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Chapter 447

Chapter 447 We’re In Public. Aren't You Shy?

Luke smiled as he caressed her soft hair and kissed her nose. "That person is an international conartist and is wanted by the Interpol. Aren't you scared?" "What...?" Bianca opened her mouth in shock.

Luke could not resist pinching Bianca's earlobe when he saw her adorable reaction. "Silly, did youactually believe that?"

Bianca playfully punched Luke when she saw his joking expression. "Don't fool me like that. I'd beworried."

Luke felt warmth in his heart when he saw how Bianca's smile was more refreshing than the sight ofpeach blossoms in March.

It was not about how Bianca looked but how she carried herself. Her demeanor gave her elegance,kindness, and many more characteristics. The sight of her comforted Luke.

"I have my own considerations for doing certain things, and you don't have to worry about me overevery small matter. You're now the mother of three children, and you should be a good role model forthe kids." Luke said gently as he held onto her petite hand in his palm.

"I know, but I can't help it. Maybe the emotions of pregnant women are easily affected," Bianca said.

"With me by your side, you don't have to cry anymore." Luke held Bianca's hand as they walked up thestairs and deeper into the grove.novelbin

There were many species of peach trees in the garden. It was like a sea of blossoms.

They continued to walk casually in the peach garden.

Luke temporarily forgot about his stress at work. The woman strolling with him gave him bliss. Becauseof her, he knew how to love, and she was what he wanted in his life.

About ten minutes later, Bianca suddenly stopped walking and stared at the man's handsome face.

Luke smiled. ' Are you tired of walking? Let me carry..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Bianca stood on tiptoe, hugged his neck, and kissed him, startingfrom his forehead, down to the tip of his nose, past the lips, and on his chin. She smiled at him like acheeky little rabbit.

Luke was surprised. Bianca had always been shy, and he was usually the one to kiss her.

She had rarely taken the initiative to kiss him.

"We're in public. Aren't you shy?" He said as he kissed her cheek.

A hint of cunning flashed in Bianca's eyes, and she smiled as though her plan succeeded. "There's noone here anyway. You're the one who usually kissed me, and I should take the initiative sometimes.The surroundings are perfect..."

As though proving her point, in a retro-style gazebo not far away, a lovingly married couple was lockedin a longing kiss.

The weather was warming up, and the mountain was filled with blossoms and birdsong. It was theperfect scene for lovers.

Luke wanted to say something when Bianca's lips covered his.

He was too tall, and it was hard for Bianca to stand on tiptoe. However, she enjoyed playing the littlegame. After every few steps, she would sneak a kiss on him.

Peach trees lined both sides of the path. The blossoms were as pink as a sunset or white as snow. Ifone looked closely, they might even spot a honey bee.

The number of blossoms increased as they walked toward the interior, and the fragrance in the air wasthick.

They found a rest stop, and they sat down on rattan chairs.

"The blossoms here are very beautiful. The owner of this garden must love life," Bianca exclaimed.

"If you like the place, how about I buy it for you as a present?" Luke said indulgently.

Luke did not even blink when he mentioned buying the place, as though he was talking aboutsomething mundane like the weather.

If Bianca liked it, he would find a way to give it to her. All that just to make her smile.

"Huh?" Bianca's eyes widened.

Seeing that Luke was not joking, she quickly declined. "No. This peach garden is so beautiful, and itsowner must have spent a lot of effort on it. I shouldn't take what belongs to others."

Most importantly, the garden was in the periphery of A City, and it was not going to be cheap. Thepeach garden should be about a thousand acres, and that would need a lot of money.

She did not have to own the things she liked, and she would not go overboard because her man dotedupon her.

That was why Luke loved her.

"I'll buy a plot of land for you in the future, and you plant anything you want on it. Make it a garden ofyour own," he said seriously.

Bianca thought that Luke was joking, and she did not treat his claim seriously. Looking at his handsomeface under the peach trees, she kissed him obsessively. There was no better way to express her lovefor him other than physical intimacy...

Luke also kissed her.

While they were entangled in a kiss, Bianca suddenly felt something cold at the back of her neck.

She lowered her head to see. It was an emerald necklace. The gems were clear with a hint ofturquoise, and it looked expensive.

Bianca knew that all of Luke's presents were expensive. She lost the mood to kiss him.

She took off the necklace and placed it in his hand. "I can't possibly accept this necklace. You'vealready given me one, I..." "I bought this necklace on one of my overseas business trips. I thought itsuits you very well. It's only a few thousand dollars. It's not that expensive." That was what Luke toldBianca, knowing that she would decline it.

Bianca saw from his eyes that he was not lying. The price was within an acceptable range...

She took the necklace.

She believed that Luke had told her the true price of the necklace until many years later when she worethe necklace to join an antique auction, an experienced appraiser told her excitedly that Luke haddeceived her. i

The "cheap necklace" was the only one in the world...

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