Wooing My ex-wife (Gwendolyn and Maverick)

Chapter 539 Do Not Hit My Face
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Chapter 539 Do Not Hit My Face

Chapter 539 Do Not Hit My Face

It was bizarre to be slapped awake by someone when one was sleeping peacefully.

Cedrick immediately opened his eyes.

In the dark, he could feel a gust of wind that accompanied another oncoming slap.

His reflexes kicked in as he quickly reached out to grab Gwendolyn's wrist. He sat up and turned to

switch on the bedside lamp.

When he turned back to look at Gwendolyn, he noticed her eyes were red with anger.

Her mania is acting up again. What's going on?

While he was puzzled, Gwendolyn sent him a kick, causing him to twist away to dodge it. As they both

had solid foundations in self-defense, they started fighting on the bed.

Cedrick only played defense, whereas Gwendolyn kept attacking him.

In terms of martial arts, Cedrick was much more capable than Gwendolyn, even when she was in a

state of frenzy. Besides that, the difference between a man's and a woman's strengths was too vast.

Their fight lasted over ten minutes before Gwendolyn got off the bed. Irritated, she grabbed the bedside

lamp, wanting to smash it.

“Gwenny, don't!”

Cedrick was confused. Why did she change tactics?

He hurried over to snatch the lamp from her, but it was too late.


The lamp hit the corner of the bedside table. With a bang, it was smashed into pieces.

The shattered glass flew everywhere and cut Gwendolyn's calves. However, she did not feel any pain.

Murderous intent filled her eyes.

Only one thought flashed across her mind—she wanted to see blood.

She picked up the sharp, broken lamp and pointed it at Cedrick's chest.

He quickly dodged her attack, swiftly knocking the weapon in her hand away in the process.

“Darling, don't use such a deadly weapon. Let's just use our fists to fight,” he said helplessly.

However, Gwendolyn was too lost in her mania. She could not understand a word he was saying.

There was a vicious look in her eyes as she struggled out of his grip. Turning to the dresser, she

reached for the bottles and spray cans.

Cedrick noticed where she was looking and stepped forward to stop her.

“Darling, stop smashing things. You'll get hurt if they break. It's better if you hit me instead. I won't

dodge anymore. I'll let you vent on me, okay?”

Gwendolyn shot him a glare before raising her hand, wanting to slap him again.

Cedrick reached up to block her oncoming slap. He sighed heavily and said, “It's better you don't hit my

face. I won't be good-looking anymore if you hurt my face.”

Not having any conscious control over her actions, she ignored his words and swung her left hand

toward his face.

He blocked her attack once more as he tried hard to come up with a solution.

I can't hit the back of Gwenny's head, nor can I let her smash things or slap me.

Yesterday, he had forgotten to ask Joshua for two sedative shots to prepare for emergencies like this.

What should I do?

Cedrick recalled what Joshua had told him yesterday.

Soon, he made a decision.

He quickly grabbed a belt from the wardrobe and placed it in Gwendolyn's hand. “Here. Use this to hit

me. Vent your frustrations and anger out.”

Gwendolyn's lips curved into a sinister grin as she waved the belt and swung it at Cedrick.

Cedrick stood still, not dodging any of her whips. He protected his head and face with one hand and

covered his crotch with the other to avoid accidentally losing his manhood.

Gwendolyn rained attacks on Cedrick with the belt. She kept whipping his back, waist, arms, chest,

butt, and legs.

Apart from the parts of his body he had covered, every inch of skin was stinging from pain.

Cedrick clenched his teeth and endured it silently as he allowed her to make him her human punching




The snap of the belt kept ringing through the air and cutting through the silence of the night. The

sounds of it were terrifying from afar.

Luckily, I sent the children to Grandpa's place beforehand. Otherwise, they would've been cryingbecause of the commotion.

The one-sided beating lasted for more than half an hour. Gwendolyn, who had lost her ability to think

clearly, went all out to whip Cedrick.

Her energy was soon depleted from continuously swinging the belt at him.

The whooshing sounds stopped. Cedrick took two steps forward and brought a tired Gwendolyn into

his embrace.

It was precisely as Joshua said. After venting and using up all her energy, Gwendolyn would fall back


It's finally the end of tonight's torturous experience. Cedrick breathed a heavy sigh as he carried

Gwendolyn onto the bed and pulled the covers over her.

He waited for a few minutes and made sure she was asleep. Then, enduring the pain in his butt, he

carefully sat at the edge of the bed to check on himself.

His pajamas were torn into shreds from the whipping. Well, that's another set of pajamas gone towaste.

His entire body was littered with marks. Red welts and purplish-blue bruises covered his skin. There

was also blood dripping from some of the wounds.

D*mn. Gwenny is quite strong.

Cedrick sighed helplessly as he endured the pain all over his body and went to the kitchen. He took an

ice pack from the fridge and held it lightly against his face.

After that, he took a first-aid kit and sat on the couch. He rubbed anti-inflammatory ointment on the

areas he could reach and used a spray for his back, deftly handling all his injuries.

When he was done, he returned to the bedroom and cleaned the shattered glass from the lamp on the


It was close to three in the morning by the time he finished.

He changed into a new set of pajamas and bandaged his wounds. Then, he carefully climbed back into

bed and inched close to hug Gwendolyn to sleep.

Gwendolyn woke up at noon again.

She was awakened by the delicious scent of the chicken noodle soup that Cedrick was cooking.

The broken pieces of glass from the lamp and the torn pajamas were all gone by the time she woke.

Cedrick had destroyed all evidence of what happened last night and cleaned the room.

Gwendolyn moved to sit up, but it felt as though the energy in her body had all been sucked up. Just as

she was trying to remember what had happened, Cedrick entered the room with a bowl of chicken

noodle soup.

Cedrick placed the bowl on the bedside table before helping her to sit up. He even thoughtfully put a

pillow behind her so she could lean against the headboard comfortably.

“Hubby, what did we do last night? Why do I feel so tired?”

You whipped me for more than an hour. Of course, you're tired.novelbin

Cedrick recalled what happened the night before and decided to tell her a white lie. An indulgent smile

crept onto his handsome face as he said, “Gwenny, you had a nightmare last night. Perhaps you feel

tired from not sleeping well because of that.”

“Really?” Gwendolyn was in disbelief. “Even if I did have a nightmare, I doubt I would be tired to the

point where I feel lethargic. Plus, why can't I remember anything?”

The expression on Cedrick's face remained the same. “You were exhausted last night. You fell asleep

while watching the movie. I was the one who carried you into the bedroom to rest.”

Feeling something was amiss, she stared at him suspiciously. “Hubby, last night... did you do

something to me while I was asleep?”

Her question rendered Cedrick speechless.

He sat beside the bed and picked up the bowl of chicken noodle soup, patiently stirring it to cool it

down. “No, I didn't. I'm a gentleman. I would ask for your permission to get intimate with you. I won't

engage in any forceful sexual acts.”

Naturally, Gwendolyn believed him.

She watched him stirring the soup. Seeing such a handsome man like him focused on doing somethingis a treat for the eyes.

However, she felt something was wrong the more she stared at him. “Hubby, what happened to your

face? Why does it look a little swollen?”

Cedrick gulped, though his expression was calm as he explained, “I think I've been eating too much

lately. That's why my face looks more swollen than usual. Gwenny, if you don't like it, I'll start to eat less

and go on a diet from now on.”

“There's no need for that. Ceddy, you have exquisite facial features. You still look handsome even

though you have gained a little weight. It's just...”

She narrowed her eyes and observed his face for a moment before drawling, “Why does it feel like the

left side of your face is more swollen than the right? It looks uneven.”

Cedrick was at a loss for words.

He lightly blew on the spoonful of soup and placed it near Gwendolyn's lips, then went on to spout

more nonsense. “No one has a symmetrical face. I've been chewing more with the left side of my

mouth. It could be uneven because of that.”

That explanation sounded reasonable.

Gwendolyn did not press further. She opened her mouth to drink the soup, chewing the chicken slowly

as she enjoyed her husband's care.

She did not know what time she had woken up. Hence, she turned to take her phone from the bedside

table to check the time and her messages. All of a sudden, she noticed something unusual in their


Confused, she asked, “Hm? I thought the room looked weird. Hubby, where did my bedside lamp go?”

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