they dare to make a move, we shall see who’s faster?”

Swain didn’t dare let his subordinates act recklessly and could only command them to retreat according

to Joe’s requirements.

Joe still held the gun to Cedrick’s head, sneering. “I didn’t expect your subordinate to care so much

about your life. Mr. Jenson, aren’t you supposed to be incredibly powerful? Why aren’t you retaliating?”

Cedrick remained silent, his deep eyes narrowing slightly as he allowed himself to be taken hostage.

Just then, Nico and Gwendolyn arrived in a hurry.

Gwendolyn hurriedly got out of the car, and from a distance, she saw Cedrick being held at gunpoint by


“Cedrick!” she shouted.

Cedrick, who had been unresponsive all that time, suddenly lifted his head, only to see Gwendolyn.

standing unharmed not far away.

Joe didn’t capture Gwendolyn and the two children. The poor signal was due to Joe’s use of a signal


Cedrick’s expression was icy. “You tricked me.”

Joe chuckled, his features twisted in wild amusement. “Indeed. Look at you, so concerned about her.

Just a missed call, and you’re losing your composure.”

Cedrick fell silent once again.

The wound on Joe’s leg had only been treated superficially. The pain from the gunshot was intense.

Cedrick knew he wouldn’t be able to endure much longer. For now, he was just barely hanging on.

“Mrs. Jenson, it’s been a while.”

Gwendolyn took two steps forward. “Joe, you can tell me what you want. As long as I can fulfill it, I will

definitely agree.”

Joe laughed scornfully. “I want to drink his blood and peel off his skin. All because of him. I lost the love

of my life!“

His eyes were filled with madness, and he casually shifted the gun barrel two inches.

In that split second. Cedrick swiftly counterattacked, landing a kick on Joe’s leg that had been shot.

Joe winced in pain, stumbling back two steps. His hands involuntarily loosened their grip, and Cedrick,

with a swift and clean spin kick, knocked the gun out of Joe’s hand.

Seeing this. Swain immediately took action and had Joe restrained.

The tables turned in an instant.

The agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation stepped forward to handcuff Joe.

Joe burst into laughter. His face, marked by a ferocious scar, was truly terrifying. He behaved no

different from a complete madman.

Before being taken away by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, he arrogantly threatened, “Cedrick,

you’d better ask for my execution. You know, prison can’t hold me. Sooner or later, I’ll come looking for


Cedrick paid him no mind. After easily untying the ropes on his body, he rushed to Gwendolyn’s side to

check on his wife’s condition. “Gavenny, I’m so glad that you’re safe and sound.”

Heaven knew how worried he was when he couldn’t reach her.

Having lost her too many times, Cedrick dared not make any more mistakes.

Heart aching. Gwendolyn gently touched his face. “What could possibly happen to me? You’ve already

arranged for people at the lab. But what about you? Why didn’t you fight back when you were held at

gunpoint? Are you looking to be punished again? You promised me that you would take good care of

yourself. Why would you take such a risk?”

The more she spoke, the less Gwendolyn could control herself, and she suddenly embraced the man in

front of her.

Just now, when she saw Joe’s gun pointed at his head, she even missed a few breaths, fearing that the

lunatic, Joe, might tremble and really pull the trigger. Thank goodness. Thank goodness…

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