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Chapter 721

Chapter 721 A Bolt From The Blue!

Wanda was touched when she saw how Luke defended Bianca.

Bianca had chosen the right man to spend her life with. She found a good man who loved her andprotected her. Under his protection, no matter how arrogant and defiant Allison was, she would not beable to harm Bianca.

Old Master Crawford looked around and realized that Tommy was not with them. His questioning eyesfell on Bianca as he said, "By the way, where's my dear Tommy? Why isn't he here? You didn’t loseTommy, did you?"

Tommy was only a little over two years old. He was Old Master Crawford's pride and joy. Although hewas naughty, his cheeky appearance often made Old Master Crawford laugh. Old Master Crawfordliked him even more than the twins.

Bianca said, "Grandpa, my parents missed Tommy, so I sent him to the Norman residence to spendsome time with them. I'll bring him over in two days." "Bring him here as soon as possible! Tommy'ssurname is Crawford, he has no business staying in the Norman residence so often," Old MasterCrawford said, dissatisfied.

"Okay, Grandpa," Bianca responded quickly.

Old Master Crawford felt a little more at ease. He turned his head and saw Wanda.

Old Master Crawford noticed that she was sitting quietly on the sofa, keeping her head down and notspeaking. He said to her, "Wanda, how is your father doing? I haven't seen him for almost a month. Imiss him a lot. He’s always welcome in Crawford Manor."

Bianca's mood turned sullen.

She was about to speak but stopped at Luke's stare.

Wanda's body stiffened slightly and she said mechanically, "Old Master Crawford, my dad is alright butneeds to rest at home for a while due to an old injury. When he gets better, I’ll be sure to bring him overto meet with


Old Master Crawford nodded and said, "In that case, he shouldn't be running around. He should focuson his recovery. When I have the time, I’ll visit him."

He knew that Old Master Rayne's health was not the best and he had asthma, which was prone torelapse in this season. That was why he did not suspect anything.novelbin

Old Master Crawford said, "Bea, since Luke has returned, let him take care of the company's matters.The past two years have been really hard on you and you've done enough for T Corporation. You're awoman; it’s not easy to manage the pressure that comes along with managing T Corporation. Takeadvantage of Luke's return to take a good rest and spend more time with your grandfather."

Old Master Crawford knew that Bianca had done an amazing job of managing T Corporation.

However, since his grandson had returned, he felt that he had to take back the power in her hands.

Although Bianca was his granddaughter-in-law and had given birth to three grandchildren for theCrawford family, to Old Master Crawford, she was still an outsider. He only trusted those related to himby blood.

Although Old Master Crawford phrased it as though it was for Bianca's sake, everyone presentunderstood that he was trying to get rid of her now that she was no longer useful.

Bianca did not think much about it, but Wanda felt a little uncomfortable hearing it.

'How can Old Master Crawford treat Bianca like this? She has been at his beck and call this whole timebut as soon as his grandson is back, he's kicking her out just like that?!'

Wanda smiled and said with a touch of sarcasm, "Yes, Bianca has been working too hard in the pasttwo years when Luke is absent. She has been so busy working for T Corporation that she can’t evensleep at night. Not only are her dark circles getting worse, but her hair is also falling. On top of that,she's also raising three young children for the Crawford family. I feel so bad for her! Bea, now that Lukeis back, you won't have to be so tired all the time. You can finally do what you want, like travel andmaintain your beauty... The life of a nobleman’s wife seems nice."

Although Luke did not say anything, his facial expression revealed his true emotions.

He was also not a fan of Old Master Crawford's attitude toward Bianca.

However, he had already transferred all the properties under his name to Bianca. Aunt Wanda'ssarcasm made him feel somewhat at a loss.

He held Bianca's hand and looked into her eyes with tenderness. He then said to Wanda humbly, "AuntWanda, don't worry. Bianca will still be assisting me to manage T Corporation. She has been theinterim CEO for more than two years and would be more knowledgeable than me in some matters.Even if I return as CEO, I'd still need her help."

Old Master Crawford's face turned gloomy.

He hit the floor with his cane, and the loud sound made others feel like their hearts had been struck bythunder.

"Aunt Wanda...’

Bianca saw that the situation was a little tense, so she tugged Wanda's sleeve anxiously andwhispered in her ear, "Aunt Wanda, Luke has transferred all his properties to me. He loves me so muchto the point where he's willing to do so. Please don't ridicule him anymore..."

Wanda snorted and poked Bianca's head. "Look at you! All you do is side with your man. I just want tomake sure that no one is taking advantage of you, you silly girl!"

She knew about Luke's will, but she could not stand the attitude of the Crawford family toward Bianca.

Bianca was smart and considerate, but her shortcoming was that she valued relationships too muchand was too kind. She was easily deceived by others.

However, she was satisfied with Luke's answer.

Fortunately, Luke was reliable and had a good character. Otherwise, she was not comfortable withBianca staying in such a toxic environment with the Crawford family.

Susan Armstrong had been drinking tea leisurely, watching all this with a cold expression. She wishedthat Luke had died and not come back.

During Luke's absence, although Bianca was in charge, T Corporation was able to stand strong due toher son, Louis.

Louis has gradually grown to become stronger in the past two years. She thought that when the timewas right, she would join her son to take over Bianca's role. She did not expect Luke to come backfrom the dead. This was a bolt from the blue!

The driver fetched the twins back from school.

When the two of them saw Luke, they were extremely excited.

Rainie threw herself into Luke's arms while holding his neck, crying out, " Daddy..."

Rainie hugged him tightly and was not willing to let go, as if she was afraid that he would disappearonce she did.

Luke coaxed Rainie for five minutes before she stopped crying.

He looked at his daughter whom he had not seen in two years.

Rainie had grown taller, her delicate face was pinkish, and her slightly raised eyebrows looked delicate.Her watery eyes had become more clear from the tears. She was as beautiful as a porcelain doll.

Luke could not help but sigh. His daughter has grown up to look just like her mother.

However, when his gaze fell on Blanche, he was a little dazed...

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