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Chapter 248 Jade appeared somewhat disheartened. “Alright, fine After Jade departed. Alison still couldn’t gather her thoughts. Growing restless, she didn’t want tolinger in the office any longer. Rising abruptly, she made her way to the rooftop of Quaria, seekingsolace in the open air. Expecting solitude. Alison was surprised to encounter Gina there. Gina stood by the railing, lost incontemplation. Not wishing to startle her, Alison cleared her throat to announce her presence. Gina turned, acknowledging Alison’s arrival. Alison hesitated, then spoke awkwardly. “Did I interrupt you?” Gina shook her head. “Not at Alison took a deep breath, intending to find a secluded spot for reflection. However, with Gina’spresence, finding tranquility proved challenging. Suddenly, she confessed. “I’m not neglecting my duties. I needed a moment to clear my head.” Gina offered a reassuring smile. “I understand.” Alison breathed a sigh of relief, a flicker of worry crossing her mind that Gina might spill about herrooftop escape to Mr. Clark “You look troubled, is it work-related?” Gina, usually reserved, initiated a rare conversation withsomeone she wasn’t very familiar with. Alison felt a pang of distress, yearning to unburden herself but unsure whom to turn to. As luckwould have it, Gina asked, and she spilled. “Yes, because I can’t quite grasp the theme you’vegiven: love that isn’t tied to blood can still be as strong as a diamond. If the theme focused solely onromantic love, I think it would be easier to expand upon…” Gina seemed contemplative. “Would you like me to explain why I chose this theme?” “Sure.” Alison felt as if Gina was offering her a personal tutoring session. Gina succinctly recounted to Alison that she had been abandoned by her biological family but hadfound a maternal love that was not bound by blood. Alison was astonished. ‘Incredibly, there are mothers who favor their adopted daughters, even to

the extent of sacrific their biological daughter, even her life… they don’t deserve to be calledmothers.” Gina chuckled. It was all in the past. “Do you understand the theme better now?” Gina asked in return. Alison indeed found some clarity after hearing Gina’s personal story. “Thank you. Rest assured. Iwon’t share what you’ve shared today with anyone else.” Gina nodded casually. In truth, whether Alison disclosed this to others didn’t concern her much.After all, hadn’t her estrangement from the Miller family been widely publicized? Alison then hurried downstairs to attend to her duties. Gina lingered on the rooftop, seeking a moment of solitary peace. Her phone chimed, and it wasNeil calling. Gina answered, “Neil” 1/3 ||| = < 11:32 Mon, May 27 j Chapter 248 “Gina, are you busy? Did I catch you at a bad time?” Neil inquired “Not at all,” Gina responded softly. “That’s good to hear. I have something I’d like to ask you,” Neil sol “Of course, go ahead.” Gina nodded.. I heard Jasmine went for an interview at Quaria and bumped into you… Neil began. “So, I used my privilege to prevent her from entering Quaria, is that correct?” Gina interjected Neil’swords. 74% Neil hesitated. While Jasmine’s tearful plea for his intervention wasn’t exactly as Gina described, itwasn’t far from the truth

either. “Gina, I trust you, which is why I’m asking about this,” he said. “Jasmine never showed up for the interview, not even passing the first round of auditions. It seemsher mom was keen for her to land a spot at Quaria and attempted to sway the Head of the DesignDepartment, but she ran into me instead.” Gina paused there, confident she had shared enough. Neil could likely guess what happened next. Neil was speechless. Gina’s version of events was completely different from Jasmine’s. Jasmine cried on the phone, accusing Gina of seeking revenge. Despite their rivalry, Gina shouldn’thave resorted to such underhanded tactics. Naturally, Neil sided with Gina “Alright, Gina, I understand the situation now. Sorry to bother you.” Neil needed to respond to theBush family. Jasmine had called him in tears, hoping he would speak to Gina and prevent anymalicious retaliation against her so she could join Quaria. Last time, he had intervened out of friendship and directly arranged for Jasmine to be admitted toProver Hospital. This time, he couldn’t intervene further; it wouldn’t be fair to Gina. Gina didn’t feel inconvenienced. “No worries. I’m free at the moment. By the way, Neil, have anyhealth issues been bothering you lately?” I’m doing fine.” Neil’s tone brightened at Gina’s concern. “Gina, Gabriel mentioned you’ve beenbusy lately. Don’t o yourself. Remember to take breaks. If you need assistance with work, likeinvestments, or anything else, give me a Though I’m getting on in years, I can still lend support witha few small tasks to back your endeavors!” Gina grinned. “Sure thing, Neil. If I need help, I won’t hesitate to ask.” Neil was pleased. “Excellent.” After ending the call, Gina glanced at the time. It was nearly the end of the workday, and Gabrielmight be waiting for downstairs at this hour Gina descended the stairs promptly. When she reached the entrance of the company building, sheindeed spotted Gabri Custom Rolls Royce. Gabriel stood tall and poised beside the car, attracting the attention of passersby, who couldn’t

resist stealing a second Some Lold girls even approached him to ask for his contact information. “Excuse me, would youmind leaving your contact 曲 11:32 Mon, May 277 Chapter 248 Expressionless, Gabriel-gestured. Tm waiting for someone 74 The girl turned to look, and upon seeing Gina’s silhouette, two words involuntarily popped into hermind: a perfect match “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you had a girlfriend. Goodbye.” Gina observed the girl’s swift departure, teasing Gabriel. “Someone caught your eye? Looks likeyou’re quite the charmer. Mr. Jackson.” “Td rather not be the center of attention. Gabriel replied. Gina sensed a hint of disappointment in his tone. Unable to suppress a smile, she found Gabriel’s reaction rather endearing “I’ve made a reservation at a restaurant But before Gabriel could finish, his phone rang, cutting him off. It was Ashley, his cousin who was afew years older than him. “I’ll take this call, Gabriel said with a slight frown. “Alright.” Gina nodded. “Hey, Ashley.” Gabriel’s tone was indifferent.novelbin

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