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Chapter 619

Chapter 619 Only The Evidence Speaks The Truth

Logan's face went pale when he heard that, but he was quick to regain his composure a few seconds

later and said, “It's true that the incident took place many years ago, but it was a traumatizing one for

the Jenson family. I may not know the truth and the details behind the car accident, but I do know that

Mr. Yael and Mr. David were not likely to have been present at the scene.”

Gwendolyn observed his expression closely as she pressed on, “Do you know where Uncle Yael and

Uncle David were at the time, then?”

“They were keeping Old Mr. Jenson company right beside him when they heard about the car accident.

I was with Old Mr. Jenson at the time as well, so I remember it very well,” Logan answered decisively.

Gwendolyn let out a sigh and shook her head in disappointment after hearing that.

“What do you mean by that, Mrs. Jenson? Do you not believe me?” Logan asked in confusion.

“There's no way I'd believe you. The information that I got from my investigation, you, Grandpa, and

Uncle Yael all have conflicting parts that don't add up at all. Who is the one telling the truth, and who is

not?” Gwendolyn replied.

Logan lowered his gaze and kept quiet.

Gwendolyn stepped forward and spoke softly. “Or perhaps, apart from the evidence, everyone else is

lying. Maybe you are all trying to hide the truth behind what really happened.”

Logan's eyes went wide when he heard that, but he kept his head low and remained silent.

Gwendolyn let out another sigh and patted Logan on the shoulder as she said, “Uncle David left

Salinsburgh the night Uncle Yael revealed this incident to Cedrick. If you insist that they don't know

anything about the car accident, then I will assume you are defending them and helping them hide the


“Mrs. Jenson, I—”

Logan was about to say something when Gwendolyn cut him off, “Honestly, I don't believe someone as

kind-hearted as Uncle David would do something so heartless either, but this incident has led to the

death of Cedrick's parents, so he won't rest until he has found the truth behind it. He will surely have

someone arrest Uncle David and bring him in for questioning at the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

This case is far more complicated than you and Grandpa would have thought. You might think that it

would just die down over time, but that's not the case for Cedrick. He will not stop until he has

confirmed the truth behind his parents' deaths.”

Logan listened to everything Gwendolyn said even though he kept his head low the entire time.

“Logan, someone is bound to tell the truth sooner or later. If you know the truth behind this and care

about Cedrick, then you should speak up as soon as possible. Dragging this on will only worsen the

relationship between Cedrick and Grandpa. You wouldn't want to see Grandpa lose his grandson,

would you?”

“Mrs. Jenson!”

Logan clenched his fists.

How could she talk about Old Mr. Jenson like that?

Gwendolyn didn't think there was anything wrong with what she said, so she continued, “Xander has

gone missing. In order to have Cedrick spare him, Uncle Yael said he would never let Xander return to

the Jenson family. Uncle Yael pulled a knife on Cedrick and tried to kill him last night. This is very

serious and could land him in prison. If Uncle David is closely connected to this incident, then Cedrick

would most likely go after him as well. If Grandpa and Cedrick were to fall out because of this, then

Triss would be all he has left. Isn't that right, Logan?”

Logan had a conflicted look in his eyes.

As unpleasant as Gwendolyn's statement sounded, everything she said was true.

Noticing that Logan was starting to waver, Gwendolyn pressed on, “Neither of them are willing to

confess, so you are the only person who can save Uncle David, Grandpa, Cedrick, and the Jenson

family as a whole. Don't worry; Grandpa won't blame you for telling the truth.”

Logan's lips twitched slightly as he contemplated his options.

Right as he finally mustered the courage to speak, a housekeeper from the villa came outside and said,

“Old Mr. Jenson has woken up and is asking for you, Logan.”

Logan quickly regained his senses and replied, “Understood. I will walk Mrs. Jenson to the entrance

and will be there in five minutes.”

The housekeeper nodded and bowed at Gwendolyn before heading back into the villa.

That little interruption had completely disrupted Logan's train of thought, and he motioned at

Gwendolyn to leave the villa.

Gwendolyn was reluctant to leave and simply stood there staring at him.

Feeling a little awkward, Logan whispered, “Please stop forcing me, Mrs. Jenson. Give me some time

to think about it.”

Gwendolyn had nothing to say at that point, so she had no choice but to let it go and walk out of

Valentino's villa.

She kept thinking about that incident along the drive to Harris Group.

The statements that Grandpa and Uncle Yael provided contradict each other. David is not in

Salinsburgh, so it will be difficult to find him if he is deliberately hiding. Logan seems to know

something, but he won't tell me. I'm not sure if that is because Grandpa has ordered him not to. Either

way, this case will only get increasingly complicated regardless of who I choose to go after. Based on

my intuition, this case involves a lot more people than I had imagined. Cedrick's parents are supposed

to inherit Jenson Group, but they both died in that car accident that came out of nowhere. I can't help

but feel as though that car accident is part of a huge conspiracy within the Jenson family's power


Gwendolyn was so distracted by her thoughts that she couldn't seem to focus at work.

Fortunately for her, there were no important contracts that she needed to sign at Harris Group lately, so

she let her assistant handle her work at hand and went to keep Cedrick company at the Federal

Bureau of Investigation.

Cedrick was already tracking David down in secret. Once the latter's exact location was confirmed,

Cedrick was going to send some men over to bring him in.

Meanwhile, Nico continued to investigate the evidence as well.

Gwendolyn sat beside Cedrick in his office and helped him analyze the conflicting statements from

every individual to determine whose side of the story was more truthful.novelbin

Because Yael had attempted to stab Cedrick with a dagger so Xander could get away, Cedrick did not

send anyone to arrest Xander.

Cedrick was confident in his ability to capture anyone he wanted, so he decided to grant Xander a few

days of freedom while he investigated Yael's statement.

If he so much as decided to bring Xander in, it would only be a matter of time before it happened.

It wasn't until the incident was dragged on to the third day that they finally had a lead on David's


Apparently, David didn't use his phone at all during his supposed business trip as he had switched it

off. That resulted in their GPS being unable to pinpoint his location accurately.

Cedrick contacted the police station in Livingsfill where David was supposedly on a business trip to

have them help find him. Eventually, they were able to confirm his exact location when he went

downstairs to buy some food.

The fact that someone like David would go to Livingsfill on a business trip, stay at a budget hotel, and

buy cheap food from roadside vendors was incredibly suspicious. It seemed as though he knew they

would be looking for him and was deliberately trying to hide from them.

Logan came over in person the day the police brought David to the Federal Bureau of Investigation in


However, Logan arrived before David did.

Gwendolyn was also around when the policemen led him into the office, but he showed no emotion

whatsoever when he saw her.

“Did Grandpa send you? Was it for Uncle Yael or Uncle David?” Cedrick asked.

Logan shook his head. “No, he didn't. I snuck out while Old Mr. Jenson was taking his afternoon nap.”

Cedrick and Gwendolyn exchanged glances when they heard that.

Logan took a deep breath and flashed Cedrick a conflicted look as he continued, “Mr. Jenson, I don't

wish to see you end up hating Old Mr. Jenson. That is why I am here to tell you the truth about what

happened back then.”

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