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Chapter 247 “You might be cu*kolded on without even knowing it!” Hannah neered. Gabriel’s face turned very pale. “Mrs. Bush, be careful with your words.” Hannah laughed angrily. “I’m just trying to warn you out of kindness. Otherwise, being neitherrelated nor close, why would Gina, who is not a design major, become a designer specially recruitedby Michael into Quaria? “If she’s not greedy and fickle, why hasn’t she publicly declared that she’s your girlfriend aftermeeting you? Gina is just leading you on!” Jasmine, hearing this, felt both happy and angry. She was happy that Gina was a fickle woman, and Gabriel would definitely not like her anymore.She was angry because Gina was not only shameless but also insatiable, flirting with other men aswell. “Gabriel, it doesn’t matter if I don’t get into Quaria, but you can’t be deceived by Gina! Jasmine said. Hannah looked at Jasmine with pity, walked in front of Jasmine, squatted down, and gently heldJasmine’s hand. “My silly girl, when you think of others, you should also see how much that personhas ever thought of you!” An abrupt sneer came from the man who was walking up the stairs. It was Max Max looked at Gabriel with a smirk. T’m sorry, Mr. Jackson. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop on yourconversation. It’s just that my room happens to be on this floor as well.” Max glanced at the Bush family. His gaze fell on Hannah. “Madam, I just heard you slandering Miss Miller?” Hannah was confused. “Who are you? Why are you also defending Gina? Oh, I get it. Gina hasbeen involved with so many people. No wonder she’s shameless!” “Madam, don’t spew nonsense without evidence,” Max said impatiently. Hannah was taken aback, not expecting to be scolded by a younger generation. “What did yousay?”

“Madam… Max was about to repeat himself when Gabriel interrupted him. His words are vulgar, but they makesense.” Hannah was furious. “You, you… Has Gina bewitched you all? Making you so devoted to her? Thisis absurd.” “Gabriel! No matter what, Gina not letting me into Quaria is her fault. You have to help me get anexplanation. If you don’t help me, I’ll go to Mr. Neil… Jasmine said. She couldn’t believe that Gina could still be in the right about this matter. Gabriel frowned. “Be honest with yourself. Do you really have the qualifications to join Quaria?” Jasmine felt as if she had fallen into an ice cave, not expecting that Gabriel would actually questionher without any mercy don’t have the qualifications, does Gina? What remarkable work does shehave? She didn’t even study design, did she?” “The fact that she didn’t study it doesn’t mean she can’t do it. Before she publicly revealed heridentity as the dean of Prover Hospital, did you know that she understands business andmedicine?” Gabriel refuted Jasmine. “I 11:32 Mon, May 27 Chapter 247 Jasmine couldn’t help but cry Hannah 74% Hammalt couldn’t bear to see her beloved daughter being wronged and immediately prepared topush Jasmine’s wheelchair back to the room. Jabari was also a bit embarrassed because of the situation “Call, I’ll leave lost? Before leaving. Jabari took a look at Max, and he was a bit curios Was Max one of Gina’s admirerst In the corridor, only Jabari and Gabriel were left, and when their eyes met, there was a hint ofgunpowder. Max said casually, “Mr. Jackson, it seems your unwanted romantic entanglements are quite

troublesome “What does it have to do with you?” Gabriel said coldly. Max smiled. “I just helped you out of a difficult situation, didn’t Withs that attitude, I should haveknown not to help you. Do you think I wanted to help you? Max walked toward his room. “I’d be more than happy to see yo Gabriel felt that Max had an ulterior motive in his words. ntangled with unwanted romantic interests” Was he implying that if he was entangled with other women, May could take the opportunity topursue Gina? Gabriel clenched his fist and warned. “Do you think you have the qualifications to compete withme?” Max’s smile faded, and he turned his head to look at Gabriel without any expression. “Mr. Jackson,sometimes it’s better not to be too confident.” Gabriel snorted coldly and said nothing. He strode into the hotel suite with long steps. At Quaria, Alison sat in her office, staring at an A4 sheet of paper in front of her without any idea.Gina had already given the theme for the new product design, but she was at a loss. Everyoneunder her had handed in their drafts one after another, but she hadn’t made a single design draft. This made her feel very anxious and she even started to doubt whether her talent had beenexhausted. If she couldn’t draw a draft, how could she still hold the position of director and lead thedesigners under her to create Quaria’s glory?Alison was anxious and melancholic. A knock on the door interrupted Alison’s chaotic thoughts. “Jade, what’s the matter?” Alison looked up and said. Jade walked up to Alison and said. “Miss Hammond, for the follow-up new product production, weneed to go to the processing center to monitor and control the quality. I don’t want to be with Alban.Can you change someone else?? “Why can’t you be with Alban?” Alison was puzzled. “I just don’t want to be with him,” Jade said a bit hesitantly. novelbin

Alison saw that Jade had something to hide “You have to tell me the real reason, and I can considerit and agree to o your request Jade sighed “He confessed to me, and I rejected him. Now, it’s very awkward between us.” “Is that all ווו11:32 Mon, May 27 Chapter 247 Yes.” Alison sighed. “Can’t you even be colleagues after you rejected his confession?” 74%1 Jade didn’t know what to say. “Tm afraid that if we continue to interact, he will think he still has achance. Mainly because he just confessed, and it’s in a very awkward stage now. I think it would bebetter if 1 avoid hirm for a while, and after a period of time, when it’s less awkward, we can getalong as ordinary colleagues Alison didn’t agree. “Everyone else has their own tasks at hand, and the follow-up for you two to goto the processing center for supervision was arranged a long time ago If you suddenly change yourmind, it will disrupt the rhythm of the entire department. It’s just a bit awkward. At work, you onlycommunicate with him about work matters, and after work, you ignore him. In this way, can he stillthink he has a chance! “I think as an adult, he also has self-esteem, right? Moreover, if he continues to pester you, you cantell me, and I will help you solve it. Alson said

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