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Chapter 620

Chapter 620 Prime Suspects

Did Logan choose to come and confess the truth now that David has been found and is being sent

back to Salinsburgh?

Gwendolyn and Cedrick both wore serious expressions, silently gazing at Logan.

Observing their continued silence, Logan approached Gwendolyn, who was seated on the couch. “Mrs.

Jenson, two days ago, you came to the villa and had a sincere conversation with me. I mentioned then

that I needed time to contemplate, and now I've reached a decision. Can I count on your trust?”

Gwendolyn locked eyes with Logan, who was eagerly seeking her approval, and nodded. “I believe in

you, Logan. You've been by Grandpa's side for the majority of his life. Whatever decision you make, I

trust that it's in his best interest.”

Hearing that, Logan heaved a sigh of relief.

Before David was sent to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Logan wholeheartedly explained

everything he knew from his perspective.

“On the day of the accident, Mr. Yael and Mr. David were indeed present at the scene. What's more,

they were inside the car that caused the accident...”

On the day of the accident, Yael and David attended a party together and consumed a significant

amount of alcohol.

Initially, David intended to arrange for a substitute driver to take them home, but Yael insisted that he

drive. Since Yael didn't appear noticeably intoxicated, David reluctantly agreed.

But he didn't expect that Yael would inexplicably take a long detour while driving.

While speeding on the road, the vehicle lost control and collided with Cedrick's parents' luxury car at

the intersection. The impact occurred at the most vulnerable point on the vehicle's side, resulting in the

immediate death of Cedrick's mother, who was seated in the front passenger seat.

The collision caused a fuel tank rupture, resulting in oil leakage and the subsequent explosion of the

car. Cedrick's father sustained severe burns throughout his body and, tragically, passed away while

being transported to the hospital.novelbin

When Valentino arrived at the scene with his men, they discovered David in the driver's seat, clearly

intoxicated. Both David and Yael sustained minor injuries from the accident.

Heartbroken, Valentino brought his two sons back to the ancestral hall for interrogation after they were

sober. He even punished them in accordance with the family rules.

Ultimately, Valentino could only accept the devastating reality that his eldest son and daughter-in-law

had passed away.

Yael vehemently insisted that they were both intoxicated, and he got into a heated argument with David

on the road, thereby causing the accident.

David claimed that Yael was the one driving the car, but Yael adamantly denied it. Besides, the last

person behind the wheel was indeed David.

At the end of the debate, David, who was so drunk that he almost passed out, couldn't tell whether he

was really the driver during the accident.

Regardless of the circumstances, it was evident that David and Yael were responsible for the accident.

The car accident had caused an uproar at the time, and if the situation were to persist, it would

jeopardize the future of David and Yael.

Considering that they were all his sons and held equal importance to him, Valentino found himself with

no alternative but to leverage his connections within the military to suppress information about the car

accident. He also resorted to other means to eventually quell the news.

Valentino also assisted in shifting the responsibility away from his two sons.

As Logan spoke, a sigh escaped him, his face filled with anguish.

“Old Mr. Jenson was truly in a difficult position. It was simply not feasible for him to lose his three sons

because of a car accident and let the entire population of Chanaea ridicule the Jenson family.”

Cedrick furrowed his brow, wearing a solemn expression that conveyed his strong dissatisfaction with

the truth revealed by Logan.

“Regardless of whether it was Uncle Yael or Uncle David who orchestrated this accident, there must be

a truth to uncover. However, Grandpa decided not to pursue a thorough investigation. Instead, he

chose to cover for his two sons and imposed only a nominal punishment on them, even though the

accident resulted in the loss of my parents' lives.”

Even when Cedrick asked about this matter, Valentino still covered for his two sons, brushing him off

with lies.

Cedrick's jaw tightened, and a soft snort escaped him as he felt an overwhelming chill coursing through


Sensing Cedrick's emotional turmoil, Gwendolyn reached out and gently held his clenched fist, offering

silent comfort and support.

Logan expressed deep remorse, saying, “Mr. Jenson, Old Mr. Jenson has carried the burden of guilt

regarding this matter for a long time, which is why he brought you under his wing and shielded you

from numerous conflicts within the family. He even facilitated your entry into the Federal Bureau of

Investigation as a means of protection.”

Logan continued, “Until you were ready to take on the responsibilities of leading the Jenson family, Old

Mr. Jenson did not retire. He maintained a firm grip on the family, refusing to hand it over to Mr. Yael,

Mr. David, or any other elder family members who has influence. He did it to ensure that you maintain

your power and authority. He wanted to personally pass the torch to you when the time was right and

you had proven yourself capable.”

Cedrick's lips curled with a heightened tone of sarcasm. “Why do you speak of it so self-righteously?

Grandpa's intention was simply to cultivate a figure of power who could be easily controlled. Otherwise,

he wouldn't have planted a spy within the Federal Bureau of Investigation to monitor me, feigned illness

to summon me back home, and orchestrated the secret removal of Xander with the help of insiders

within the bureau.”

“Mr. Jenson, when Old Mr. Jenson still held the responsibility of overseeing the entire Jenson family, he

needed to maintain a harmonious family dynamic. However, deep within his heart, he always cherishes

you, his eldest grandson. He never seeks to exploit you or treat you as a mere puppet. Mr. Jenson, he


“That's enough.” Cedrick's expression grew solemn. “Logan, you've been away for too long. It's best

that you return before Grandpa wakes up and notices your absence. He may start asking questions.”

Logan was clearly being dismissed, and he had no reason to prolong his stay any further.

Despite the multitude of words in his heart, it became apparent to Logan that Cedrick was not inclined

to listen, no matter how much he tried to defend Valentino.

Logan could only bow and leave.

As Logan made his way toward the office door, he couldn't help but grab the doorknob and add, “Mr.

Jenson, I hope you can empathize with Old Mr. Jenson. He, too, is burdened with his own suffering. If

you were to stand in his position, you would understand that the choice he made was incredibly


Cedrick didn't reply, his expression remaining cold.

Logan could only sigh, opened the door, and left Cedrick's office.

Once Logan left, Gwendolyn wrapped her arms around Cedrick's sturdy waist, nestling her delicate

chin on his shoulder in a gentle and comforting gesture.

Her fingertips gently and tenderly loosened Cedrick's clenched fist, delicately intertwining her fingers

with his.

“I understand that Grandpa holds a special place in your heart, and his actions can sometimes be

difficult to comprehend, even unsettling. But those things don't matter. What truly matters is that you

still have me, Benny, and Zendy. We will always be the family who cherishes you the most in this


Gwendolyn's gentle and serene voice acted as a soothing balm, alleviating Cedrick's inner turmoil.

Cedrick turned his head toward her, giving a light peck on her brow. “Don't worry, Gwenny. I am not that

disappointed, but based on what Logan has revealed, I need to conduct an investigation to uncover the

true culprit behind the car accident, whether it is Uncle Yael or Uncle David.”

He breathed heavily, his gaze darkening as he stared off into the distance. “The murderer who took my

parents' lives has been living freely and undiscovered all this time, right under my nose. This time,

regardless of Grandpa's objections, I will make sure the true culprit pays the price they deserve.”

Gwendolyn tenderly caressed Cedrick's face, her distress evident in her eyes. She understood that

claiming he wasn't disappointed would be a lie. After all, the person he once held as the most trusted

family member had turned out to be an accomplice in the tragedy that took his parents' lives.

To Cedrick, this likely felt like a profound betrayal.

Logan's sudden arrival and confession did not stop Cedrick from investigating the truth of the accident.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Neville and others went to get David, who had been transported back

to Salinsburgh. They then proceeded to the interrogation room of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Cedrick put on his military uniform jacket, ready to question David personally.

Gwendolyn meticulously helped Cedrick to button up his uniform.

Cedrick seized the opportunity to embrace her thin waist, lowering his head to seek her soft lips. It was

as though he could never tire of her presence.

“All right, you have some real business to attend to soon. Stop being mischievous.”

Gwendolyn frowned and gently pushed Cedrick's shoulder.

Cedrick held her in a tight embrace and promised her the trip they had previously discussed. “All of this

will be resolved soon, and then we can travel and have fun with Kieran and the others, just like we


Gwendolyn chuckled and responded, “It will certainly be quite interesting to travel with a stoic man like


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