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Chapter 806 Turned Off

Since then, Joe had completely severed ties with Cedrick, harboring nothing but deep resentment

toward the latter. Even when it was proven that Eryn was not killed by Cedrick, Joe refused to believe

it. He thought that the Jenson family’s influence was so great that they could easily manipulate such

information. All Joe could think of was how to exact his revenge on Cedrick.

If it weren’t for Joe’s overly reckless actions, Cedrick had no intention of revealing the truth about that

matter. Whether Joe hated him or not, he didn’t care at all.

But now, Joe was targeting Cedrick’s wife and child, which the latter absolutely could not tolerate.

After hearing Cedrick’s statement, Joe was stunned. “Could it be that I’ve been loving the wrong person

all these years? Have I been hating the wrong friend? The person I loved has such a disgraceful

identity? All this revenge I’ve been seeking is wrong? No!

“I don’t believe it!” All of this must be Cedrick’s lies! It has to be!

Joe took a few steps back, his eyes bloodshot, his voice trembling slightly. “Cedrick, you’re lying! Eryn

is such a lively and cheerful girl. She could never be the drug dealer you’re talking about! Do you really

think I would believe your nonsense?”

He was reluctant to accept the truth, let alone believe in it. He didn’t want to think that everything he

had done over the years was all his fault. Yes. All of this is Cedrick’s trickery. He’s doing this solely to

blame me, attributing all the mistakes to me.

Suddenly, Joe burst into wild laughter, falling to his knees in front of Eryn’s grave. His eyes lovingly

fixed on the photo on the tombstone, murmuring, “Eryn, rest assured. I will make sure the person who

killed you pays the price. I won’t let your life be lost in vain.”

After he finished speaking, he limped toward Cedrick and swung a punch directly at him, hitting Cedrick

squarely in the chest.

Cedrick furrowed his brows and stood still, taking the solid punch squarely.

His hands were tied behind his back at that moment, making it impossible for him to fight back.

Immediately afterward, Joe launched multiple punches at Cedrick, all the while continuing to taunt, “Mr.

Jenson, the all-powerful Mr. Jenson, the big shot who rules Salinsburgh single-handedly. You’ve fallen

into my hands now. Did you ever think I would take revenge on you when you killed Eryn?”

Cedrick looked at the frenzied Joe with cold eyes, his voice as icy as winter frost. “Stubborn and

delusional. You’re deceiving yourself and others.”

He and Joe were once inseparable companions, understanding each other’s temperament best and

knowing the most painful way to hurt each other.

“No! Shut up!” Joe was tearing at Cedrick like a madman, his voice seething with rage. “You are not

allowed to slander Eryn anymore! You murderer! Men!”

Upon hearing the summons, Joe’s subordinates hurried over immediately, bowing their heads. “Boss,

what are your orders?”

Joe casually pushed aside Cedrick, who was already covered in wounds. He pulled out a handkerchief

from his pocket and wiped his hands, which were stained with dirt. With an indifferent tone, he ordered,

“Give him an injection.”


A group of five henchmen closed in on Cedrick. Two of them pinned his arms, while the remaining one

quickly injected a prepared serum into his arm.

Joe laughed, his eyes filled with hatred. “Cedrick, this is the newly developed Virus X. If you don’t get

the antidote within three days, you’re certain to die.”

Cedrick sneered, “Joe, you’re nothing but a failure, a complete and utter failure. You’ve spent your

entire life being used by others”

“Shut up!”

Joe seemed to have gone mad as he pulled out his gun. He loaded a bullet and fired at Cedrick.

Bang Bang Bang!

The successive gunshots in the dark night were particularly chilling.

Cedrick stood still, calm and composed.

Every single shot Joe fired hit the ground around him, not even grazing him.


A clap of thunder echoed through the sky, abruptly rousing Gwendolyn from her sleep in the laboratory


She had a nightmare.

In her dream, Cedrick, covered in blood, appeared before her, urging her to live on.

That dream was just too real.

The fear brought by the dream lingered for a long time.

The thunderclap startled the two children awake. Zendaya mumbled, asking Gwendolyn for a hug.

“Mommy, I’m scared. Hug me.”

Gwendolyn calmed herself and pulled her precious daughter into her arms, whispering soothingly, “It’s

okay, Zendy. Mommy’s here. There’s nothing to fear.”

Benedict opened his eyes, a hint of fear flickering in their depths.

No matter how precocious he might be, he was still a five-year-old child, and thunder still scared him.

However, he maintained a calm facade, subtly moving closer to Gwendolyn. He clutched the hem of

her clothes, appearing much more composed.

Once again, it started to rain outside, and the rain was coming down hard.

The sound of raindrops beating against the glass echoed around. Zendaya occasionally furrowed her

brows, tightly clutching Gwendolyn, expressing her fear.

After much effort in coaxing the two children back to sleep, Gwendolyn played a gentle melody in the

ward, drowning out the rumbling thunder and rain outside.

Watching the two children sound asleep, Gwendolyn quietly stepped out of the ward and dialed

Cedrick’s number.

For some reason, she couldn’t shake off a sense of foreboding-

“Sorry, the number you have dialed is switched off…

She made several calls to Cedrick, but his phone was turned off.

She had told Cedrick a long time ago that no matter when, as long as it was a peaceful situation, he

couldn’t turn off his phone and must answer her calls.

He was afraid she wouldn’t be able to find him, so even if he had things to do, he would always let her

know in advance. Why is his phone turned off tonight? That dream…

Gwendolyn’s heart leaped into her throat, and she quickly dialed Nico’s number.

The call was quickly picked up on the other end.

Doing his best to hide the panic in his voice, he calmly asked, “What’s the matter, Gwendolyn? Why are

you calling so late? Is there something wrong?”

“Is it possible that something has happened to Cedrick, Nico?”

Upon hearing that, Nico’s heart skipped a beat. He retorted, “No, Gwendolyn. Cedrick just called me a

while ago. You don’t need to worry.”

“You’re lying.” Gwendolyn spoke anxiously, “I just called Cedrick, and his phone is off. Tell me the truth.

Has something happened to him?”

Nico seemed a bit hesitant. Cedrick’s direct confrontation with Joe posed a certain risk.

Given Gwendolyn’s nature, if she knew about it, she would definitely insist on going together. If

anything happened to Gwendolyn, Cedrick would never forgive himself.

“Gwendolyn, please don’t worry. Cedrick must be dealing with something important. That’s why his

phone is off. I’m not lying to you. I really did talk to him just now.”

“Nico, if you don’t tell me the truth. I’ll contact Summer right now. You know she hates men who lie.”

At the mention of Summer, Nico immediately seemed defeated, uttering solemnly. “Swain called me tonovelbin

say that Cedrick has willingly gone with Joe. We are on our way there now.”

Voluntary? Did the heavy rain tonight mess up his brain? Gwendolyn thought.

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