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Chapter 722

Chapter 722 Come Here, Don't You Remember Me?

After more than two years of absence, Blanche had grown a lot taller. Perhaps because he was a boy,he was half a head taller than his twin sister.

His face was still handsome and eye-catching. His slightly curly natural hair made him look like a princewho came out of a fairy tale. No one would be able to look away after catching a glance at him.

However, Lanie was staring at Luke with a complicated expression. He seemed excited, confused, andannoyed at the same time. Luke was not sure how to react but found it funny.

He beckoned to Blanche in a fatherly tone, saying, "Come here, don't you remember me?"

Blanche hesitated for a quarter of an hour before walking slowly to Luke's side. He said in a neutraltone, "Dad."

He was mad at Luke-mad that he had disappeared for so long; mad that his disappearance had madehis mother's life so hard; mad that everyone else had their parents by their side but he and his sistersuddenly came from a single-parent family.

However, now that his father had appeared, Blanche suddenly realized that he missed him very much.

Luke sighed lightly, rubbed his son’s fluffy hair, and said emotionally, "Now that you've grown up, you'reno longer the kid who obeys his dad's orders. It's my fault that I haven't been here to watch you andyour sister grow up in the past two years. I promise that I'll always be with you from now on."

Blanche rarely showed his emotions.

Despite his young age, he was more taciturn and calm, especially in the past two years when Lukedisappeared.

However, when Luke touched his head as he did before he disappeared, Blanche threw himself intoLuke's arms like his sister and wailed...

"Dad, I missed you! Mom, Rainie, Tommy, and everyone in the family missed you so much. Why didyou go missing for so long? You don't know how hard things have been for Mommy during yourabsence. Rainie cries a lot and Tommy is so naughty... I’m so glad that you're back. Our family hasreunited once more... Dad, please don't leave us again..." "Lanie, my good boy, I’m sorry. I promise youthat no matter what happens in the future, I'll never leave you again. Our family will always betogether." Luke gently rubbed his son's back with his hand. It was rare that he was so patient withcoaxing Blanche.

Bianca watched as Luke and Blanche hugged. The warm and touching scene made her tear up again.

Lanie had always been a very sensible child. Especially in the past two years, he was so sensible thatit started to worry her.

She would always think that Blanche had a steady and mature personality, so he did not need as muchattention as his sister and brother. She sometimes forgot that he was just a seven-year-old little boy!

Bianca wanted to have a simple meal together as she had to rush back to the hospital in the afternoon,but Old Master Crawford firmly disagreed.

To celebrate Luke's return, Old Master Crawford hired a few celebrity chefs from a hotel to prepare afeast.

The lunch was very hearty.

Not only was the food on the table beautiful to look at, but the colors, aroma, and flavors were all alsospot on. The meal could make anyone salivate at first glance.

At the huge rotating round table, Susan and Louis sat on the right side of Old Master Crawford.

Next to Louis sat a charming woman. She was fashionable and displayed a metropolitan style.

She was Louis' wife, Yuri Dunn. She was also Deputy Secretary Dunn's daughter. They got married twoyears ago.

It was a shotgun marriage forced by Susan.

At first, Louis had refused, but Susan threatened him by attempting suicide. Hence, forcing him toagree to the marriage.

However, Louis and Yuri were not a happy couple.

Both of them were very playful, and Louis has no love for Yuri at all. Yuri was grumpy, jealous, and hada strong desire to control Louis, which left a bad taste in Louis' mouth.

The two often fought and caused the Crawford family turmoil. From time to time, they would infuriateSusan so much that she regretted forcing her son to marry a domineering and unreasonable daughter-in-law like Yuri.

However, nothing could be done. Susan would never allow her son and Yuri to separate. One of thereasons was Yuri's identity and background. Also, she could not let Allison make fun of her. All Susancould do was grit her teeth and endure it.

Since getting married, Louis and Yuri had done their own thing. They displayed affection in front ofoutsiders, but they were strangers when they returned home.

There was a high stool between Yuri and Louis. On it sat a beautiful girl who was about two years old.

The girl's name was Thea Crawford, and she looked like Louis. She had a sweet face and her skin wasfair, but she was very arrogant even at a young age. Her overbearing behavior was all thanks to Susanspoiling her.

On the left side of Old Master Crawford sat Luke, Bianca, the twins, and Wanda.

It was a lot more harmonious compared to the atmosphere on Susan's side.

Luke's considerate act of picking up vegetables for Bianca, as well as his pampering attitude towardher, made Yuri jealous.

Yuri shot daggers at Louis with her glare. The man was eating by himself. She was so angry that shecould not eat.

She used her elbow to stab Louis and complained in an extremely dissatisfied tone, "Look at how Lukeis treating his wife! You? All you care about is yourself! Louis, are you a pig? Or are you blind? Don'tyou know how to treat your wife and child well?" "What's your problem?!" Louis stared at herimpatiently but still grabbed a piece of braised pork.

Yuri was overjoyed and was about to compliment him, but she saw him put the braised pork in Thea'sbowl. He then squeezed the child's face lovingly and said, "Thea, eat more meat to grow taller and Dadwill take you to kayak."

Yuri was angry, but after all, Thea was their daughter, so she could not get angry at her. All she coulddo was suppress her anger and continue shooting daggers at Louis with a glare!

Louis did not bother to pay any attention to Yuri and continued eating.

Thea threw the braised pork that Louis placed in her bowl on the ground. Her arrogant face was raisedhigh as she said unhappily, "I don’t like to eat braised pork. It's fat and oily, it's so disgusting! I want to

eat the ones that are in front of you!"

She possessively placed the dishes that were in front of Louis in front of her, like an arrogant femaleoverlord. Louis was speechless. 1

Thea would do this every time they had a meal together.

There were certain foods that she was not a fan of, but she just liked to compete for things.novelbin

He was not sure how Susan could spoil her until she became such a tyrant at a young age.

Susan continued eating as though it was not her problem. She was the one who instigated Thea'sbehavior. She took pleasure in creating chaos for Allison, even if it was just a small matter.

Luke's expression was as cold as snow. He shot a look at Thea. The child was more sensitive, so whenshe was stared at by such a powerful man, she was so scared that she cried...

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