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Chapter 657

Chapter 657 Joke

If Nico had found something odd about his investigation, that meant that the likelihood of the Jensons'

involvement would be far lower.novelbin

Cedrick did not know whether or not he should be glad or crestfallen about it. “Head back to the

Federal Bureau of Investigation right away. I'll be waiting for you in the office.”

“Got it.”

Twenty minutes later, Nico entered Cedrick's office with the organized file.

He noticed Charles' presence immediately upon entering, but he did not make any comments about

him. Instead, with a solemn expression, he passed the file to Cedrick.

Cedrick took it and flipped through the pages while listening to Nico.

“PureVita Group has delivered milk powder to Harrick Villa five times in the past three months. Three of

the five deliveries were by the same person, but the first and the most recent were by someone else.”

Cedrick studied the information in his hands, his brows furrowing even more.

Charles, who was sitting on the couch a short distance away, walked over to Cedrick's desk and picked

up the papers that Cedrick had read to read them himself.

On the paper, it was stated that the person who made the first delivery had been fired due to the

complaints he received for the severe mistakes he made.

The second deliveryman made three deliveries and had no issues with his deliveries.

He also received no complaints from the other wealthy families.

He had left the role voluntarily and did not have a specific reason for wanting to leave the company.

After that, PureVita Group hired someone else to make the deliveries.

Charles said, “If there isn't any error in these papers, then the second deliveryman is a major suspect

in this. He had an ambiguous reason for leaving the company, and I think it's because he was afraid of

getting found out. That's why he wanted to leave as quickly as possible. It'd be easy for him to tamper

with the milk powder during his deliveries. I doubt this incident has anything to do with the most recent

deliveryman because the latest batch of milk powder has been tested and is fine.”

Cedrick's expression did not relax but was even more grim.

“Nico, investigate more about this second deliveryman and how many families he has delivered the

milk powder to.”

Nico was swift to figure out Cedrick's intentions. “Cedrick, are you suspecting that this man isn't just

targeting the Jenson family but is trying to hurt all the babies of the affluent families?”

Cedrick inclined his head. “We can't dismiss this idea. We'll need to look further into this.”

“Got it. I'll work on it right away.”

Nico turned and left. In no time, Charles and Cedrick were the only ones left in the office again.

Charles sighed. “This will be easier to deal with if the Jenson family isn't the only victims in this

incident. It'll be tough if it turns out that the perpetrator is targeting the Jensons.”

Cedrick was akin to the king in the military, and no one would dare lay a finger on his friends and family

in broad daylight.

However, he offended many when he was removing chaos from the borders.

Looking into every one of his enemies would be a challenge.

Cedrick did not respond to Charles' words and was contemplating something else instead.

After a beat, he glanced at the clock on his desk. “It's already three. Nico is conducting a secret

investigation, so I'm afraid he'll only have the results the next morning. You should head home and get

some rest.”

Charles did not agree with that. “I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight. Since you have nothing else

to do right now, why don't we head to a bar and have a chat?”

Cedrick frowned and shot him a look. “Do you want me to kick you out of the Federal Bureau of


Benedict was sick, and Gwendolyn was staying up all night to take care of him. At the same time,

Zendaya was staying at home with Summer and Zoey taking care of her.

If he could not resolve the other issues immediately, he should be returning to his family right away.

What kind of man would he be if he were to neglect them and go out for a drink instead?

Noticing Cedrick's wrath, Charles chuckled and explained, “You look tired, so I was trying to crack a

joke. Don't take it to heart. I know you're a family man.”

“It's not funny. Don't say that again.”

“Sure,” Charles said, concealing the emotions in his eyes. “It's indeed very late. Since there isn't

anything else, I'll head home to catch up on my sleep.”

“Hurry up and get lost,” Cedrick said impatiently as he put the papers back into the file.

Charles clicked his tongue. Shoving his hands into his pockets, he walked out of the room and

grumbled, “Someone just tossed me aside after using me. I don't remember them adopting this attitude

when they invited me to investigate this together back at the hospital.”

Cedrick only glanced at Charles' retreating figure quietly.

Late at night, even the melodious birds had entered into dreamland.

Cedrick was sitting in his office alone at the Federal Bureau of Investigation. It was only after he

organized his thoughts about the case did he finally leave the building and went back to the hospital.

It was sleeping time for most, so there were barely any sounds to be heard in the hospital.

Cedrick tiptoed into the pediatric ward and was greeted by the sight of Gwendolyn still in the same

position as when he left. She was lying by the edge of the bed.

Anyone sleeping in that position for long would suffer from aching arms, back, and an uneasy stomach

when they woke up.

Cedrick gently carried her to the empty bed at the side, his heart aching.

Right as he was about to tuck her in, Gwendolyn woke up. She grabbed his hand, and with visibly-

groggy eyes, she asked, “How's the investigation?”

Before he could speak, she voiced out her thoughts. “I've been half-awake and half-asleep the entire

time, thinking about the incident. Your subordinate is in charge of PureVita's milk powder factory, and I

personally checked the factory's product quality back then as well as its security. I doubt this originated

from the factory. If it isn't the deliveryman, then one of the Jensons must have planned this a long time

ago. Harrick Villa has always been a secure place. Not even a suspicious fly can get inside. So if

anything's wrong with it, it has to come from within Grandpa's house.”

Tightening her grip on his hand, she worriedly went on, “I know you're angry with your grandpa, and I

understand why. But your relationship with your grandpa has been rather tense lately. If you openly

interrogate your grandpa's housekeepers, you'll surely hurt his feelings, so don't do this unless we've

run out of options.”

Cedrick was surprised. He had never thought that she would be thinking about this while she was

keeping vigil. With a bitter smile, he leaned over to press a soft kiss on her forehead.

“Don't worry. I know the limits. I won't do anything rash.”

Relieved, Gwendolyn let go of his hand and closed her eyes, her breathing even.

Cedrick continued to kiss her eyelids, the tip of her nose, her lips, and her cheeks affectionately.

“Stop it. Benny's sleeping,” Gwendolyn mumbled and pushed him away.

Cedrick was obedient and did not make any further moves. “All right. Rest well, Darling. I'll go and

watch over Benny.”

Gwendolyn rejected it, “I've rested for a few hours and feel much better now. You've been at the

Federal Bureau of Investigation for the past few hours. You must be more tired than me. Let me watch

over him while you sleep instead.”

Just as she was about to get to her feet, Cedrick took her hand and placed it between his legs.

When she sensed a certain something, she froze.

In a hoarse voice, Cedrick said, “Do you feel that, Darling? Kissing you made me excited.”

Gwendolyn narrowed her eyes. Am I supposed to be at fault for that?

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