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Chapter 658

Chapter 658 Hating On The Rich

Cedrick pulled the quilt over her body and helped her lie down properly. He said in a gentle tone,

“Sleep tight. I will stay up tonight. If Benny wakes up, I will prepare his milk for him. Don't forget that I

did all these things when you had just given birth to him. I'm more familiar with this than you are.”

Since he had said so, Gwendolyn nodded. “All right. This can help to exhaust your energy as well.”

Cedrick bent down and kissed her soft lips. He couldn't seem to get enough of her.

Gwendolyn closed her eyes and slept peacefully.

Cedrick stayed by her side for a while. Once he was sure she had really fallen asleep, he went to

Benedict's crib.

Time flew by for those who were sound asleep.

But for Cedrick, who was wide awake now, the night felt very long.

Sometimes, he even wondered if their lives would be more relaxed if he and Gwendolyn weren't from

wealthy families, he didn't have a military background, Gwendolyn didn't have to bear the responsibility

of being Ms. Harris, and they were just a normal married couple with a pair of adorable fraternal twins.

However, these were all just his fantasies.

Both he and Gwendolyn had too many responsibilities that couldn't be avoided.

Cedrick slowly fell asleep when he was in his own thoughts.

At five o'clock early in the morning, he was woken up by Benedict's cries.

Alerted by years of military training, Cedrick woke up as soon as he heard Benedict's faint cry. He

quickly carried Benedict and gently soothed him.

Then, he turned around carefully and glanced at Gwendolyn, who was on the bed.

Thankfully, Darling is still sound asleep.

He carried Benedict and left the baby's ward to the nursery next door to prepare milk for Benedict.

The next day, Cedrick had only slept for two hours when Nico arrived.

As Gwendolyn was still asleep, Cedrick gestured for Nico to stay quiet and walk softly.

Nico was about to talk when he saw Cedrick stern's expression. He nodded and waited at the door.

When Cedrick came out, Nico raised his voice and said, “Cedrick, regarding the baby formula in other

wealthy households, I've secretly collected a can from each family. I didn't specify the exact reason to

avoid unnecessary panic and simply made up an excuse to brush it off. The cans of formula have been

sent to the testing department of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and we should receive the results


“Okay.” Cedrick patted his shoulder. “You must be tired. Go home and have a good rest. Ask Swain to

come over.”

Nico smiled like a na?ve boy.

“It's nothing. I don't mind helping my adorable little nephew. We must find the culprit soon, or I won't be

able to relax.”

Cedrick pinched Nico's handsome face. “When you go back, have Summer apply a face mask for you.

Look at how dark your skin has become. It's been quite a while since you returned from the border, and

yet your complexion hasn't improved. You're about to get engaged. It's time to focus not only on official

matters but also on Summer.”

Nico was grinning happily, but when he heard Cedrick say that he was a tad bit tanned now, he looked

a little displeased.

“Okay. Our relationship is still going strong, so don't worry.”

Cedrick nodded. “Bye.”

Nico turned to leave the hospital. Before he left, he called Swain.

Cedrick went to the bathroom and simply freshened up to remove the fatigue from his body.

When Swain reached in a hurry, Cedrick had just finished freshening up. “Let's head to the Federal

Bureau of Investigation.”

“Sure!” Swain followed him into the elevator.

In the elevator, he stood up straight while Cedrick was thinking about something with a serious face.

After a moment of thinking, Cedrick said, “There are a lot of people in the hospital. Get a few more

people to guard Benedict's ward just in case.”

Swain nodded. “Okay, Boss.”

“Also, have you read the case regarding Benny's milk formula?”

“I've read it once. I know Nico did some investigation last night.”

Cedrick touched his wristwatch and looked at the time. “So what do you think about the culprit?”

“Me?” Swain pointed at himself. It had been a long time since he last worked side by side with Cedrick.

He couldn't get used to it.

Cedrick's face turned dark, and he said in a stern tone, “It's just you and me in the elevator. Who else

am I talking to? Why do you seem so brainless after your wedding and honeymoon? Has your

newlywed wife been pampering you so much that you've lost your wits?”

Swain was speechless, but the person judging him was Cedrick, whom he feared most. He remained


When the two of them reached the underground parking of the hospital and got into the car, Swain

spoke his mind.

“Boss, there is strict regulation on food safety currently. It's impossible for licensed producers to

manufacture such substandard and toxic milk formula.”

Cedrick sat in the back seat of the luxury car. “So you think it's from the black market?”

Swain nodded at first but shook his head after giving it some thought. “It's not what I think. It should be

produced by large-scale producers in the black market. The demand for milk powder for Mr. Benedict

and Ms. Zendy is huge every month, and you always arrange for PureVita Group to deliver a large

batch for storage. If the quality inspection results show that the milk formulas from other families have

the exact same ingredients, it means that the large quantity of milk formula must have come from the

black market. It is highly likely that a certain leader from the black market is involved behind the

scenes. However, I don't know why they would do that to target only the rich and not the commoners.

Are they hating on the rich?”

Cedrick remained silent for a while as he stared at the scenery outside the car.

His gaze was dark, and he seemed to be thinking of some bad memories.

“If they are really hating on the rich, then the problem is not that big of an issue. However, if this is only

aimed at the Jenson family, then I'm afraid it's going to be more complicated.”

Swain sighed and didn't say anything as he drove.

Back at the hospital, the additional guards Cedrick arranged hadn't arrived. Benedict was wailing as he

was hungry.

Gwendolyn was woken up by the cry. She glanced around and saw that only she and Benedict were


She knew that Cedrick was away to handle the complicated case.

The perpetrator who had been targeting the Jenson family for months was a dangerous threat that

needed to be eliminated. If left unchecked, it could pose significant risks in the future.

She quickly walked to the crib and carried Benedict.

Ever since the baby was born, Cedrick and Zoey had been taking care of him. Cedrick wouldn't let her

and always insisted on taking care of the baby himself.

Gwendolyn sighed emotionally as she carried Benedict while preparing milk for him.

Although she wasn't really good at it, she insisted on doing it herself and didn't ask the nurse for help.

At eight o'clock in the morning, there were two officers in casual clothes standing by the door of the


Their dignified and upright demeanor naturally made people keep their distance when they passed by

on the same floor. It was clear that they were not someone to be trifled with.

After a while, Gwendolyn heard someone talking outside the door when she was feeding Benedict.

Then, there were sounds of footsteps before the door was pushed open.

The person who came in was a woman with a mask on and a nurse outfit. She had some medical

equipment in her hands too.

Gwendolyn glanced at the nurse's outfit and then continued to feed the baby. “I didn't press the bell.

What is it?”

“Ms. Harris, it's time for the baby to take his medicine.”

“For his heart condition?”novelbin

The nurse nodded. “Yes.”

Gwendolyn frowned. “But the attending doctor mentioned yesterday that the mild traditional medicine

was sold out. We had to wait two more days and observe the baby's condition before making a


“Yes, but the medicine has been sent from overseas today. Your baby is a VIP patient at our hospital.

We take utmost care and so we sent it to you right away.”

Gwendolyn thought for a while and eyed the nurse up and down, feeling a little suspicious.

She agreed and said, “Let me have a look at the medicine.”

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